Topic: BF Pro FS Conference Call Recording

Hi everyone,

This is David. It's been a while since I last posted. The knowledge of this forum is really amazing and I learn so much from everyone!

For those who might not know, I'm completely blind, and Total Mix FX isn't accessible to screen readers like NVDA. I use Reaper on Windows 11 as my DAW.

One user on this forum has helped me make 2 different workspaces, both using AS1/2 as virtual loopback ports, with the only difference being one only carries only the internal sounds I decide to route to AS1/2,  while the other adds the mic signal on AN 1/2 on to the mix (sorry for the pun). AN1/2 is my main monitor outputs, and I can also monitor the internal audio output from AS1/2, not the mic signal.

What I'm looking for are two things:

1. For my Zoom person to both hear me talk and the audio I route to AS1/2;
2. For me to both record my voice and the audio from Zoom on separate tracks, so I can control both tracks independently during post, or mix at will.

Is there a way to achieve this on Reaper? Or should I route audio in a different way on Total Mix FX? Or, are one of the workspaces already able to do what I need it to do?

Thanks for answering my questions!


2 (edited by waedi 2024-07-27 05:32:26)

Re: BF Pro FS Conference Call Recording

Hi David, glad to read from you.

1. The second workspace should fit to this, the mic signal should be routed to AS1/2 (where the Loopback is)

2. You have to use an additional hardware output channel for an additional Loopback. Use Adat3/4, route the mic there.
Click onto hardware output Adat 3/4,lift fader of mic hardware input channel 1 or 2 (where the mic signal is)
Then open the channel with the wrench tool and hit Loopback and lift the fader from this output channel.
In Reaper you can record two tracks.
One track recording input channels 1/2 with the first Loopback signal .
The other track recording input channels 3/4 with the second Loopback signal.

The culprit is Zoom who can pickup audio from channels 1/2 only but Totalmix lets you route the signals everywhere you want.

Best wishes and good luck with the configuration.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: BF Pro FS Conference Call Recording

waedi wrote:

Hi David, glad to read from you.

1. The second workspace should fit to this, the mic signal should be routed to AS1/2 (where the Loopback is)

2. That needs a bit more work. The problem is, the mic sits on channels 1/2 and got replaced by Loopback 1/2.
You have to use an additional hardware output channel for Loopback. Use Adat3/4, route the  the mic there.
Click onto hardware output Adat 3/4,lift fader of mic hardware input channel 1 or 2 (where the mic signal is)
Then open the channel with the wrench tool and hit Loopback.
In Reaper you can record two tracks.
One track recording input channels 1/2 with the first Loopback signal .
The other track recording input channels 3/4 with the second Loopback signal.

The culprit is Zoom who can pickup audio from channels 1/2 only.

Best wishes and good luck with the configuration.

Dear Walter,

Thank you for your message.

I should probably clarify that I'm looking to route both internal laptop sounds (piano) and my voice on the microphone to Zoom. I can do that with the second workspace, but the bad thing is both my mic signal and the sounds are folded on one track. I've tried putting the analogue 1/2 signal on one side, and the AS1/2 signal on the other side. Unfortunately, they don't completely cancel each other when the phase of the (shared) mic signal is inverted. There's a bit of high frequency difference between the 2 signals. On the other hand, if I run the workspace without the microphone signal on AS1/2, then only the internal system sounds can be picked up by Zoom when I choose AS1/2 as my input channel.

I'm curious if Reaper can have a setting where it sends the AN1/2 (mic signal) to AS1/2 by software, so maybe I could pan that to the right, or invert its phase so even though the channel is still mixed in the recording, I can use some means to independently extract the recorded data and archive / move on to post afterward?

Hopefully this wasn't too confusing.

Also, I'm trying to stay away from Total Mix FX as the only way for me to adjust anything is through external assistance...

Thanks for reading!


4 (edited by waedi 2024-07-27 06:32:07)

Re: BF Pro FS Conference Call Recording

Yes thats correct.
Zoom can pickup only one stere signal, everything has to be mixed together in Totalmix for this.
The computermusic, your piano and the voice from the mic goes into Loopback 1/2 for Zoom.
This has to be because Zoom has only one input.
For the Reaper recording its different because Reaper can record all possible input channels separate.
Edit :
In Totalmix you can pan the mic signal to one side and have the piano to the other side.
No need to cancel out phase.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: BF Pro FS Conference Call Recording

Great. Thanks, Walter! I prefer not to go through Total Mix as I can't manage any settings independently. Unless RME improves accessibility of the software, I'll continue to depend on other people making workspace files. Thanks for your suggestions.

waedi wrote:

Yes thats correct.
Zoom can pickup only one stere signal, everything has to be mixed together in Totalmix for this.
The computermusic, your piano and the voice from the mic goes into Loopback 1/2 for Zoom.
This has to be because Zoom has only one input.
For the Reaper recording its different because Reaper can record all possible input channels separate.
Edit :
In Totalmix you can pan the mic signal to one side and have the piano to the other side.
No need to cancel out phase.