1 (edited by kosmatoo 2023-10-15 19:01:21)

Topic: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

I would like to connect my RME Fireface 400 via ADAT to Audient iD14 mk2 as my PC laptop has no firewire port and I still wish tu use my RME so ADAT connection is my only option to still use RME.

Audient will be directly connected to PC laptop via USB-C and RME will be connected as standalone via ADAT.

Now looking at technical specification (link below) of Audient iD14 mk2, will I still keep the RME recording quality?
Link: https://audient.com/products/audio-inte … ech-specs/

What about Word Clock sychronization between these 2 devices? This audient model has no word clock if I'am correct but it will be a master interface. RME has Word Clock, but will be slave interface. Will it work if connected via ADAT?

Will all mic/line RME inputs keep the recording quality of RME in this setup?

Can I expect higher latency?

I would be grateful for any suggestions if this ADAT connection of RME is a good idea or I should look for different solution?

My goal is to keep my RME interface but no firewire ports (I also have no thunderbolt ports, only USB-C) in my PC force me to use different connection setup.

2 (edited by ramses 2023-10-15 21:06:16)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Since the iD14 Mk II has no word clock and no ADAT OUT connector, the only option is to configure the FF400 as clock master.

But since you don't have a Firewire connector on the PC, you can't switch the sample rate on the FF400 between 44.1 and 48 kHz. For that, you would need a FW400 port and an installed Firewire driver to be able to change the sample rate in the driver settings dialog (and of course, you need to connect the FF400 via FW to the PC).
So you would have to connect the FF400 to another computer with Firewire for each sample rate change, it couldn't be more cumbersome. And to hope that you would only get 44.1 kHz is probably a "nice wish".
In the end, you would have to install a FW400 card in your PC.

No problem, however, would be the combination of iD22, 24 or 44 Mk II and FF400 standalone connected via ADAT.
You won't need WC, the FF400 can get the clock via ADAT.

Clock                                                        Clock
master                                                     slave

Audient---ADAT OUT--------------->ADAT IN---FF400
          \-----ADAT IN<----------------ADAT OUT--/

By SteadyClock technology, the RME device is anyway the perfect clock client, which removes any potential jitter to a very high degree. The application on your PC determines the sample rate and Audient as clock master would pass the clock signal either via ADAT or WC.

Alternative: selling Audient iD 14 and FF400 and getting a UCX II. Ok, the price is higher, but it would certainly be a better solution. Then you have the proven RME drivers, TotalMix FX and plenty of useful options.
With the UCX II, you get so many useful features that were previously only found on the flagship devices, e.g., mic preamps with 75 dB gain and DURec (either backup or standalone recording on a USB stick).

Regarding the latency question: the latency is not significantly increased via ADAT, maybe 3 samples delay as with MADI or even less, but not more. This is not a problem at all.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thank you for clear explanation. That's really helpful!

From what you wrote I understand that additional interface needs it's own Word Clock and ADAT in & ADAT out ports in order to sync with RME, am I correct here? Or I need only interface with ADAT in and out but can possibly have no Word Clock? Would that work also?

UCX II is for sure amazing, however I need to stick to budget solution for now.

Easiest would be selling my Fireface 400 (which is not so easy and obvious to find a buyer) and buy and switch to used RME UC that can connect via USB to my PC laptop.

Since it's hard to sell Fireface 400 interface I'am trying to connect it via ADAT through different interaface that is budget and possibly keeps quality.

Apart from Audient iD 22 or 24 I'am considering budget interfaces with ADAT such as: Presonus Studio 1810, or Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 2nd/3rd gen. Not sure what would work best here.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

Since it's hard to sell Fireface 400 interface I'am trying to connect it via ADAT through different interaface that is budget and possibly keeps quality.

Apart from Audient iD 22 or 24 I'am considering budget interfaces with ADAT such as: Presonus Studio 1810, or Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 2nd/3rd gen. Not sure what would work best here.

