1 (edited by peterdian 2024-02-09 06:24:05)

Topic: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

I've bought new Fireface UFX III interface, I’ve tried every port possible, at one specific port there are much less interruptions, but still it’s not completely without hiccups. I have to say that I’m kind of frustrated since I’ve read all the positive things about RME products and how stable and very good the interface and drivers are (I was really looking forward to have a rock solid system) but in my case it does not work as it supposed to. How it’s possible that much cheaper interface (Focusrite Clarett 8PreX) works without problems? I have a feeling that maybe the problem is with the USB connection, this is my first USB interface, had PCIe Pro Tools HDX and Thunderbolt Focusrite and UA. I had very good experience with Thunderbolt and PCIe, much more stable and even the latency was a bit better.

Is there anything I could try maybe? Changing DAW does not make sense since I want to use Pro Tools and since Pro Tools works without issues with other interface and internal audio, I’m not sure whether the problem is there. Do you have some test machine that is working without issues with specific macOS version that I could try to install? Currently I have installed macOS 12.6.6 since that was very stable version for a very long time.

Thank you very much for your help, appreciate it!

My system: Mac Studio Ultra M1, Fireface UFX III, Pro Tools 2023.12

Error from Pro Tools:
A CPU overload error occurred. If this happens often,
try increasing the "H/W Buffer Size" in the Playback
Engine Dialog, or removing some plug-ins. (AAE

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

I am on an Mac Studio M1 Max, UFX III, and Studio One 6.5.  Here is my .02 cents which is probably worth half that wink

I also had instabilities and inconsistencies since I got my UFX III in April 2023. I purchased it for the high channel count and the famed stable driver support.

A few weeks ago I did a clean install of Sonoma 14.3 and went through rebuilding my dedicated music work Mac Studio. Never a fun thing to plan or do. It took me about a day to do 90% of it. The remaining 10% I did by brniging up sessions I still needed to work on and install any missing plugins I overlooked.

Since I did that, my system has been perfectly rock solid and stable big_smile I am on the latest Kernel driver (3.31) and latest firmware (v20).

My UFX III is plugged directly into my Mac Studio using I believe the cable it came with. I record live bands weekly so low latency is the most important thing to me.

I don't know whats best for ProTools. I say all of this to say... I ordered my Mac Studio the day it was released, went through trying many many interfaces from a number of manufacturers in that time. When I got the UFX III I just plugged it in and did my best to uninstall everyone's else drivers and software.

My clean start I believe finally got rid of all of the crud I was fighting, gave me the opportunity to only install what I actually use, and now everything is running like I always hoped.

Best of luck! Definitely reach out to Avid and RME support for better help. RME support has been wonderful to work with.

Apple Mac Studio M1 Max, Sonoma, RME UFX III, 12Mic, Pulse 16 MX, Studio One 6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Thank you, babul, for sharing your experience! Clean install is not possible right now, that's a few days downtime I can't afford right now, unfortunately. But maybe I can try to install the OS on separate partition to try out just with drivers and Pro Tools.

About the RME support, I was in touch with them but suddenly I was not able to reply to them, as mentioned here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=38882

I also updated the Fireface with latest firmware and using the latest kernel driver 3.31, connected directly with the cable supplied in the box with the unit, tried every possible port on my Mac Studio, some are worse, some are better but none of them is dropout free and that is not suitable for production. And I found there are lot of people here in forum with the same or similar problem.

