1 (edited by lemonesquestudio 2024-05-27 01:58:08)

Topic: (Solved))Multiple HDSPe Raydats Master/Slave question

I'm reading in the manual when I use the internal X400 to X401 sync cable that one card should be set to Master and the other to Slave.

I've hunted through every menu option and can't find this anywhere. Can someone help please?

Many thanks


2 (edited by waedi 2024-05-24 16:27:53)

Re: (Solved))Multiple HDSPe Raydats Master/Slave question

It's in the driver settings. Hammerfall DSP settings dialog.


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: (Solved))Multiple HDSPe Raydats Master/Slave question

AH!!! Thank you.