You would still have the problem explained by Ramses above: to configure your Fireface400 you need the connection to a computer. It’s about the clock settings but also about the proper channel routing.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

5 (edited by ramses 2023-10-16 13:27:19)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

> From what you wrote I understand that additional interface needs it's own Word Clock

No. Devices in every setup need to be clock synchronized. Otherwise, you get audio glitches, drops, etc.
Every device has an internal clock.
But when multiple devices are in a setup, then only one device can act as clock master and the other devices (so called clock slaves) need to get the clock from the "clock master"
- either through WC or
- a digital connection (to either master directly or from another clock slave).

Clock can be distributed
a) either by using WC which needs a separate word clock cabling (75 Ohm) and termination at both ends
b) or by using digital connections like ADAT, SPDIF, AES, MADI, for this you need a digital output, because a clock signal can only be transferred through an output and all those connections are unidirectional, digital data is only transferred into one direction.

The problem of your Audient iD14 mk2 is, that you bought it too small.
It has neither a digital output (like e.g. ADAT OUT) nor Word clock. By this it can act only as clock slave.

> and ADAT in & ADAT out ports in order to sync with RME
Only an ADAT out would be needed to send the clock signal to the FF400 configured as clock slave (to get clock not from internal clock but from ADAT IN).

Clock synchronization via ADAT or WC has no difference in quality, I prefer to clock sync through digital ports, because this saves you the additional WC cables.

It's a good idea to get a used RME, from this you have most benefits, by also getting TotalMix FX, DigiCheck, DigiCheck NG, TotalMix Remote.
All these good features you will never ever get from the competition, especially not with those consumer grade low-cost interfaces. In my personal view only a waste of money.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thanks a lot for explanation.

Luckly I didn't buy iD14 yet, was just considering one, but after all info I gathered I will probably buy used RME either UC, UCX or Babyface pro FS. Now that's another topic about differences between them.

Thank you for all help.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

You could also use Digiface USB to connect FF 400 using ADAT. It has four ADAT ins and four outs. It could serve good if you have other HW with ADAT to 'glue' them together.

Concerning UC vs. UCX. UC does not have effects, while UCX has them. And UCX is better for standalone function as it may be preloaded with 6 TotalMix patches, UC just remembers last one used.

I have the both and DF USB, so I have direct experience....

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Kubrak wrote:

You could also use Digiface USB to connect FF 400 using ADAT. It has four ADAT ins and four outs. It could serve good if you have other HW with ADAT to 'glue' them together.

OP cannot configure the FF400 because he has no FW port on his computer.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, but he could configure it once. And use it so. I expect, it remembers routing. But I agree, it is not ideal.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Kubrak wrote:

Yes, but he could configure it once. And use it so. I expect, it remembers routing. But I agree, it is not ideal.

Yes, it’s possible to store the Totalmix state and the clock settings. Maybe kosmatoo can find a computer with FireWire to do that once…

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

oli77sch wrote:
Kubrak wrote:

You could also use Digiface USB to connect FF 400 using ADAT. It has four ADAT ins and four outs. It could serve good if you have other HW with ADAT to 'glue' them together.

OP cannot configure the FF400 because he has no FW port on his computer.

As for now I still have firewire port on my old slow macbook pro and FF400 is connected so I can configure, just don't know how.

As for Digiface USB it looks great however it's still pretty expensive as for addition only device to work with FF 400.
For that price I can get used RME UC and connect directly via USB to my PC.... then FF400 can be either used via ADAT if I want more inputs (which for now I don't) or will wait for a buyer and I'll stay with UC only which is fine.

As for effects in UCX - not sure how much I would use them in future, I rather prefer external hardware analog delay for example. But for sure it's bit better than UC.

oli77sch wrote:

Yes, it’s possible to store the Totalmix state and the clock settings.

Do you have any link with instructions on how to do that maybe?

Thank you for help.

12 (edited by waedi 2023-10-18 12:54:50)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

This is the user manual :

Page 32 :
Store (in Flash Memory)
A click on this button transmits all current settings into the flash memory of the Fireface. Those settings then become active directly after power-on, and also in stand-alone operation.


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

What waedi writes is one thing. The other thing is the Totalmix routing which also has to be stored (uploaded) to the Fireface. So these are two separate actions.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

The user manual doesn't show a store option for this, I think the button from the settings will store both.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

15 (edited by ramses 2023-10-18 14:22:39)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

H can try it out.
I tend to say it is like Oli says, TM FX and Driver Settings are two different things.

Otherwise, TM FX could also store the settings into the device, which would be much easier from an operational perspective. But this is only possible for more modern recording interfaces (e.g. UCX II, UFX II, UFX III) which have up to 6 different config slots on the device.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

16 (edited by oli77sch 2023-10-18 15:50:12)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

waedi wrote:

The user manual doesn't show a store option for this, I think the button from the settings will store both.

It was not a guess from my side! I have a FF400 since many years and it simply is exactly how I wrote. In difference to newer units there is only one single memory place instead of six, but otherwise it’s the same 'store current state into device' in 'options' menu of TotalMix. And since with these older devices there are many more settings to do via the 'Fireface Setup app' (preamp gain, line level and such), it’s not possible to combine both, Totalmix routings and other settings.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thanks for clearing this up.
The user manual was unclear about this.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Kubrak wrote:

You could also use Digiface USB to connect FF 400 using ADAT. It has four ADAT ins and four outs. It could serve good if you have other HW with ADAT to 'glue' them together.

Concerning UC vs. UCX. UC does not have effects, while UCX has them. And UCX is better for standalone function as it may be preloaded with 6 TotalMix patches, UC just remembers last one used.

I have the both and DF USB, so I have direct experience....

@Kubrak Regarding Digiface USB I see there are 2 versions of this device.
Now that's a newbie question but there is cheap version --> RME Audio Digiface (Blue) / 24 Bit, 96 kHz, Now, is this 96kHz instead of 192 kHz a big issue if I would like to use Digiface USB just as a connection device between my PC and Fireface 400? Or 192kHz version is the only way to go?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:
Kubrak wrote:

You could also use Digiface USB to connect FF 400 using ADAT. It has four ADAT ins and four outs. It could serve good if you have other HW with ADAT to 'glue' them together.

Concerning UC vs. UCX. UC does not have effects, while UCX has them. And UCX is better for standalone function as it may be preloaded with 6 TotalMix patches, UC just remembers last one used.

I have the both and DF USB, so I have direct experience....

@Kubrak Regarding Digiface USB I see there are 2 versions of this device.
Now that's a newbie question but there is cheap version --> RME Audio Digiface (Blue) / 24 Bit, 96 kHz, Now, is this 96kHz instead of 192 kHz a big issue if I would like to use Digiface USB just as a connection device between my PC and Fireface 400? Or 192kHz version is the only way to go?

I only know of one Digiface USB .. what do you mean exactly, links (URLs) please.

IMHO recording at 192 kHz is overrated, double speed is fine enough.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.


Can you post a link of this "second" DF Usb?
There is only one, as far as I can tell, and I 'm using it! smile

This one: https://www.rme-audio.de/digiface-usb.html

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

My mistake cause it's digiface audio (not USB)
https://www.ebay.com/itm/203147521805?h … SwhxJdC41r

since it's audio then no way it would work.
However connecting it via ADAT to Audient id22 (which is also 96kHz) would be similar issue so I guess it's possible in case of this Audient and I would end up working with 96 kHz in that case, am I right?
But I suppose it's not a big problem and downgrade in audio quality?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Its a very old device from the hammerfall series, doubt that drivers for it still exist.
You should ask RME support.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

The old Digiface is still supported, but this is a two part system. It also requires the HDSP PCI or HDSPe PCI host card to work. These cards are much more difficult to find on the used market.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

One more question. Can I connect RME fireface 400 to SSL 12 interface if it has only one ADAT IN (no ADAT out)?

25 (edited by ramses 2023-11-08 15:36:48)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

One more question. Can I connect RME fireface 400 to SSL 12 interface if it has only one ADAT IN (no ADAT out)?

Two possibilities.

A) your desired setup I assume
You need to configure the FF400 as clock master in this setup,
because the SSL 12 has only an ADAT IN port where it could receive clock information on its digital ADAT input.
It has no word clock, so that is no solution here.