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable


I have a UFX III with M1 Ultra. Mac OS is 13.6.1. No issues. I use Logic Pro as my main DAW and PT 2023.12.0 as more of a tape machine for delivering finished projects. I just loaded up PT and played back a video session with 14 stereo stems playing with a movie file at 64 samples H/W buffer and the CPU is barely registering (max is 5% on one thread and the rest of the threads are 1-2%). No plugins in the session. No error messages. UFX firmware is v20 and driver 3.31. I avoided the DriverKit driver and would uninstall. Hope this is of some help.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Thank you nbyrne for information, appreciate it, I'm really happy that it works for you! I usually use 32 samples buffer to have the lowest roundtrip latency possible since I'm monitoring in PT (don't want to use TotalMix FX for that one, I prefer to have just one place to control for everything). I've just installed Sonoma 14.3 on separate partition, RME kernel driver 3.31 and clean Pro Tools 2023.12.1 without any additional plugins (just factory) and the System Usage in PT show total of 12% and each core around 6% with 1 mono track on playback - 32 samples buffer and there are occasional dropouts (AAE -6101). I have Spotlight turned off, no screensaver, display always on, no sleep, etc. The worst thing is that in the current state I can't count on the stability, sometimes it drops after 5-10 minutes, sometimes after 2 hours... I can try the 64 buffer and see if that might help.

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

OK, I think something if off, maybe the Fireface III has some defect. I've tried buffers 32, 64, 128 and 256 samples, still the same problem both on macOS 12.6.6 and macOS 14.3.

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

7 (edited by peterdian 2024-02-07 17:35:34)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Update: It looks like that probably the RME Kernel Extension Driver 3.31 is causing the issue. Since there were dropouts at more samples buffer sizes, I decided to connect the Focusrite back and run the same session again to be completely sure that nothing is wrong with Pro Tools. To my surprise, I had the same problem as with Fireface - random errors that were not happening before! And interesting thing was, that the Fireface was not connected to the Mac. So I thought that maybe something else is causing the issue, I've uninstalled the RME Kernel driver and tried it again and now, no errors or dropouts.

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Update: Installed DriverKit 4.10 and for the first time since Monday, after 3 days of frustration it's not glitching or throwing errors in Pro Tools! Also both USB printer and Thunderbolt now works when connected together with Fireface, that were not working with the Kernel driver before.

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

I've also been having the same issues, although I'm on windows. Glad to hear you've fixed your problems at least. I'm really disappointed with my purchase to be honest so far.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Windows issues have nothing to do with this thread. You had previously said that you get bad results from Latencymon, so that means the issue is with the PC itself, not RME driver or USB connection. That needs to be sorted out with driver updates, BIOS updates, BIOS settings (potentially) and setting Windows Power Plan for High Performance mode.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

I've already done a check of driver updates (of which there were none), BIOS is up to date, I checked BIOS settings and nothing that should cause issues AFAIK, and windows is in the high performance power plan.

I was just chiming in as there seem to be quite a few people posting online about having USB issues with the UFX series.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III - unstable

Update: Yesterday some recording and full day mixing, not a single error, session at 48kHz, buffer 32 samples, looks like installing the DriverKit 4.10 solved the problem in my case.

For anyone interested here is some info on Fireface UFX III roundtrip latency (Line Out -> Line In):

Sample Rate: 48kHz, Safety offset: Short
Buffer 32 samples - 2.583 ms (124 samples)
Buffer 64 samples - 3.917 ms (188 samples)
Buffer 128 samples - 6.538 ms (316 samples)

Sample Rate: 48kHz, Safety offset: Short, DSP: Record EQ+D
Buffer 32 samples - 2.688 ms (129 samples)
Buffer 64 samples - 4.021 ms (193 samples)
Buffer 128 samples - 6.688 ms (321 samples)

Sample Rate: 48kHz, Safety offset: Normal
Buffer 32 samples - 3.083 ms (148 samples)
Buffer 64 samples - 4.417 ms (212 samples)
Buffer 128 samples - 7.083 ms (340 samples)

Sample Rate: 48kHz, Safety offset: Normal, DSP: Record EQ+D
Buffer 32 samples - 3.188 ms (153 samples)
Buffer 64 samples - 4.521 ms (217 samples)
Buffer 128 samples - 7.188 ms (345 samples)

Peter Dian
Mac Studio Ultra M1, RME Fireface UFX III, SSL Pure Drive Octo x2
macOS 12.6.6