Topic: Driver update 4.47 RayDat fail Windows 11


For the first time since 2K the driver update fails. I disabled my RayDat and now Windows 11 don t  even recognize that there is a soundcard installed.. Tried with an older driver but that did not work.

Do I have to physically remove the card-put it back- and hope for that Windows recognize it..?

Does someone else have issues with the latest driver?

Re: Driver update 4.47 RayDat fail Windows 11

Sure you did perform a cold reboot of the computer ? Not a reboot.
Shut down the computer entirely and wait a few moments, then switch on the computer for a real reboot.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Driver update 4.47 RayDat fail Windows 11

Yes. I have tried all the usual ways, even switch the powersupplay to " off" waited...
But no.. it is like the RayDat card is not present.

It is strange that the update did not work in the first place.. that was why I totally disabled the card , so Windows would make a fresh install..bad idea. .

Re: Driver update 4.47 RayDat fail Windows 11

Please be more specific, what exactly fails? Power-cycling the PC is not required for a driver update.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Driver update 4.47 RayDat fail Windows 11


As usual, I downloaded the update and tried to install,  popup I never have seen before tells me that the update maybe did not work and if I wanted to install in some safe mode.. I tried bothways but the card did not update.

So. my bad idea  was that I make a CLEAN install, I uninstalled the card, and was hope for the best.. now I get the code 45.
wihch means that there is no card present...and Window does no see or search for hardware..

Still I wonder, Why did not the update work in the first place? I am NOT in front of my DAW writing this

So thats why I think the only way is to remove the card- power up - power down- reinstall RAYDat- power ON and hope it will work--?
Micke S.