1 (edited by grandpaface 2024-01-25 09:06:14)

Topic: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?


Does this soundcard feature volume keys control of the volume on a mac ?

This feature is available on my current Babyface Pro, i'd really miss it (i don't use a monitor controller). I'm searching for a soundcard with AES output to connect digitally to my neumann speakers, which want AES.


2 (edited by ramses 2024-01-25 10:00:18)

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

The usual way is to get the ARC USB, which you can connect either to a USB port on the MAC or the UCX II itself (on the back).
In TM FX you only need to assign the HW Output AES as "Main Out", then you can control the volume via ARC USB and store this in a snapshot. If you are working with phones, create a 2nd snapshot with headphone output as "Main Out".
This way you can switch between the two snapshots for monitoring either via speaker or headphone and controlling the respective volume using the ARC USB.

As an alternative. If I remember right there was something like a software based solution, I think this is a tool that a fellow forum member sells for a little money if I remember right.

For windows there was another one, I think for Mac this is the only solution.

But maybe our fellow forum users using Mac can give you more recommendations.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?


I just want to use the volume keys on my mac keyboard, i've never liked external monitor controllers.

I guess the UCX II doesn't feature volume key control then.

4 (edited by ramses 2024-01-25 12:13:46)

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

grandpaface wrote:


I just want to use the volume keys on my mac keyboard, i've never liked external monitor controllers.

I guess the UCX II doesn't feature volume key control then.

There is no such control for any RME recording interface.
I think such a key-based control would need to be supported by TM FX, but is not in scope.

Another question, whether it is useful to implement it this way and not using the ARC USB.

Possible limitations / warnings:

- might only work if the FM TX window is the active window
- if you made this kind of global it could conflict with other applications like DAW and other applications which use plenty of key combinations already
- could perhaps change volume to max "accidentally" depending on how easy the key combination is accessible and how the repeat rate of the keyboard has been configured

Regarding the latter, we already had users with high volume-mismatches where a level setting of 0dB caused issues.
0 dB is not dangerous per se, it depends on the setup, whether such high mismatches have been solved properly.
You can use attenuators or monitor controllers or other devices with a volume knob (ADI-2 DAC/Pro, ...).
Even some active monitors have a volume knob, or you can at least lower the input sensitivity / final volume.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by grandpaface 2024-01-25 15:23:41)

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

I'm confused you say so because my Babyface and then my Babyface Pro both can be used with the volume keys on my macbook keyboard. I'm talking about the F10 F11 F12 keys. It works perfectly. TM has to be opened but you don't need to select the app or open its window (it can work without a window opened too).

I've been using this method for nearly 15 years with zero issues.

6 (edited by ramses 2024-01-25 17:37:46)

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

Ok .. Windows here .. I forgot that you have most likely MacOS sound system and everything has to go through it.
With Windows and ASIO this is different.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

ramses wrote:

There is no such control for any RME recording interface.

This was a feature of the FF400 and BabyFace Macos driver. It's been abandoned in the latest versions, much to my chagrin, as it was often useful and allowed one button volume control of many channels. The reason is some other RME interfaces don't allow that function. Note that the mute button was blocked, which I totally agreed with.

I'm currently testing "SpeakerAmp" (from the AppStore) with internal speakers, as I'm mobile, but it's a bit a wild ride. The app offers a lot more (EQ, dynamics) than I need and it's behaviour is a bit strange. I don't understand how the compressor/limiter works, fi. But it's worth a look as you can test it in the free version.

I hope it will also work with RME's interfaces.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

cyrano wrote:

It's been abandoned in the latest versions…

Are you sure about that?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

The keyboard keys for volumen control are fix part of the internal audio interface and lose it's function as soon as you change the audio interface, also if you use a bluetooth headphone.
This has nothing to do with RME.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

waedi wrote:

The keyboard keys for volumen control are fix part of the internal audio interface and lose it's function as soon as you change the audio interface, also if you use a bluetooth headphone.
This has nothing to do with RME.

Sorry, but I have to contradict. With some interfaces (also RME) it’s possible to use the volume control keys. I can do that with my Babyface pro as well as with the FF400!

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

What cyrano meant was that the later interfaces no longer support that option, for various reasons, like usefullness and safety when working with a DAW. Fact is that we had a lot of trouble in support with this option existing. It makes more sense for fewer channel interfaces than for the big boxes.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

Thanks for the info MC.

Please consider adding this option back in future updates, even while keeping it disabled or hidden by default.

A lot of people don’t need or don’t want a monitor controller.

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

I'll second that!

I used to use it a lot with the FF400. I also don't understand the "safety" argument. The Mac's volume buttons should be familiar to most, if not all users and it's not as if you can go to maximum level by accident, as the "mute" button was disabled. Something I totally agree with. It always has worked perfectly for us.

It was very useful when doing projections of movies. The operator is in the dark. An ARC remote is yet another box on the small table, so it's not ideal. The interface resides in a small rack on the floor. Hard to reach. And the operator needs to switch to light control. When he's in the lights control app, he can't change volume without switching back to the video player...

I'll admit, that's our very peculiar use case, but my techs all miss that. We reluctantly put a small mixer in line, just to have a volume control at all times.

Our venues have a legally mandatory sound level control that cuts power to the amps if volume exceeds a certain level for a certain time, or when it gets extremely loud for a short period. Sometimes we come across a movie where the dialog is very quiet, but the explosions or gunfire are not. Since we preview every show, we can handle that manually if needed. It's usually just one scene...

Obviously, we could put a limiter or compressor inline, but that wreaks havoc with surround sound.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

Let's use this thread as a polite petition to ask RME to bring this option back to newer RME hardware then !

Anyone reading this thread and wanting this feature : simply reply    smile

15 (edited by maggie33 2024-02-03 00:50:29)

Re: Fireface UCX II : volume keys control ?

just saw this topic here...

I am just working on a little swift wrapper, to achive this functionality. ATM implemented just for testing:
- a little,ugly gui, just to see if the mediakey events are correctly captured. later, it will be unnecessary.
- it listens for the mediakey events from any keyboard (tested with cheap old dell keyboard, a logitech, a cherry and a coolermaster)
- if f.ex the mute key is recognized, it sends via osc to localhost:
   - /1/busOutput f 1
   - /1/mute/1/1 f 0 (or 1)
- and it implemented the OSD.framework to be able to fade in the osx's original symbol for mute on/off on the current active display. although it is (of course) disabled in the osx's system settings...

so atm only the mute button is implemented from keyboard mute button to tm main out.


- implement the feedback from tm to wrapper, to show the symbol muted/unmuted if you set it in tm
- implement volume up/down keys to move the fader in tm and visualize current volume via the 16 possible chiclets based on tm's fader position
- add a detection, so that the wrapper is only active if you switch your output in Settings or AudioMidi Setup (coreaudio) to an RME unit.
- implement a "whitelist" for other apps, so that the wrapper is not active if the whitelisted apps are in foreground. Like DAWs, Apple Music, etc...

- maybe implement the the previous/next buttons on keyboard to be able to navigate left/right in tm and select other channels
- maybe it makes more sense to switch from OSC communication to MIDI(Mackie), so it would be more universal. Thus it would be possible to control the totalmix-remote app, too?
- whatever useful will come in mind later ;-)

If you have any good ideas and suggestions, you are welcome. I just prefer to keep it as simple and small as possible.

PS: It will be always for free, once ready for a release!


“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard