51 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-21 16:37:45)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yup, understand that.
By default it's assigned either to AN1/2 or Phones depending on selection on device.

BF is in normal mode (not CC).

Instruction says:
Switch Output Routing (Playback)
Use Select key and select “Phones” --->I have it but since it's connected via ADAT, Sync is also light up but I guess it doesnt matter.

Push and hold the Encoder until either the right or left level meters run up. -->does not happen, when I hold it meters are blank, when i release it only Dim lights up and that's all.

Left meters: Copy mode. The signal of output 1/2 is also routed to channel 3/4 and channels 1/2 of the
ADAT/SPDIF output. Right meters: DAW mode, output routing 1:1. -->no meters light up.

Still how to assign knob directly to AS1/2?

52 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 16:52:10)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

In Totalmix in the computer. Bottom right corner the big ASSIGN button, Main-out to AS1/2.

Not in CC-mode means normal-mode, and normal-mode means it is connected to a computer with open Totalmix.
Use it, it's a great benefit.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, Main out is assigned to AS1/2 that's obvious wink

However knob on BF doesn't move the fader in TM either of AS1/2 (and since its on Main out then Main out fader also. smile

It can only move the fader of AN1/2 output or phones. So I'am trying to make it move AS 1/2. It doesnt work on Main out unless I would assign AN1/2 output on Main out which we dont need as ADAT goes out.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Ouch ! This seems to be an issue.
We should check firmware version and driver version.
Can you read out these ?
And the Computer operating system version ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Driver ver. : 1.249 (RME Fireface)

Windows 10 Home

Firmware where to find?


56 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 17:41:03)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

The FUT will show the firmware version and performing the flash update is anyway not wrong as you are on Windows.
Download the FUT from the driver page and execute as per readme text instructions.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

57 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 18:07:35)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Wrong Driver !
Driver 1.249 is for Babyface Pro FS !
You have old Babyface and need driver 1168  https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/dr … n_1168.zip

Don't forget cold reboot after driver installation.
Total shut down of the computer.

Perform FUT and install correct driver and check again Main-out fader. Let's hope it works !
Also check Matrix window for this mystery -30dB...

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

58 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-21 18:33:43)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Got it.

ver. 1.168 installed
FUT before that also.

Comp shut down and up again, BF too.

Now the only problem in Win 10 sound settings the system doesnt see RME BF and just see and uses internal speakers.
Don't know what to do?
This may be something simple to set up but have no idea wher to look?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Try open Fireface settings dialog.
WDM-device value is bigger than zero ?
If it's zero, make 1.
Try open Totalmix
If these programs don't open check Windows device manager for audio device, is RME listet and OK ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

60 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-01-21 18:51:24)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, WDM was 0, now is 1 and works.

LOL.. back to first issue, assigning BF knob to output AS1/2 doesn't seem to work, but maybe i do something wrong, I just Select it to Phones and then
--> Push and hold the Encoder until either the right or left level meters run up. -->does not happen, when I hold it meters are blank, when i release it only Dim lights up and Main out volume goes down to DIM setting and that's all.

At the same time Sync light is up because it's connected to FF400 but I doubt it has any impact on assigning the knob.

61 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 18:55:44)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

You don't need to fiddle with these buttons at the unit.
Use only Totalmix.
Assign Main-out to AS1/2 and rotate the wheel.

These instructions with the buttons are mainly for stand-alone-mode.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.


"Out" light up on BF always moves AN1/2 output only in TM by default (as I understand it).
Out on BF is not equal to Main out in TM unless it would be assigned to AN1/2.

63 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 19:21:03)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

You make me confused.
I don't have my Babyface here so I can't test at moment.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

64 (edited by waedi 2024-01-21 20:03:40)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Maybe I was wrong !
You have to do a workaround trick in Totalmix.
Create a fadergroup of the output AN1/2 and the output AS1/2.
Main-out assign to none, it's not needed here anymore.
I hope you can find out how to create a fader-group ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Please check when you can and have BF close. Thanks.


Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

waedi wrote:

Wrong Driver !
Driver 1.249 is for Babyface Pro FS !
You have old Babyface and need driver 1168  https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/dr … n_1168.zip

Well, driver 1.249 readme mentions the original Babyface as supported....and there is a reason it does...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Fadergroup workaround works fine even if AS1/2 is assigned to Main out it works well. Thanks.

As for drivers should I stick to old one or get back the newest one?

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

As it is working now, no need to change.
For my self from my experience I always use the official driver from the product page.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

69 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-02-02 22:44:21)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Is it possible that same babyface installed somehow twice on my computer as Babyface (1) and (2)? On Totalmix it shows Babyface (1) in top right corner after clicking dropdown. Nothing else in dropdown to choose.

I get proper sound from Reaper via babyface to my monitors but when I open YouTube in browser sound goes through laptop speakers even when it's set to Speaker (2 - RME Babyface). Why this "2"?

I wonder if somehow system recognizes two babyfaces - 1 and 2 possibly? but I have only one babyface as device.
Somehow win10 sees Speaker (2 - RME Babyface) and only other option in dropdown is Speaker (Realtek(R) Audio).
And when set to Speaker (2 - RME Babyface) it still goes through laptop speakers instead through monitors.

Device manager sees RME Babyface under audio controllers, but also under Audio In's and out's it shows: Analog (1+2) (2 - RME Babyface) and Speaker (2 - RME Babyface).

