Topic: Ableton External Audio Effects with RME Fireface Playing Raw Audio
I'm having some issues with using external effects in Ableton with my RME Fireface UCX II. I have recorded some guitar and put an external audio effect into my signal chain. I have routed the guitar audio out of the RME to a reamp box, then into my external effects, and then back into the RME to Ableton. The problem that I'm having is that the channel always seems to be playing the raw audio along side of the effected audio, like a send track. To make things even more confusing, if I mute the channel entirely in Ableton, the raw audio still plays. Under normal circumstances if I mute the track the audio mutes like it's supposed to. I have muted every channel on the entire track and the audio still plays.
Side comment that may be relevant to my question. I have my Cue Out and Master Out routed to channels 7/8 for headphones. I still get sound from my external speakers but sound won't play in my headphones if it's set up to the Main Out.
Any ideas to help solve my issue are appreciated.