Topic: Old Madiface Expresscard/34 and OS Sonoma

for over 15 years I use a Madiface (model with Expresscard/34) to record live shows.
In the recent years a Sonnet Echo ExpressCard Pro with a TB2 to TB3 cable kept it all working fine.
My 2019 Intel Macbook Pro now wants me to update to OS Sonoma but also tells me the compatibility with
the Madiface card could go wrong and it might not work anymore.

Can anyone tell me if that's the case? Or can I update to Sonoma without problems?

Regards, André

Re: Old Madiface Expresscard/34 and OS Sonoma

Should work just fine, there is an updated driver as well.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Old Madiface Expresscard/34 and OS Sonoma

Thank you so much, Daniel.
Updated to Sonoma today and installed the driver.
Works flawless!

Regards, André