Topic: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

Hi all,

I'm a bit of a novice so pardon my ignorance. I've been successfully using my Babyface Pro FS with two Adam Audio Monitors for two years.

I recently disconnected my setup for the first time and upon reconnection, I am experiencing disparate levels on my hardware outputs. My right speaker is now significantly quieter than the left (this is represented on the LEDs of the interface itself and in Totalmix). I have tried using different XLR cables and have checked that the speakers themselves are setup in exactly the same way. I am also testing the outputs using a sine wave generator.

What am I missing here? I can of course achieve a balance between both speakers by manually adjusting things but I don't understand why things would be off in the first place. Is it possible something has been damaged?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!

2 (edited by waedi 2024-07-10 03:11:47)

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

In Totalmix the hardware output channel AN1/2 is splittet in two mono channels, try merge them into one stereo channel.
Click the wrench tool button and hit the Stereo button.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by maggie33 2024-07-11 20:56:37)

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

-> Show us how the AN 1/2 Playback Fader looks, if you switch your Hardware Output Bus from AN1 to AN2 (AN2 Mono should be grey)...
-> I bet, the AN 1/2 Playback Fader is set to a lower Value then +5.7dB

Edit: Edit2: Sorry waedi, corrected my typo in your name...
@waedi: yes, could be an option, but then you would loose the ability to assign individual Properties for the 2 HW Outputs (like FX, Rev Send, Mute, Cue,  etc)...

Maybe another useful idea for this case:
Right-click on Hardware Output of AN1 -> select Copy/Mirror Output AN1 -> Right-click on Hardware Output of AN2 -> select Mirror of Output AN1... Both should be grey-highlighted now. So the both Out Channels are still individual but are mapped to the same Submix regarding the Playbacks/Inputs.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

Thank you so much for your speedy replies! In a time where everyone seems at odds, it's so heartwarming that there are people out there willing to help strangers. The following advice fixed the issue. Thank you so much again!!!!

"Maybe another useful idea for this case:
Right-click on Hardware Output of AN1 -> select Copy/Mirror Output AN1 -> Right-click on Hardware Output of AN2 -> select Mirror of Output AN1... Both should be grey-highlighted now. So the both Out Channels are still individual but are mapped to the same Submix regarding the Playbacks/Inputs."

At some point, I hope I'll be in a position to help as I've been helped today.

You are both the best!

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

Why aren’t you linking so its stereo out? Does that make a difference.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

"Why aren’t you linking so its stereo out? Does that make a difference?"

Hey there! Thanks for getting back to me. I had initially "unlinked" stereo (if that's the proper phrasing) to see what was going on with each channel as something was amiss. Linking in stereo still saw disparate levels but the advice I'd taken above solved the issue.

Thanks so much again for everyone's help!

7 (edited by maggie33 2024-07-11 07:33:12)

Re: Babyface Pro FS Output Issues (Novice Question)

Why aren’t you linking so its stereo out? Does that make a difference.

The difference is, that thus, the both Outputs are "linked" regarding incoming signals, you have an independent control for each Output, as its a completely individual Channel...

just 2 examples:
- you can assign different EQ Settings for AN1 Out (left) and another EQ Setting for AN2 Out (right)
- you can control each out channel via MIDI/OSC Volume commands instead of pan (afaik espacially in standalone mode, you do not have
pan via MIDI)

So, to sum up: It depends on your current need/setup/workflow.
Certain Situations make more sense to have the outs stereo-paired, while other to keep them seperated.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard