Topic: Madiface USB no sync (coax)

I bougth a Madiface Yesterday and want it to connect to the Madicard of my DM7C.
The Yamaha Madicard only has two sets of Madi I/O via BNC.
It is not possible to sync the Madiface to the Yamaha.

I had the impression that i can clock to an incoming Madistream, but that´s not the case
for the BNC connection.

So there is only WC or Madi over coax, no sync to external at the same time?

The unit itself works fine with other equipment via LWL.

Kind Regards

FF UCX - ADI 8 QS(DOTec Madi/Usb i64) - Madi HDSPe(Tco 4) - Madiface USB

Re: Madiface USB no sync (coax)

What are the settings of the incoming MADI in the MADIface settings.
See from page 11 (Win) or page 25 (Mac) in the manual:

Audio AG Support

Re: Madiface USB no sync (coax)


64 Channel - 48k Frame -

Output:64 Channel Mix
Input: Coaxial

Sample Rate: switches to 44100 on it´s own, but the desk is 48/96 only!
Clock Source: only Internal works but leads to an error message in the DM7
BNC In leads to switching to 44,1

and of course, i get no lock

Maybe i can share some screenshots later

Kind Regards

FF UCX - ADI 8 QS(DOTec Madi/Usb i64) - Madi HDSPe(Tco 4) - Madiface USB

Re: Madiface USB no sync (coax)

It works now, as expected. I have updated the driver to 4.10 (4.08 worked fine with the ucx before)
and now everything is fine.
The madicard in the desk syncs really slow and i get error messages in the first minute, but then it´s safe.

I think the desk needs some updates, cause even the dante part syncs slower then the other yamaha desks i know.

Kind Regards

FF UCX - ADI 8 QS(DOTec Madi/Usb i64) - Madi HDSPe(Tco 4) - Madiface USB