Topic: Fireface 800 again

Hello everyone, I have followed the discussions on compatibility of the FF800 and sonoma and followed the indications on the RME website. It works fine for output; I can play audio from all the SW programs I have (Cubase Pro 13, Youtube, etc.) However when I try to send an input signal from any source (mic or guitar), the input led shows the signal is seen but total mix doesn't show it. I tried in both configurations: full mode and DAW mode. As consequence Cubase doesn't see it either.
Has anyone had this problem and solved it? thanks

Re: Fireface 800 again

In most cases it’s because the audio hardware ('microphone') is not yet allowed in macOS system settings - security/privacy - audio. Can you check this once and report back?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2