Topic: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

My new ADI-2/4 Pro SE, updated to the latest firmware as of the date of this post, is running extremely hot, even when powered off (standby). Is this normal? My ADI-2 DAC FS doesn't get hot at all.


Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

In standby mode (power button red) the unit should stay cool.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by ramses 2024-07-26 14:12:45)

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

sub wrote:

My new ADI-2/4 Pro SE, updated to the latest firmware as of the date of this post, is running extremely hot, even when powered off (standby). Is this normal?

It might take some time until the case cools down...

Besides that, you didn't provide any useful information for any form of troubleshooting, about

- how hot the device is
- surrounding room temperature
- placement of the unit, is there any air flow around the device? Can you provide a picture please?
- how long you waited with remeasuring after power down

sub wrote:

My ADI-2 DAC FS doesn't get hot at all.

Different unit, fewer components/features.
Also depends on whether you use balanced mode or not, or how high the volume is set.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by sub 2024-07-26 22:56:28)

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

I don't really understand your critical tone to my post. Do you want me to get a thermometer and report the exact temperature? The device is getting very hot to the touch, this shouldn't happen unless I'm mistaken. It's acting as a preamp, but the case feels like of a class A/B power amp. That doesn't make any sense in my view. Extremely hot, I said. How hot is too hot for you?

ramses wrote:
sub wrote:

My new ADI-2/4 Pro SE, updated to the latest firmware as of the date of this post, is running extremely hot, even when powered off (standby). Is this normal?

It might take some time until the case cools down...

Besides that, you didn't provide any useful information for any form of troubleshooting, about

- how hot the device is
- surrounding room temperature
- placement of the unit, is there any air flow around the device? Can you provide a picture please?
- how long you waited with remeasuring after power down

sub wrote:

My ADI-2 DAC FS doesn't get hot at all.

Different unit, fewer components/features.
Also depends on whether you use balanced mode or not, or how high the volume is set.

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

The ADI-2/4 Pro SE gets quite hot when running.
Specially now in summertime when room temperature is higher.
Best, it should be placed free-standing and no other warm devices underneath.

You still should be able to touch it without feeling very uncomfortable.

If it gets hot in true standby too (powered down, red ring illuminated), as @MC mentioned something is wrong.

6 (edited by ramses 2024-07-27 08:17:07)

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

sub wrote:

I don't really understand your critical tone to my post. Do you want me to get a thermometer and report the exact temperature? The device is getting very hot to the touch, this shouldn't happen unless I'm mistaken. It's acting as a preamp, but the case feels like of a class A/B power amp. That doesn't make any sense in my view. Extremely hot, I said. How hot is too hot for you?

It would be nice if others thought about what information is useful to be able to answer a question.

Without any real information which can be compared with the own installation, nobody can answer this whether it is "simply hot because of summer" (like KaiS already told) or "unusualy hot even for summer".

BTW .. we had already similar threads in the forum. Yes these devices "get a little hotter" and the recommendation is to give the device some airflow around it. What's hot for your fingers isn't nenessarily too hot for electronics.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

No matter what, when powered off the unit should have ambient temperature after cooling down.

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

john34 wrote:

No matter what, when powered off the unit should have ambient temperature after cooling down.

Certainly. I will do further tests and report back in the coming days.

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

Device is less hot now, but still hot. I assume now this is expected behaviour from the device.

Re: ADI-2/4 Pro SE running very hot

I'm in a room that is currently 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's very warm, but not like I can't keep my hand on it for a long time. Just feels "very warm". When it gets up to 90+, it's quite a bit hotter.

I might add that I have an Audient ASP880 in that room and when the ambient temperature is up there, you can't really touch it. I did find running a fan behind it for a little while made it totally reasonable, but some of this stuff just gets really hot. That unit in a rack open to back/front and 1 rack space open above and below.

I know that doesn't really help except that some of this stuff gets hot. My pcm90 does that too.

Also, on standby, it really has no heat.