1 (edited by Clint Goss 2024-01-17 10:37:47)

Topic: Control of Fader by MIDI does not work with (T)rim Gain button On

With the (T)rim Gain button on for a Software Playback channel, moving the fader on that channel affects the fader value for all submixes.

However, the same action taken via MIDI (I am using CC 102-117 on MIDI Ch5) acts as if the (T)rim Gain button is off ... only affecting the currently selected Hardware submix.

I do not know whether this is (A) a TotalMix bug or (B) the intended implementation. I was really counting on the MIDI commands controlling the fader the way the GUI fader works ...

TotalMix v1.84, Babyface Pro FS

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S