Topic: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

Hi all,

First post on the RME forum.
I'm used to RME stuff since 3 years and own 3xFireface UFX, 3xOctamic XTC and one Octamic II.

I now have a MADI configuration with one MADIFACE XT and 2 Octamic XTC.
It runs perfectly well on my laptop (PC) and I configured the MIDI over MADI to remote the XTCs, that's really cool!

My question:
Via TotalMix I can send back audio for monitoring to the XTC 1 (1 to 8).
I send on the Phone one MADI 1&2 and on the Phone two MADI 3&4 for another balance and it works
but I can't hear on the XTC 2 (9 to 16) phone one or two any MADI pair.
For example:
I send a mix via TotalMix MADI 5&6 to the XTC 2.
The meters are ok, I have signal on the output meters in Totalmix, same way as 1&2 and 3&4 to the XTC 1.
I select in the XTC2 Phone one input MADI 5&6 and I have no signal.

I'm sure I'm missing something... Any help?

Best regards and ein schönes Wochenende,



Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

If this is a serial cabling then you have to configure XTC1 to pass-through these channels.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by adcsound 2015-11-09 10:16:10)

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

Many thanks for your answer MC.

Yes, configuration is Madiface XT>XTC1>XTC2>Madiface XT.

And how can I do that? (configuring XTC1 to pass-through these channels)?
Can't find anything on the XTC menus...



Still testing. On XTC2 I can't have anything on Phone1 but I can have MADI 9/10,11/12,13/14,15/16 on Phone2... if it helps to find a way...

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

Hi adcsound and all.
Did you solve your problem? I tried to search a lot but...

I have experiencing the same problem with the Fireface UFXIII.

Optical Madi Conections:


At XTC1 I can receive and choose the Totalmix FX Hardware Outputs signals from UFXIII: MA 1/2, MA 3/4, MA 5/6 and MA 7/8 to the Phone 1 and Phone 2.

But I can't receive those signals on the XTC2.

I would like to have the 6 Stereo Phone output (2 UFXiii, 2 XTC 1 and 2 XTC 2) working in a flexible way in my studio

Thank you in advance if anyone could help.

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

adcsound wrote:

Many thanks for your answer MC.

Yes, configuration is Madiface XT>XTC1>XTC2>Madiface XT.

And how can I do that? (configuring XTC1 to pass-through these channels)?

Page 19 user manual
In the XTC1 : For the MADI output you have to select channel-groups of Madi inputs for pass-thru the Madi signals.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by ramses 2024-02-12 22:21:07)

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

Hi andvicen.

I had the same setup in the past, this was my configuration: … cber-MADI/

Ensure to use the same MADI settings for UFX III and the two XTCs: 64ch and MADI frame 96k.

I recommend configuring delay compensation on each XTC, so that data from all connected XTCs is sample-synchronized.
Delay compensation can be set to Manual, Auto-ID, Auto-CA (default: off).
I strongly recommend using the setting "Auto-CA" which makes things a lot easier as it performs two very useful things automatically:
- assignment of MADI ID for each XTC based on the position in the serial MADI chain (UFX III->XTC1->XTC2->UFX III)
- assignment of MADI channels for each XTC in the serial chain based on its MADI ID

The channel assignment is then "guaranteed" to be:
- for XTC1 (1st device in the chain): MA 1-8
- for XTC2 (2nd device in the chain): MA 9-16

In the next step you need to configure the routing
a) in TM FX and
b) on each of the XTCs to route the proper MADI channels to Phones 1 and 2

Let's go for these channel assignments for phones

XTC1: Phones1: MA 1/2
XTC1: Phones2: MA 3/4
XTC2: Phones1: MA 9/10
XTC2: Phones2: MA 11/12

Final config/routing tasks on XTCs and in TM FX

A)Routing on XTC1
- press "Phones" key for accessing "Phones 1" menue: change Source to "MADI 1/2" using Encoder 2 (bottom one)
- press "Phones" key again for accessing "Phones 2":   change Source to "MADI 3/4" using Encoder 2 (bottom one)

B) Routing on XTC2
- press "Phones" key for accessing "Phones 1" menue: change Source to "MADI 9/10" using Encoder 2 (bottom one)
- press "Phones" key again for accessing "Phones 2":   change Source to "MADI 11/12" using Encoder 2 (bottom one)

C) Routing in TotalMix FX
Ensure to have submix mode turned on.
- select HW Output MA 1/2,     change the submix for XTC1 Phones 1 as needed
- select HW Output MA 3/4,     change the submix for XTC1 Phones 2 as needed
- select HW Output MA 9/10,   change the submix for XTC2 Phones 1 as needed
- select HW Output MA 11/12, change the submix for XTC2 Phones 2 as needed

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

Hi ramses.
Thank you very much...!!!!
I set everything ok but didn't realize that must be XTC2: Phones1: MA 9/10 and XTC2: Phones2: MA 11/12...I was using MA 5/6 and MA 7/8...
Everinthing doing fine now.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards

Re: Madiface XT > XTC and Phone monitoring

You're welcome ;-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10