Topic: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

I have sent my ADI-2 DAC FS back to Thomann and ordered an ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition. The device should arrive within a few days. I then want to pair it with a streamer. I am looking for a streamer without a DAC of its own, because I think that it will be possible to use the DAC of the ADI-2 pro when the streamer is connected to my RME device.

I am new to the world of streamers, and maybe someone can recommend me one of those, which should work with the ADI-2 Pro. I am on Windows 11 and use Qoubuz, if that matters.

The streamer should also be able to play FLAC files from my hard disk or USB drives, if possible.
It should also be able to connect without much problems with the ADI-2 Pro (maybe SPDIF?).

Budget is up to 1500 €, approx. Do you think, that the addition of the streamer will increase the sound quality in general (Qoubuz, maybe Tidal later on, files from USB drive)?

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

I would suggest a raspberry pi 4 running Rune software connected via USB. You will find it great value. Whether you can do better using Hi Fi streamers is a matter for discussion, although I don’t think you can, at least not in a way that humans can hear.

RPi4 | RME ADI-2 Pro FS R BE | Senn HD600 | Sugden Masterclass AA | Teddy Pardo i80d | Naim SBL

3 (edited by KaiS 2024-08-22 19:58:51)

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

kirmizz25 wrote:

… Do you think, that the addition of the streamer will increase the sound quality in general (Qoubuz, maybe Tidal later on, files from USB drive)?

Absolutely, no!

ADI-2 plays whatever you throw at it, in the exact same quality, no matter what source you use.

This is what the “FS” stands for:
ADI-2 is re-clocking the digital stream to it’s highly stable internal clock, and doesn’t care about what happens outside.

That’s a good thing, because you can choose the streamer you like only by the matters of its functionality.
Or just pause on the streamer and play from your PC.

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

Have a look at Lyrion Music Server software I have used it and its forerunner for 15 years. Continuously developed and large number of active users. Runs on several operating systems and RPi, so can be very economical. My library is on a NAS and I stream to 4 players, all synchronized. I use a customized version called Daphile (search it) installed to inexpensive minipcs + external DACs and amps (RME and others).

ADI-2 pro fs be; UFX+; MADIfaceUSB; Startech active USB3 cable; Sonnet Allegro Pro adapter; Win11x64

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

Labdoc wrote:

Have a look at Lyrion Music Server software I have used it and its forerunner for 15 years. Continuously developed and large number of active users. Runs on several operating systems and RPi, so can be very economical. My library is on a NAS and I stream to 4 players, all synchronized. I use a customized version called Daphile (search it) installed to inexpensive minipcs + external DACs and amps (RME and others).

Hilarious... I had to look as I've been using Logitech's Slim Server since 2006... I had no idea they changed the name! I have to agree... GREAT server software and, since I've been using it 18+ years, have converted my entire CD library to FLAC files, with well over 43,000 files. I do have multiple Logitech playback devices with my main one being their Transporter, capable of playing 192K/24bit files.  There's playback 'plugins' for streaming services, too, including Qobuz (my preference) being able to play the full 192K file from their server.  Updates on the server software are continually made and there's GREAT support within the worldwide users' forum.

Good luck...

Eric Seaberg • San Diego, CA • USA
A.E.S. • S.M.P.T.E. • S.P.A.R.S. • I.E.E.E.

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

I am also happy user of Squeezebox family.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

The OP does not say why he exchanged the ADI-2 DAC FS for the Pro as for streaming purposes the DAC would work just fine, either for a streamer box with SPDIF out or using streamer software on a computer and using USB.

Exchanging the DAC for the Pro makes no sense, and the price difference between the DAC and Pro is better spent elsewhere.

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

Some of Squeeboxes have optical SPDIF. For example Touch. Maybe that OP has also some kind of analog audio source. In that case  there would be the  usecase for ADI-2 Pro analog inputs.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

Muffin wrote:

The OP does not say why he exchanged the ADI-2 DAC FS for the Pro as for streaming purposes the DAC would work just fine, either for a streamer box with SPDIF out or using streamer software on a computer and using USB.

Exchanging the DAC for the Pro makes no sense, and the price difference between the DAC and Pro is better spent elsewhere.

Well one of these days I still want to connect my A200 mk2 boxes from KS digitally to the Adi pro, this would not be possible with non pro Dac from RME. I want to use the Mutec 1.1+ for this. Also there are two ins with the pro, and i could attach a CD-player to the Mutec later on.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all these suggestions and ideas. I think one has to go slow with buying new gear.

10 (edited by KaiS 2024-08-25 06:34:47)

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

kirmizz25 wrote:

… I still want to connect my A200 mk2 boxes from KS digitally to the Adi pro, …
… I want to use the Mutec 1.1+ for this. Also there are two ins with the pro, and i could attach a CD-player to the Mutec later on. …

You don‘t need the Mutec for either.

Additionally to the Optical in and out, the supplied break-out cable that goes to ADI-2 Pro‘s rear D-Sub connector, there are XLR and Coax digital ins and outs.

So, with 3 digital ins and 3 digital outs you can make the ADI-2 your central unit without any further interface boxes.

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

I still would like to use a streamer with the Adi pro...are there streamer transports/bridges (so no DAC) without iOS or android apps one has to use? Would like windows apps or no apps at all for this, something like a PS Audio AirLens (sadly hard to get by in Germany). Roon and Qobuz ready would be nice.

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

Logitech Squeezebox Touch may work totally without computer/tablet/phone.  It has touch display. And while it also has DA, it also has optical SPDIF. And if you get also Remote from Logitech Duet it is great companion to Touch.

But still I would recomend to run Squeezebox Server SW on NAS or computer that runs all the time. I think that Touch is not powerfull enought to handle bigger musical libraries.

There might be other devices like Squeezebox. I am not aware of any except for one Czech one that may be mounted into standard electricity wall socket. I use Squezeboxes for more than 10 years and they are just great.

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

13 (edited by rcstevensonaz 2024-09-04 06:18:50)

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

A WiiM Pro has a Squeezelite client built in, and is a great successor to the Squeezebox Classic. And since the browser on any PC, Tablet, Phone, or older Squeezebox device can browse to port 9000 of the LMS server, that device can easily provide the navigation and display for "what's playing" (even though the audio path is through the WiiM Pro and not that device).

On the WiiM Pro, you can engage the DSP for full room correction. Or, leave the DSP unengaged on the WiiM Pro and have it simply pass along the bits directly to the RME ADI-2 device for any EQ corrections.

In my case, I'm using a WiiM Pro strictly as a network streamer, and use the S/PDIF optical output (no DSP) into my ADI-2 Pro FS R.  And I have also synched the WiiM Pro and my Squeezebox Classic V3 so that I still the usual display for what is playing and still use my Squeezebox remote control for whenever I need to pause or resume music playing.

14 (edited by kirmizz25 2024-09-04 11:50:48)

Re: Pairing the ADI-2 Pro FS R Black Edition with a streamer

rcstevensonaz wrote:

A WiiM Pro has a Squeezelite client built in, and is a great successor to the Squeezebox Classic. And since the browser on any PC, Tablet, Phone, or older Squeezebox device can browse to port 9000 of the LMS server, that device can easily provide the navigation and display for "what's playing" (even though the audio path is through the WiiM Pro and not that device).

On the WiiM Pro, you can engage the DSP for full room correction. Or, leave the DSP unengaged on the WiiM Pro and have it simply pass along the bits directly to the RME ADI-2 device for any EQ corrections.

In my case, I'm using a WiiM Pro strictly as a network streamer, and use the S/PDIF optical output (no DSP) into my ADI-2 Pro FS R.  And I have also synched the WiiM Pro and my Squeezebox Classic V3 so that I still the usual display for what is playing and still use my Squeezebox remote control for whenever I need to pause or resume music playing.

There is also the WiiM Ultra coming end of October. I think I will go for the iFi Zen Stream, should go well with Qobuz and Roon also.