Topic: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

Hello all - so this is a strange one.....
I have noticed that my ARC USB is causing crashes in some other apps (Sibelius mainly) just by being connected. For example, If I run any macro plugins within Sibelius, it will crash - but ONLY if the ARC USB is connected to my computer! Also Im using PLugSearcbh, and certain features of that also crash, but ONLY when the ARC USB is connected. I have no idea how this is happening! Any ideas? I can either physically unplug the ARC to make the crashes stop, or I can "disable" it in the totalmix setting, and the crashes also stop.
I contacted the Plugsearch dev who said another user had also reported this same issue with the ARC, and had solved it by plugging the ARC into the interface directly rather than to the computer. Unfortunately I cant do that as I have a madiface USB, so I can only connect to the computer.
Any ideas anyone?? smile

MacBook Pro M1, Sonoma 14.4.1, Madiface USB (3.31)


Re: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

ARC USB is just MIDI controller, so it should not crash anything....

Maybe programs/plugins receive MIDI from ARC USB. You should be able to disable it in those programs. But still they should not crash even when receiving MIDI from ARC...

Re: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

indeed they shouldn't - but they definitely Do!
I found how to disable the ARC usb in Sibelius and that has indeed stopped the crashing, but other apps like Plugsearch dont let you specifically disable inputs, so the only way to solve is to unplug. I suspect something in the virtual port that the ARC USB creates (I guess) is messing with some other stuff? who knows...


Re: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

I am guessing that you do not run the ARC USB with SysEx but normal MIDI. Crashes with Sysex are more or less impossible. Check the firmware of the ARC USB.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

What MC suggests is the best way to deal with it.

But still, if certain applications crash because of MIDI stream, the problem most probably lies in those Apps... They should handle MIDI stream in the way they do not crash.

Re: [Solved] ARC USB causing other apps to crash

AH! Thankyou - that is exactly what it was. Have flashed to v7 firmware and all is good.