PC----USB-------SSL 12 (cs)---ADAT IN<---------ADAT OUT---FF400 (cm)

B) also possible,
but possibly not the preferred solution for two reasons_
     - you need FW400 on your PC
     - you can't make use of the SSL 12's Mic inputs
Otherwise nice, as your main interface has the flexibility and options of TM FX.

PC----FW400----FF400 (cm)---ADAT OUT--------->ADAT IN---SSL 12 (cs)

cm = clock master (clock source "internal")
cs = clock slave (clock source "ADAT IN")

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thank you.

1st solution is desired as I can not connect FW400 directly to PC (which is in 2 solution).

Does that mean that 1st solution is also not possible because SSL12 has no Word Clock so FF400 can not get it as slave?

Does that mean that in 1 solution RME Ins and outs will not work via adat?

I'am reading it as both options fail.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Then you read it wrong, please read again.

FYI .. we have "felt 300+" threads in the forum about clock distribution and RME as stand-alone unit.
You can also have a look there to get an overview about the general aspects and what's possible and what not.
Use either extended forum or google search to find those threads ... (clock master is a good keyword for search).

Again in other words:

1. As your SSL 12 does not support WC and has no other digital output like ADAT port it can only be a clock slave getting clock through its one and only digital port "ADAT IN".
2. Then the FF400 has to be clock master and needs to be connected with his ADAT OUT to the ADAT IN of the SSL 12.

Another problem might be in this setup, that routing has to be prepared at the FF400 with installed drivers and a working FW400 connection. If not on this PC then on another.
Later this device will boot with its last configuration, see manual about stand-alone operation mode.
Be "warned". Whenever routing or other settings (Mic Gain, Reference Levels) need to be changed, then you need to connect the FF400 to the other computer and to re-configure it.
Best would be to add a FW400 card to your current PC and to keep it connected for simply managing the FF400.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thanks a lot for clear explanation. Now I get it wink.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

Thanks a lot for clear explanation. Now I get it wink.


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.


Bit off topic to ADAT issues but considering Babyface 1st gen. as my main interface (for PC) that would also allow to still use connected FF400.

Now, would I get same sound quality on Babyface 1st gen. as I have on Fireface400 considering preamps perfomance and monitor outputs?

I've checked motu m4 inteface and sound quality on monitors, listening to youtube songs only is for me far worse than my sound from FF400, that makes me think that switching from RME even in terms of just listening to music is impossible smile which is suprising and even funny. Listening to music via FF400 is much more balanced and pleasant than via motu.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes that is unexpected! But all rme devices are designed with the same sound, neutral. So FF and BF should have the same sound. And I think the BF was a little newer then the FF so definitively not worse.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

One more question here if I may.

If I would use RME Digiface USB as a USB connector by ADAT between my FF400 and laptop, how would I connect 2 monitors?
Would I still use 2 outputs from FF400 and connect them via 2 jack /XLR cables?
Digiface doesn't have jack outputs apart from 1 phones output so I wonder how do I connect monitors.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, you would connect monitors to FF400. Signal from computer would go:
USB->DigiFace->FF ADAT in->FF analog out. You have to route ADATs in in FF to analog out for monitors. And route desired signal in TM (DigiFace) to proper ADAT out.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thank you.
With that being said does it mean that I can use FF400 outputs for monitoring sound from DAW, also using different interfaces with ADAT connected to FF400? For example Audient id22?

The idea is to use not only inputs from FF400 but also outputs sound to monitors as I like it more from RME. I had motu M4 for tests and returned it because sound from monitors while using motu was way worse than sound from FF400. They were not connected to each other as motu has no ADAT so I tested motu just for reference so I wonder if Audient would be used just as connector via ADAT, can FF400 still keep it's quality output sound to monitors or Audient will affect it in most likely negative way?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

As long the signal stays digital
computer -> USB -> Audient -> ADAT optical -> FF400,
the only unit which has an influence on the sound is the one which converts it to analog. So in this case it would be the FF400

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

36 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-19 19:13:03)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

So... Babyface 1gen. is on the board ready to connect via ADAT with FF400.

I have read most threads on forum regarding such connection and I'am still confused how to do that and rout in TM.

1. BF will be master clock connected via 2 ADAT cables with FF400 as slave

2. I would want to see and use in BF TM: 8 FF400 inputs but also use FF400 outputs for sound from monitors

3. As for now I have stored (by Store button) FF400 settings set to Clock Mode: Autosync, Prefered Sync Ref: ADAT but I haven't done any routing settings on FF400 matrix. Do I need to do this on FF400 TM matrix and if yes what needs to be done there?

4. On BF I need to set in TM - Main Out to AS 1/2, is that correct? What other settings need to be done?

I've watched whole series of films regarding Totalmix and routing but still it seems mission impossible for amateur like me to do all the settings right on both ends from BF and FF400, especially matrix setting part seems like horror for me now.

This film from minute 4:00 shows stand alone connection between 2 FF800 units connected via ADAT, however how it would look with BF 1 gen?? Similar? What would be different?

Also I found this ramses replay (pasting below) at some point that seems to be most helpful but still too many questions how to make it work. If there is by any chance any step by step tutorial for dummies on this or youtube film please link it if possible.

From below ramses replay I assume FF400 needs to be totally preconfigured and "Stored" for Stand alone, yes?

"Either you preconfigure the FF400 on another computer with FireWire 400 for standalone operation, or you connect the Fireface 400 to a FireWire port of your computer. Then you can fully operate it, then you would load the USB ASIO driver of the BBF Pro in the application/DAW and access the FF400 ports through ADAT.

The physical setup (connect BBF Pro and FF400 with two TOSLINK cables):

PC-----USB2-----BBF Pro (clock master) ---ADAT OUT-------->-----ADAT IN------FF400 (Clock Slave)
  \                                                                                                                    |    standalone operation or
   +----FW400------------------------------------------------------------------------------+    operation through TM FX (2nd instance)
                                                                                                                             via FireWire ASIO driver
                         BBF Pro----------------------ADAT IN---------<----ADAT OUT---FF400  audio from FF400 to BBF Pro

You need at minimum one TOSLINK cable from BBF Pro as clock master towards the FF400, as clock signals can only be transferred on an ADAT output. But best would be to use two TOSLINK cables:
a) from BBF Pro ADAT OUT to FF400 ADAT IN
    to route audio from BBF Pro through ADAT to outputs of the FF400 and for transmission of clock signal
b) from FF400 ADAT OUT to BBF Pro ADAT IN
    to route audio from ports of FF400 through ADAT to analog outputs.

The configuration in the driver settings dialog for
a) BBF Pro as clock master: clock source “internal”  ---> how/where to set it on BF 1 gen.?
b) the FF400 as clock slave: clock source “ADAT”     ---> I did set Clock Mode: Autosync, Prefered Sync Ref: ADAT and Stored it.

37 (edited by waedi 2024-01-19 20:23:34)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

1. That's ok when in the Fireface settings dialog FF400 the clock-mode is set to external optical.
2. No, you won't see anything different than on Babyface Totalmix when Babyface is alone without any Adat connected.
The existing Adat input channels are those coming friom FF400
The existing adat output channels are those going to the FF400
For using monitors the routing has to fit.
3.You don't have to do the routing in the matrix, you can do this directly in Totalmix, or in the matrix if this is easier for you.
All analog inputs to the Adat outputs and all Adat inputs to the analog outputs, one by one.
4. When your main monitor loudspeakers are connected at the Babyface analog outputs then assign the main-out to AN1/2, nothing else to prepare, just be aware to use the correct Adat channels to use other monitor speakers at the FF400.

If you let me give you a tip :
Before you start with this FF400 connection, start learning Totalmix alone with the Babyface and a DAW.
Record some stuff.
Play around, send out to different outputs, use Loopback for rerecording, familiarize yourself with Totalmix and handling the interface.
One can visite your house and do the connection for you, BF and FF400, you will be not better than, opposite, it's even complexer and the horror gets worse.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thanks, will try playing around

But as starting point FF400 should be configured first separately in it's own Totalmix before connecting it via ADAT to BF?
Or I can connect FF400 via 2 ADATs and do the routing both ways from BF TM?

As for -->"4. When your main monitor loudspeakers are connected at the Babyface analog outputs then assign the main-out to AN1/2, nothing else to prepare, just be aware to use the correct Adat channels to use other monitor speakers at the FF400."

No, I want only 1 monitors from FF400 outputs so I guess main output on BF TM should be ADAT 3/4?
There is no ADAT 1/2, only AS 1/2 which i thought was standing for ADAT 1/2, I don't get it as BF has only 1 in/out ADAT. So it should be maybe AS 1/2 (not AN 1/2 as you wrote)

ADAT's on BF have no description which is IN, which OUT, I assume grey color is OUT, black IN... LOL - see what I'am going through.

39 (edited by waedi 2024-01-19 23:36:08)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, the FF400 has to be prepared first in it's own Totalmix.
On the FF400 the monitors will be connected on the analog outputs 1/2 ? Let's say yes !
You will do the routing logical one to one, then the Adat channels 1/2 will feed the speakers.
In the Babyface this is AS1/2. AS is Adat or SPDIF, AN1/2 means Analog channels 1/2.
Therefor assign the Main-out in the Babyface Totalmix control room to AS1/2.
The grey Adat port is OUT, the black port is IN, page 8 in the user manual shows an image with labels.


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

40 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-20 11:59:45)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

"On the FF400 the monitors will be connected on the analog outputs 1/2 ? Let's say yes !" --> YES

You will do the routing logical one to one, then the Adat channels 1/2 will feed the speakers.

Now with above this means on FF400 the routing of inputs should be like:
AN1 and AN2 -->output ADAT 1/2
AN3 and AN4 -->output ADAT 3/4
AN 5/6 --> out ADAT5/6
AN 7/8 -->out ADAT 7/8

then FF output Main out --> assign AN1/2 ??

Not sure what doest it mean in terms of routing on FF400 that "Adat channels 1/2 will feed the speakers"?

"assign the Main-out in the Babyface Totalmix control room to AS1/2" -->That's done, what else on BF routing side needs to be assigned?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

correct. The numbers keep the same.
correct. But it is not important to have the main-out assigned in the FF400 as you want to use it as a pure Adat device.
The main-out in the Babyface is useful as the big knob is working on the main-out.
The Adat channels 1/2 will feed the speakers means in your setup thruout the whole system the Adat-channels 1/2 are for the monitors, From the Babyface Adat 1/2 to the FF400 AS1/2 to the output 1/2, comfortable for learning, in the DAW output channels 1/2 will also reach the speakers, when in Totalmix Babyface the Playback channels 1/2 send the signal to the output AS 1/2, thats all you have to do in the babyface, the same signal playback channels 1/2 can be sent to the headphone output if you like to use a headphone on the Babyface.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Miraculously it slowly starts to work thanks to your help.. I can hear sound from PC through BF then FF400 outputs to monitors.

Now how do I see and control FF400 2 mic inputs and 6 line ins in BF Totalmix?

As for now in hardware inputs I see only 4 channels AN1, AN2, AS1/2, ADAT 3/4, how to view and reach FF400 inputs here?

In hardware outputs I just see AN1/2 and ADAT 3/4 as AS 1/2 is assigned to Main Out so that's all OK here.

43 (edited by waedi 2024-01-20 13:13:51)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

You can't control something in the FF400.
But the connections are fix done and the signals are visible in the Babyface Totalmix in the Adat channels.
The Adat output channels volumen faders controling the amount of signal send to the Ff400.
The inputs of the FF400 send full amount of the signals over adat to the Babyface Adat inputs.
Yes, thats normal and fine.
The assigned AS1/2 is no longer there, instead is has turned into main-out.
Hardware output channels are representing the hardware outputs at the unit, the sockets.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

44 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-20 14:16:37)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

That's a bit confusing wink again in terms of recording in DAW from FF400 inputs.

So if I want to record two mic inputs (in 1 and in 2) from FF400 at the same time with one dynamic mic, second condenser on input 2 with 48V on, then I need to configure mic gains for both and 48V for input 2 separetely on FF400 via firewire, than "Store" it and then plug it back to BF?

Than how do I setup inputs in DAW for both so that track 1 records input 1 from FF400, track 2 records input 2 on FF400. What would be the inputs for that so I record two tracks  from ff400 at the same time? ADAT1/2 for both? How Daw will distinguish input 1 from input 2 in FF400? Maybe I need to split channel AS 1/2 into mono mode? AS1 will be IN 1 on FF400, correct?

Also mic gain has to be adjusted infront and can not be changed via BF....that complicates smooth workflow on BF while setting up mic's is every time via firewire connection only.

It's not possible to add screenshots to forum? Only links from web i see. Would be easier to show matrix or totalmix.

45 (edited by ramses 2024-01-20 14:18:45)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

It's not possible to add screenshots to forum? Only links from web i see. Would be easier to show matrix or totalmix.

Its no rocket science .. place picture to a cloud, post the link between img tags.

https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/Ent … rum-EN-DE/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

46 (edited by waedi 2024-01-20 14:31:58)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

That's a bit confusing wink again in terms of recording in DAW from FF400 inputs.

So if I want to record two mic inputs (in 1 and in 2) from FF400 at the same time with one dynamic mic, second condenser on input 2 with 48V on, then I need to configure mic gains for both and 48V for input 2 separetely on FF400 via firewire, than "Store" it and then plug it back to BF?


kosmatoo wrote:

That's a bit confusing wink again in terms of recording in DAW from FF400 inputs.

So if I want to record two mic inputs (in 1 and in 2) from FF400 at the same time with one dynamic mic, second condenser on input 2 with 48V on, then I need to configure mic gains for both and 48V for input 2 separetely on FF400 via firewire, than "Store" it and then plug it back to BF?

Than how do I setup inputs in DAW for both so that track 1 records input 1 from FF400, track 2 records input 2 on FF400. What would be the inputs for that so I record two tracks  from ff400 at the same time? ADAT1/2 for both? How Daw will distinguish input 1 from input 2 in FF400? Maybe I need to split channel AS 1/2 into mono mode? AS1 will be IN 1 on FF400, correct?

In Totalmix you can split the stereo channel into two mono channels. Use the wrenchtool button.

kosmatoo wrote:

That's a bit confusing wink again in terms of recording in DAW from FF400 inputs.

Also mic gain has to be adjusted infront and can not be changed via BF....that complicates smooth workflow on BF while setting up mic's is every time via firewire connection only.

Yes. Newer devices like 12Mic or OctamicXTC have remote and digital control over the Mic pres.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

47 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-21 13:30:38)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thanks, that was all helpful.

I do not understand why in my FF400 matrix I get -30 on AN1/2 and AN 3/4 channels?
Tried to change it in Fireface Settings but didnt work. Is it suppose to be like that? Why -30?

Here is my FF400 matrix configured for ADAT with BF:

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

Thanks, that was all helpful.

I do not understand why in my FF400 matrix I get -30 on AN1/2 and AN 3/4 channels?
Tried to change it in Fireface Settings but didnt work. Is it suppose to be like that? Why -30?

Here is my FF400 matrix configured for ADAT with BF:

You can click into that field and hold and drag up with the mouse, it will increase the value up to zero.

I would do the routing this way :


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Thank you, will do that.

Is it possible on BF side to control Main out volume with hardware knob on BF?

Knob controls AN 1/2 out but TM Main out has to be assigned to AS1/2, so any possibility to rout that somehow or no way?

50 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 14:55:27)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Knob controls Main-out
and thru this it controls the output channel where Main-out is assigned to.
You assign it to AS1/2 it controls the volumen fader of Adat output 1/2
and this Adat signal is forwarded to the loudspeakers by the routing thru the FF400.
So you can use the big rotary knob of the Babyface to make the speakers less or more loud.
Very comfortable, also the Recall button will dim the music by a downstep volumen that you write in the Totalmix preferences.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue