201 (edited by DanRand 2024-06-13 09:58:51)

Re: New macOS RME HDSPe series driver – public beta test (1.07)

Hi !

Just tried to install 1.07 & then 1.12 for my Digiface + ExpressCard (with Sonnet adapter), but the HDSPe Settings app immediately closes for both firmware versions, and the Digiface doesn't show up in Audio MIDI Setup, TotalMix or HALLab, or any audio apps.

Any idea how to fix this or what the cause might be?  I see others in this thread have also mentioned the settings app not opening.  Kernel driver 4.25 works fine.


Some details:

macOS Monterey 12.7.5, intel iMac 9900K

Firmware v21 (DriverKit Compat.) - Was updated with FUT 3.14

IORegistryExplorer shows 2 IOUserServer entries, and a PCI... entry

SIP Disabled

I also have a UFX III and UCX I which are working fine with their ASP + DriverKit driver

Can send Console logs that happen when HDSPe Settings app immediately closes

Logic 10.7.2 - macOS Monterey 12.7.5
HDSPe Digiface via ExpressCard Adapter
Fireface UFX III & UCX I

202 (edited by DanRand 2024-06-13 10:26:37)

Re: New macOS RME HDSPe series driver – public beta test (1.07)

Forgot to say that if I type "systemextensionsctl list" in Terminal, the following lines for the Digiface are displayed:

de.rme-audio.dkhdspe (1.1.2/12)    de.rme-audio.dkhdspe    [terminated waiting to uninstall on reboot]
de.rme-audio.dkhdspe (1.1.2/12)    de.rme-audio.dkhdspe    [activated enabled]

And there are 2 corresponding folders/entries containing a "de.rme-audio.dkhdspe.dext" file in /Library/SystemExtensions

Also, there is an "RMEHDSPeAsp.driver" driver showing in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL

Logic 10.7.2 - macOS Monterey 12.7.5
HDSPe Digiface via ExpressCard Adapter
Fireface UFX III & UCX I