Topic: Line Input level FF 802 FS vs UFX+
Is there a difference?
Manual on both says
Lo Gain +19 dBu 15 dB
Connected to an AMS NEVE 1073 DPA the UFX+ red clipping led in TotalMix is totally en par with the LEDs on the Neve.
Where on the FF 802 FS, I can drive the input of the 1073 harder without clipping in TM.
I would rather like to have the inputs of the UFX + less sensitive like in the FF 802.
Could this be done with a firmware update?
Or is it just a different TotalMix behavior or different converters of the two interfaces?
Seems that even when the over LED in UFX Total Mix lights up, it is not sounding like converter clipping.
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X