Reaper goes throug monitors, YouTube doesn't and sometimes it shows : Audio rendering error. Restart your computer.
Reaper has in setup ASIO --> ASIO4ALL v.2

70 (edited by waedi 2024-02-02 23:36:10)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

why ASIO4all ?
Babyface comes with the best driver for Windows, Delete ASIO4all and problems will disappear.
In the device manager the Babyface appears as game controller probably because it is also a Midi-interface
ASIO4all is good for creating an aggregate device, an audio system combination of multiple interfaces, in your case the onboard speaker system and the Babyface got active at the same time due to ASIO4all. Thats a mess.
you may also disable onboard audio in the BIOS for cleaning up the system.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Somehow I can not hear DSP effects. Go IN signal volume shows up but I don't hear and see it go out (no signal volume shows up on FX Out). I've turned FX fader up, on Main out. My Main out assigned to AS1/2 as Babyface is connected via ADAT to FF400.
What can be wrong here?

72 (edited by ramses 2024-02-20 21:09:50)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Manual 21.6

[...]The Babyface Pro uses a DSP engine within its FPGA for all the calculations of all the EQs and Low Cuts, in parallel to the TotalMix DSP mixing engine. However, Reverb and Echo are calculated on the host CPU - the computer. On current computers, this will not cause any noticeable CPU load.
The transmission of the stereo signal FX Send to the computer and the effects signal FX Out back to the Babyface Pro is done by two invisible ASIO channels[...]

This will only work if the Babyface Pro with its ASIO driver is the main interface.

You told your main interface is the FF400 and the BBF Pro connected through ADAT

PC---Fw400---FF400---ADAT OUT--------------->ADAT IN---BBF Pro

It is unclear to me why you want or need to use FF400 and BBF Pro.
The better solution is to get everything done using one recording interface which has the required features.

Would it be an option for your to sell FF400 and BBF Pro and then getting UCX II and as an option also ARC USB?

PC--------ARC USB
UCX II-------monitors

Then you have a modern recording interface offering everything you need with features of the flagship interfaces.
The ARC USB might be useful for you to operate TM FX without using the mouse.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

73 (edited by kosmatoo 2024-02-20 21:10:14)

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Main interface is Babyface 1 gen. as it can only connect via USB to laptop PC. FF400 is slave via ADAT.
So if this is the case, no chance DSP effects will work?

I had ASIO drivers but deleted them as it created confusion inside win sys with Babyface as audio interface. Now in Reaper DAW is set to Directsound and RME babyface.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

kosmatoo wrote:

Main interface is Babyface 1 gen. as it can only connect via USB to laptop PC. FF400 is slave via ADAT.
So if this is the case, no chance DSP effects will work?

I had ASIO drivers but deleted them as it created confusion inside win sys with Babyface as audio interface. Now in Reaper DAW is set to Directsound and RME babyface.

> "My Main out assigned to AS1/2 as Babyface is connected via ADAT to FF400"

This comment let me think it's the other way around.

So, you have this?

PC------BBF Pro---ADAT----FF400----monitors

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, exactly, but BF 1 gen. instead of pro. which doesn't matter I hope.

PC------BBF 1st---ADAT----FF400----monitors

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Maybe a stupid question: have you enabled the effects in Totalmix for sure? There is a 'on/off' button for each, reverb and echo.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Yes, they were ON, you can see on screenshot few posts above.

However now I see that ramses wrote: This will only work if the Babyface Pro with its ASIO driver is the main interface
and also: "The transmission of the stereo signal FX Send to the computer and the effects signal FX Out back to the Babyface Pro is done by two invisible ASIO channels"

Now following advice from this thread earlier I deleted ASIO4all v.2 and went with Directsound drivers in Reaper.
Now I assume this will not work until I use ASIO again...

Additionally since I've change it to Directsound, I've lost ability in Reaper to assing FF400 ADAT connected inputs to track. Reaper doesn't see them. So DSP effects plus no inputs visible from slave ADAT device FF400.

Now my question is - do I need to reinstall ASIO4ALL driver?
I see ASIO option in Reaper but when selected there is no RME Babyface to choose. Only when I install ASIO4ALL then I can see under it - RME Babyface to choose. But even with that I get to see only Babyface analog input 1 and 2. No ADAT inputs from FF400, which was and is properly connected via ADAT cause it worked before messing up with ASIO and Directsound drivers in Reaper. Sould I be able to choose RME Babyface under just ASIO (and not additional ASIO4ALL)?


Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

To my knowledge - to be honest without Windows experience as a long time macOS user - you simply have to install the right RME driver for the Babyface and it should work as expected.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Right RME driver for the Babyface 1st.gen (which is v.1.249)  was installed as 1st thing, but with additional ASIO4ALL. Now I would be glad if someone with win 10 experience could advice.

At some point following @waedi reply below I've uninstalled ASIO4ALL and went with Directsound in Reaper. Maybe someone can answer if ASIO itself should be enough or ASIO4ALL is needed? ASIO4ALL creates confusion in my system as sound from Youtube in browser and Reaper seem to be in conflict when ASIO4ALL is installed. But when not installed I can not choose Babyface under ASIO in Reaper. Only Directsound or WASAPI, Waveout or Dummy audio.

waedi wrote:

why ASIO4all ?
Babyface comes with the best driver for Windows, Delete ASIO4all and problems will disappear.
In the device manager the Babyface appears as game controller probably because it is also a Midi-interface
ASIO4all is good for creating an aggregate device, an audio system combination of multiple interfaces, in your case the onboard speaker system and the Babyface got active at the same time due to ASIO4all. Thats a mess.
you may also disable onboard audio in the BIOS for cleaning up the system.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

ASIO4all is not needed, 100% !
After the RME driver installation you may need to cold reboot the computer.
Shut complete down and then reboot.
If the ASIO RME is not available in Reaper, check device manager in Windows.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Got it. Reinstalled rme driver, uninstalled ASIO4all, and finally it works without problem. Thanks.

Re: Connecting RME Fireface 400 via ADAT issues.

Congratulations !
Glad you can work

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue