Topic: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

Dear RME community, hope all is well..

I am trying to figure out how many outputs RME Babyface Pro FS has since I would like to use it in. live setting.
Can there be seperate mix sent to phones output which is different than main output.
I am considering to use it in a live setting using backing tracks. I will use the outputs in Moto to increase output count..

Main Out L - Drums
Main Out R - Bass
Phones Out L - Guitar
Phones Out R - Synth / Other
A/S L (Toslink/Spdif) - Click Track
A/S L (Toslink/Spdif) - Cue Track

As Toslink 2 Channel out I am considering to use cheap converter ( … _conve.htm)

Is this setup possible in this scenario. I would appreciate your feedback..

When I have the budget I am considering to. get Fireface UCX II for more output but until than is this setup the right approach?
Thank you.

Re: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

Yes main out is out 1/2 and phones out is out 3/4. Both phones out carry the same signal but have separate headphone amp so can be connected both.
If you buy a little more expensive behringer ada8200 or second hand one or ada8000 (which is a little less then the ada8200) you have 12 outs instead of 6 and can use stereo for drums synths etc.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

vinark wrote:

Yes main out is out 1/2 and phones out is out 3/4. Both phones out carry the same signal but have separate headphone amp so can be connected both.
If you buy a little more expensive behringer ada8200 or second hand one or ada8000 (which is a little less then the ada8200) you have 12 outs instead of 6 and can use stereo for drums synths etc.

Thank you Vinark, really appreciate your response. Awesome to know and yes ADA8200 definitely would work in a larger setup but I would like to be as mobile as possible so knowing this works makes me happy. Thank you.

4 (edited by Ser 2024-01-30 12:34:02)

Re: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

vinark wrote:

Yes main out is out 1/2 and phones out is out 3/4. Both phones out carry the same signal but have separate headphone amp so can be connected both.
If you buy a little more expensive behringer ada8200 or second hand one or ada8000 (which is a little less then the ada8200) you have 12 outs instead of 6 and can use stereo for drums synths etc.

One more question if you know the answer. If one were to use only RME Babyface PRO FS for backing tracks with or without TOSLING (extra 2 outputs), how would you setup the output for live performance since you mentioned Drums as stereo. Channels being DRUMS, BASS, KEYS/SYNTH, GUITAR, VOCAL, CLICK/CUE. Thank you. If you could use the channels in STEREO or MONO as you choose.

Main Out L -
Main Out R -
Phones Out L -
Phones Out R -

Main Out L -
Main Out R -
Phones Out L -
Phones Out R -
A/S L (Toslink/Spdif) -
A/S L (Toslink/Spdif) -

Re: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

I would maybe do a full stereo mix of all tracks including fx on the outs 1-2 and the click and cue on phones 3-4 (stup 1)
You could also do stereo drums and bass on 1-2 and stereo the rest on 3-4 and click cue on spdif (setup 2).
But of course I have no idea what you are performing so 4 mono might be better in your case and if someone is mixing from front of house mixer they have better control of levels. But a full stereo mix gives you more control. But for now I don't even have an idea wher the tracks are coming from. From a DAW on a laptop?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

6 (edited by Ser 2024-01-30 13:54:01)

Re: Is RME Babyface Pro FS Headphone Out seperate from Main Out

vinark wrote:

I would maybe do a full stereo mix of all tracks including fx on the outs 1-2 and the click and cue on phones 3-4 (stup 1)
You could also do stereo drums and bass on 1-2 and stereo the rest on 3-4 and click cue on spdif (setup 2).
But of course I have no idea what you are performing so 4 mono might be better in your case and if someone is mixing from front of house mixer they have better control of levels. But a full stereo mix gives you more control. But for now I don't even have an idea wher the tracks are coming from. From a DAW on a laptop?

Thank you for the feedback. Yes it makes sense to do the setup the way you described in case of Stereo.. I will keep it in mind and try it out.. I am planning to use laptop and Ableton live as a DAW and also considering using Stage Tract or similar app and use iPad for backing tracks.. but since my performance will be loop based, more improvisational I am focusing more on Ableton live setup for flexibility and recording of the performance.