Topic: [Solved] Pops / Snaps with RADAR 24, DIGIFACE USB, CUBASE 13, WIN 10
Hi all,
Recently I've had consistent pops / snaps during recording sessions that has become increasingly frustrating to track down.
Windows 10, i7-9700K CPU running Cubase 13 PRO.
I'm running RADAR 24 as my converter.
RADAR ADAT out x3 ---> DIGFACE USB --> Cubase 13 PRO
DIGIFACE 4 out --> TC ELECTRONIC BMC-2 Monitor Controller
DIGIFACE buffer 128
Sample rates all 48
Drives are up to date
I read that the DIGIFACE CLOCK SOURCE should always be set to INTERNAL. When I do that the snaps will be embedded in the recorded audio. If I switch the CLOCK SOURCE to INPUT 1, 2 or 3 the snaps will occur when playing back audio, when the DAW is idle, but almost never when recording.
Either way the amount of snaps will occur closer together and more frequently as the day goes on.
When CLOCK SOURCE is INTERNAL the input status flashes between "Sync" and "Lock"
When CLOCK SOURCE is set to INPUT 1, 2 or 3 the input status says "Sync".
During mixing (with the RADAR turned off) I set CLOCK SOURCE to INTERNAL and experience no snaps or pops in the day. Buffer usually stays at 128 unless the mix session demands a higher buffer size.
Latency Monitor gives the all clear, I think. Gotta figure out how to attach an image here.
Any help will be much appreciated!