Topic: Transmit LTC over dante network with digiface Dante
I want to receive the LTC via Dante network for running Dolby Renderer in sync. Dolby renderer installed in Mac Mini with Digiface Dante.
In Dolby renderer Manual,
'LTC is used for synchronizing the Renderer transport. LTC uses a receiver channel that is typically channel 128 of the Dante device used by the Renderer. When using an external LTC generator, audio source transmitter channels 121–128 must be configured as multicast for receive channels 125–127 of the Renderer Dante device to be active while the LTC analog-to-Dante converter uses receive channel 128.'
I set the Dante controller transmitting LTC in 64ch, and set the LTC input channel set to 64 in Dolby renderer preference. It didn't work. So If I use 2 Digiface Dante, Can I expand Dante input channel to 128?