Topic: Software Playback Limiter?

Hey, was looking all over google and couldnt find an answer.

Does TotalMix have some kind of limiter/clipper on software playback? I notched the sound all the way over 0db in my DAW, but software playback just clips it a 0. DAW master channels dont have limiters either, so I know for sure that the sound is coming over 0db

any solutions/ideas how to get the true sound? attaching picture

2 (edited by waedi 2024-02-21 22:22:44)

Re: Software Playback Limiter?

The software playback channel receives the full signal of its source and has no limiter.
To avoid clipping distortion in the output simply don't forward the full amount.
Lower the software playback fader a bit until the level meter in the output channel is below red.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue