Topic: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Please help!
Can't find the reason why my Rme UCX II instrument input is clipping while tracking guitars.
I have a bunch of guitars and basses all of them clipping with gain at 0.
I strumming very very hard. Need to record a clean DI without compressors, pedals, attenuators, etc. Just a clean DI
Also i cant turn out the volume knob lower on the guitar even slightly because i'am loosing my tone.
I've had another interfaces in the past and didn't clip at all.
P.S. Clipping is audible.
Driver version 1.84
SW version: 26

2 (edited by ramses 2024-01-13 11:42:08)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Is it only with one or with all guitars?

Can you put examples? What guitar and pickup do you use? Active or Passive pickups? Neck or bridge pickup or on both?
What string gauge is in use? The thicker the strings, the more energy / dynamic they send to the PU, by this higher output volume.

Might it be that the distance between pickup and strings is too low so that you are getting unusual high peaks?
Which is not good, because on the one hand the strings lead to higher peak output but are being caught by the magnets of the PU and cannot vibrate properly and thus less sustain.

For my Gibson Les Paul (which is perfectly adjusted by a true artist in his field) with 59' Classic PUs
the distance between the PU cover and the lower edge of the string,
measured at the side of PU towards the fingerboard and for a 009-042 string gauge, is:
                       Neck PU        Bridge PU
high e-string     4 mm             3 mm
deep E-string    4 mm             3 mm

Do you know somebody with an UFX, UFX II, UFX+, UFX III? If yes try and compare whether there is a difference.

Reason: I am using the instr inputs for different guitars with passive pickups
Single Coil: Texas Special. Humbucker: Gibson 59 Classic.
The Gain settings is perfect at 20-22 depending on whether you have Humbucker or Single Coil (+2 dB Gain more).
Gain range is 8-50.

> P.S. Clipping is audible.
Watch the peaks, it will clip if the peaks exceed 0dB on the Instr input.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

With all the guitars.
(Playing only bridge pickups)
All pickups are passive even on basses i use passive mode only
I have ibanez rgr 652 stock DiMarzio Fusion Edge pickups. Height 2.5mm on bridge pick up. Strings 10-52
Ibanez rgrtbb21 stock Dimarzio Dactivotor pickups. Height 3mm on the bridge pickups. Strings 10-52
Basses - Dingwall combustion and Ibanez BTB 805MS. On the basses height 5mm to bridge pick up.
Unfortunately i don't have anybody who has RME in my area.
I had before RME 4 different interfaces from other brands and none of them were clipping with exactly the same guitars
I am not new in guitar world. I know very well how to set up guitar. I know what height should be on the bridge pick up etc.
It's not a guitar related problem 100%.
Might be missing something in settings of Rme or somewhere else.
I turn on and off all the buttons in Total mix (+13 dbu +19dbu etc) re-installed drivers and Firmware few times, nothing help.
I've met on the forums some people have same problems and as i understood they didn't solve the problem. They just start using DI boxes. But i hate DI boxes they all sound bad. I bought RME for direct recording.

4 (edited by ramses 2024-01-13 13:32:09)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

According to this thread, the gain has been increased for both, BBF Pro FS and UCX II.
Maybe it is now too high?

Could you kindly confirm whether your inst input has only a gain knob or also different ref levels like it seems to be the case for the latest implementation / refinement in that area for  BBF Pro FS?

I see at the end of the thread that RME had to implement another ref level to make the input more sensitive, as it turned out to be too complicated to change this at the gain knob itself.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

For a test : Total Reset in Totalmix, menu Options, Reset mix, Total Reset.
Then connect the guitar at the backside to an analog line input socket.
How much signal does it receive ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by ramses 2024-01-13 12:19:06)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

waedi wrote:

For a test : Total Reset in Totalmix, menu Options, Reset mix, Total Reset.
Then connect the guitar at the backside to an analog line input socket.
How much signal does it receive ?

The normal line inputs have too low impedance and are not useful, so why should he test with those, makes IMHO no sense at all (AFAIR it kills treble on the input signal making it dull therefore you have Hi-Z inputs).

Let's gather information here so that RME can get a clue whether this needs review and further adjustments.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Yeah i've read that topic.
I did full reset now and took a screenshot of an input level signal

8 (edited by waedi 2024-01-13 12:21:34)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

From my point of view this is plenty of signal without clipping, if you want more signal, use the instrument input,
the test should reveal that the device has many options for recording your instrument and one way or the other will fit.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

I think my pickups somewhere in the middle. It's not so hot and not a low output pickups.
But it was ok with other interfaces ( i've had a lot of them)
And if i want to use a DI box i just wouldn't buy RME. I could use any other interfaces.
But i would like to record straight in. This is why i bought RME.
I know it has one of the best AD/DA converters and it's very transparent in sound.
DI box will color and thinning out the sound.
I'vs tested a lot of DI boxes too.

10 (edited by ramses 2024-01-13 12:31:28)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

disprozium wrote:

Yeah i've read that topic.
I did full reset now and took a screenshot of an input level signal

I also made the experience that it is possible to use the Analogue inputs, with the highest sensitivity +13 dBu and using a digital gain of +11 dB (out of 12 possible).

But Hi-Z / Instr inputs are needed to prevent tone loss: too low of an input impedance leads to signal attenuation and loss of highs. A Hi-Z input prevents this phenomenon, ensuring a clear and faithful sound.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

11 (edited by disprozium 2024-01-13 13:51:04)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

It's line input on the screen shot. It's not an instrument input. I mean in first screenshots

This is an instrument input screenshot

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Using Analog inputs sound is completely dull. You can play the guitar but it's not good for recording and mixing.

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

disprozium wrote:

Using Analog inputs sound is completely dull. You can play the guitar but it's not good for recording and mixing.

Exactly, hence my comment on waedi's suggestion to use a normal analogue input, that's useless, a completely unnecessary test. You would need something like a DI-Box to bring the signal to line level. I personally try to avoid this, as DI-boxes can become expensive and then you have another device there claiming "precious" space and more cabling etc.

I would also prefer, like you, to be able to use the Instr input.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

14 (edited by disprozium 2024-01-13 14:57:02)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Yeahhh this is what i trying to get with RME)
Just to record straight in without any whistles and dances)))

15 (edited by ramses 2024-01-13 13:29:54)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

When I am strumming heavily as hard as I can, both PUs enabled, then I get -4,8 lets say -5 dB peak and -15 db RMS when using a gain of -20 as I mentioned. Gain range is 8-50.

Not 100% sure but in your screenshot the RMS level seems to be on the 3rd marker below 0 dBFS.
This might be -10 dBFS RMS level at your lowest gain level.

So when comparing my levels with your levels.
Gain range is 8...50 for my instr input.
My RMS is -15, 5 dB lower than yours but I could still reduce my Gain from 20 to 8, which is 12dB difference.

5 + 12 = 17 dB ...

Compared to UFX III and my guitar it looks to me, that the sensitivity of the UCX II Instr inputs is around 15-17 dB too high for your passive pickup with higher volume (if I calculated / estimated it correctly).

Maybe the previous settings were correct for you. It would be interesting to know how much more sensitive the Inst have been made by RME after the discussion in the above-mentioned thread.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

This is how it looks in a DAW

This happens with all my guitars

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

i've also tried to install some old drivers and Firmware but failed.

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

It's the weekend now and this is the user forum. I would write to RME support per mail, adding the URL to this thread as reference.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

I did. Two times. Couple weeks ago. They didn't reply.

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

disprozium wrote:

I did. Two times. Couple weeks ago. They didn't reply.

This thread is from today.
You can send this as recommended by Ramses, please be patient and allow them to study the thread, they will take care.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Please don't start rumours about changes of the overall sensitivity - that is not the case. Only the max amplification aka gain has been increased from 12 to 24 dB, to address users with very low signal guitars.

Extreme pickers exist. One has to understand that then the peak output level of the guitar indeed exceeds +13 dBu, the max input level of the UCX II when set to +19 dBu with Inst active and gain at 0.

You can get 6 dB more headroom (full +19 dBu) by using the rear inputs and following the advice from older manuals:

The Line inputs can also be used as instrument inputs. Active instruments can be connected directly and be level-adjusted perfectly with the Gain pots. Passive e-guitars require an additional impedance buffer. Most guitarists have one, but don't know that they do. Modern floor effects devices are active even in bypass mode, and then operate as impedance buffer.

That's the onyl solution other than a DI-box. No RME interface has Inst inputs that go higher than +13 dBu.
Edit: Statement corrected in post 24: … 14#p213014

Matthias Carstens

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

Is it possible RME will add more headroom for instrument input in the future?

23 (edited by ramses 2024-01-14 13:03:47)

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

MC wrote:

Please don't start rumours about changes of the overall sensitivity - that is not the case. Only the max amplification aka gain has been increased from 12 to 24 dB, to address users with very low signal guitars.

Starting rumours was not the intention. Just troubleshooting and attempts to explain why he is experiencing such high levels and overall clipping with passive pickups.

MC wrote:

You can get 6 dB more headroom (full +19 dBu) by using the rear inputs and following the advice from older manuals:

The Line inputs can also be used as instrument inputs. Active instruments can be connected directly and be level-adjusted perfectly with the Gain pots. Passive e-guitars require an additional impedance buffer. Most guitarists have one, but don't know that they do. Modern floor effects devices are active even in bypass mode, and then operate as impedance buffer.

How about reintroducing the old passage from the manuals into the current ones? That way, users would know that instrument inputs also have their limitations and how to solve this using the rear analogue inputs in combination with a buffer. This would have been very helpful here. I wouldn't have expected that even a passive humbucker could deliver too high of an input signal for the instrument input.

I haven't had such problems so far because I use pickups with moderate output power. The Gibson 59 Classic pickups are simply great, fortunately you don't have any of these issues with those.

However, there are many guitarists who work with hotter pickups.

MC wrote:

That's the onyl solution other than a DI-box. No RME interface has Inst inputs that go higher than +13 dBu.

I just checked a couple of products out of interest because I own them. UFX III, XTC, 12Mic support input levels up to +21 dBu. I am not certain whether this would help in his case, but 8 dBu more would give at least some more headroom.

Octamic XTC's four inst inputs: +21 dBu
UFX III four inst inputs: +21 dBu
12Mic four inst inputs: +20 dBu

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

The XTC is no longer available. The 12Mic is not an audio interface.

Thanks for reminding me. These interfaces have Instrument input up to +21 dBu:
Fireface 802, Fireface 802 FS
Fireface UFX II
Fireface UFX III

Matthias Carstens

Re: Rme UCX II instrument (3/4) input clipping with gain at 0

To me even +21 dBu is not enough. My bass guitars are clipping so hard. I doubt 21 is enough.
Is it possible to add some headroom?
Or it's physically limited?
I just don't wanna use DI Box.