Topic: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

DigiCheck NG 0.91 is now available as beta/preview for Mac and Windows. These are the news:

- New instrument Totalyser. No joke, and of course it isn’t really new, but…Although one can assemble the former DIGICheck Totalyser in a 3-pane window easily, our Totalyser has become a kind of go-to tool and was exceptionally popular. The added instrument Totalyser now offers an easy and more quick to set up starting point, with all crucial information in just one window, or better pane. Thanks to the multi-pane structure it is – of course - possible to add other instruments beside the Totalyser as well.


This instrument also has its own Settings box with all three instruments (Analyzer, Level Meter, Vector Scope) in one dialog. It has more options and features as the former version, matching the extended functionality of NG instruments. And it adds the large box of level meter data readouts that was not available before.

- New Appearance parameter Large:  This dialog for specific text sizes now also controls the ‘readout box’ (or table) under the Vector Scope in Totalyser, as well as the one in the R128 instrument. Changing the text size ‘Large’ will rescale the readout text accordingly.


- New instrument Oscilloscope. It comes with the whole feature set of a real DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope), like Trigger Level, Auto/Normal/Single Shot option, and many more. Additionally it supports up to 8 channels simultaneously and has advanced features like adjustable afterglow and Live Update trigger control (see included help for details).

Here is an example of capturing the impulse response of a single sample impulse:


And this one shows all 8 channels in action.


The controls seen in the screenshot can be made invisible in the DSO Settings, minimized to one line with the upper left chevron, and will automatically reposition to the bottom when the window size is changed accordingly.

Obviously using an oscilloscope for music makes not much sense, as most of the time one just sees random stuff. Even as ‘something there indicator’ any level meter would be better suited. But being able to see the current waveform does make sense in many specific cases (check sine for overload, check current waveform), and also is a blast for synthesizer guys (Superbooth here we come!). And set to 100 ms/div and Live Update active, we're getting close to a permanent level tracker...but that might be a story for a future update wink

- The included help has been updated as well. Check it out!

Downloads  - Update with release version:

Mac V 0.91 Release
https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/digi … ac_091.zip

Windows V 0.91 Release
https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/digi … in_091.zip

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

And it also runs on Catalina!

Now I know what I'll be doing this weekend :-)

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

That looks fantastic, well done RME. Looking forward to trying the Windows version when it's ready.


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Cool :-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

5 (edited by maggie33 2024-05-18 08:12:09)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

As i am on kext drivers atm... And i wondered where the playbacks are.
Same with the previous DC version.

MC, regarding your post: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 53#p215653

-> seems kext drivers do not provide playbacks, too. Right?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 91#p188691

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Thanks. Sometimes it helps to re-read threads, i already patriated. 2 Years seem to be too long for my mind ;-)

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

thanks for the update, great one.

But, is there a way to resize the parts of the totaliser ?
I mean, for me the Vector Scope is always too large and I want the Analyzer definitely larger. Would be great to have a way to scale it like in the other windows with more than one part.


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

If you want individual free scaling then use a three pane window and add the tools that you want, then freely scale them as needed. Also multiple windows would be an alternative.

Matthias Carstens


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I uploaded DC NG Mac version 0.91 beta 2 (link in first post). Changes to Beta 1:

- Optimized rescaling of Totalyser

- Fixed graphics issue when Totalyser was at the bottom of a multi-pane window

- DSO did not save Fade state. Fade option is now also found in DSO settings dialog.

DSO note: the number of active channels is currently not saved. Workaround: do not assign inputs to channels that should not be active.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Very Nice!
Totalyser saves the slots for other instruments as it has the most necessary already inside.
Oscilloscope - will need more time to dive deeper into it.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Love the new version! I have a question, is it possible to change the slope in the analyser? I use 4.5 slope in my DAW eq analyser and it would be nice to have it in DigiCheck also since I'm so used to it!


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

What do you mean with '4.5 slope'?

Matthias Carstens

14 (edited by Babaluma 2024-05-26 17:56:48)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I imagine he's talking about this: it's something like a Pink Noise distribution, a bit closer to how music sounds. On a "flat" analyser, with music, the bass usually "looks" way higher than the treble frequencies. But using a 3, 4.5 or 6dB slope kind of visually "equalises" the slope to look flatter. It's all just aesthetics really, and what you are used to seeing/working with. Flat is true to the source mathematically, but having the option of a weighting slope can help to make things look better/more like our ears hear.



Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

The Windows version v0.91b1 is now also available. Download link in the first post.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

In the Bit Statistics, I wonder why low-level signals show green 'x' for the most significant bits. Is it because of negative sample values? Shouldn't the Bit Statistics take the absolute value of samples?

As a user, I am expecting low-level signals to have a bunch of '0's in the most significant bits. But I would understand if you don't take absolute values...

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Bitstatistics just shows the raw bit values for diagnostic purposes and to detect lower bit resolutions. The 2's complement format leads to complete change of active bits at zero-crossing.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I know that. And as I said, I get it too.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I also wish it was extended to 32 bits, because DC-NG can also analyze software playback inputs; and some RME units like the ADI-2 DAC do have a 32-bit playback bit depth.
It would be very useful to have!

But MC said the Bit Statistics was made for the AES/SPDIF inputs. So…


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

The downloads in post #1 have been updated to Beta 3. Changes:

- Activated channels in DSO are now saved

- Level Meter and Vector Scope settings in Totalyser are now saved

- Fixed small graphics glitch in Totalyser's Spectral Analyser

- Improved horizontal scaling in DSO (only Mac)

Matthias Carstens

21 (edited by splitting_ears 2024-06-05 13:50:22)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

One nitpick on W11: every time I update Digicheck NG or the ADI-2 Remote App, the taskbar shortcuts I previously set up are deleted and I have to create them again manually.

I've never encountered such behaviour with other apps so I thought it might be useful to share it here.

Anyway, looking forward to trying this new update! Thanks smile


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I have the same issue - so far we did not convince the installer to behave differently.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

MC wrote:

The downloads in post #1 have been updated to Beta 3. Changes:

- Activated channels in DSO are now saved

- Level Meter and Vector Scope settings in Totalyser are now saved

- Fixed small graphics glitch in Totalyser's Spectral Analyser

- Improved horizontal scaling in DSO (only Mac)

Thank you!

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

The Windows version 91b3 still have these bugs:
Vector Scope is L/R reversed, and the level label of spectral analyser in Totalyser doesn't refresh automatically when auto range works.


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Both issues confirmed - thanks.

Matthias Carstens


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Beta 4 is now available from the links in the first post:

- Vector Scope L/R channels fixed
- Improved AGC of Vector Scope
- Totalyser - Spectral Analyser Auto Gain Range scale fixed
- Several graphics improvements for the Oscilloscope

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Thank you!

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Thanks for Totalyser and Oscilloscope. Great tools.

Would it be possible to extend DigiCheck in a way that one could also set inputs for all windows in one operation?

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

I need that too...hopefully some day...

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview



Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

DigiCheck NG 0.91 has been released and is available as download from our website. The Windows version equals beta 4. The Mac version includes automatic adaptation to the Channel Limit change in DK driver 4.12.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Thank you!

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

0.91 working great in Windows here the Oscilloscope is great.


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Thought I would put this here as a feature request rather than a new topic.

Running 0.91 Beta 4 all working well. In Totalyzer I would love it if there was an option for infinite hold on the peak (or all) numbers in the readout box. I know I have infinite hold on peak markers in the level meters but numbers are a quicker more accurate reference at a glance - mainly for when mixing.

Kind regards

Paul Najar
Jaminajar Music Production

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

Really liking how this new Digi Check is evolving with 0.91 installed on Windows 11, but have a question.

I use a Fireface UCX.  In the old DigiCheck I was able to setup a meter to monitor the SPDIF L and SPDIF R Inputs.

I cannot seem to do this on DigiCheck NG.  I see that in the old Digi Check Input Device Setup I have to select Hardware Level in order to access the device SPDIF L/R.  This option is not available on the DigiCheck NG Input Device Setup for an Instrument.

If this is available and I am not finding it, can you elaborate on how one might find this ability ?

Can you elaborate monitoring device digital inputs SPDIF (and I suppose also ADAT) will be added to Digi Check NG ?

Thank you,
Brian Decker


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

RustyFalcon wrote:

I use a Fireface UCX.  In the old DigiCheck I was able to setup a meter to monitor the SPDIF L and SPDIF R Inputs.

I cannot seem to do this on DigiCheck NG.

You can. Right mouse click on an instrument, Input Selection. Read and try all the buttons in there, and click on the channel list etc.

I see that in the old Digi Check Input Device Setup I have to select Hardware Level in order to access the device SPDIF L/R.

Not true. All channels are also available via ASIO. But yes, 'Hardware level' as source does not exist in DC NG anymore.

Matthias Carstens

37 (edited by RustyFalcon 2024-08-19 03:56:11)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.91 macOSX / Windows beta now available for preview

MC wrote:

You can. Right mouse click on an instrument, Input Selection. Read and try all the buttons in there, and click on the channel list etc.

Not true. All channels are also available via ASIO. But yes, 'Hardware level' as source does not exist in DC NG anymore.

Hi Mathias!

Got it sorted thank you!   Was a Fireface Settings limitation, not a DigiCheck NG issue after all.

I noted in my Fireface Settings window, under Bandwidth, I had "Analog" selected.

Changing that to Analog+SPDIF+ADAT 1-4, and THEN checking Input Selection in DigiCheck NG.... I can see the Analog, SPDIF, and ADAT inputs.