Topic: Matrix routing in totalmix fx

hello everyone

I'm using FF800 as my main soundcard and i'm trying to connect a babyface to it (not pro) via adat in order to use the xlr inputs.
Everything works and when i look at the babyface inputs in totalmix i can see the input but i don't understand how to use\approach the channels,
I can't seem to understand the routing method in the matrix.

Screenshots: … sp=sharing … sp=sharing

Thank you
Amir Refael

2 (edited by oli77sch 2024-03-26 19:41:18)

Re: Matrix routing in totalmix fx

You could use the mixer view instead.
In the matrix, the upper part is for hardware inputs routings to hardware outputs. It’s what you need.
Lower part is for software playback, so not relevant in this case. But I would suggest to close all the channels to avoid unwanted sounds somewhere.
To have mic inputs (AN 1/2) on ADAT 1/2 out, double click where this channels cross.
On the left you have the inputs, on bottom there are the hardware outputs.
Like that:

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Matrix routing in totalmix fx


I still don't understand how it works but it works.


4 (edited by kim 2024-06-30 20:09:48)

Re: Matrix routing in totalmix fx

Dont worry amirefael you are not alone - many of us dont understand it :-)

I made a pic how it works, i really hope its right figured out

Just follow the numbers: 1., 2., 3. etc

(This is taken from my fireface 802 of my PC, which is connected to RAYDAT on a other PC, the sound comes from RAYDAT and go into fireface 802)

I really really hope this is the way to "read" the matrix