Topic: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Hi I have an issue:
I have changed the setup in my studio to am Rme system. M 32 Da Pro II, M 32 da Pro II, 1610pro & 2x Digiface AVB.
We work with Macs in the Studio. I bought the Digiface AVBs (allthough MacOS has implemented AVB in their System) that we can have seperate configs in the different controlrooms no matter which laptop ist connected to the interface. Also the two systems need to have different samplerates, when two people work on different projects. But the Interface acts just as Bridge from the computer to the Network (Streamsonnections are computerbased and not soundcardbased). Allthough Totalmix recognizies the other Interface. But RME AVB Controller doesn't. And as far I understand the RME AVB app has to run to use the interface. I use Hive for routig and clockpurposes but cannot dedect the soudcards but only the Computers (apps) show not the soundcards.
So my question: is it possible to make the Digifaces AVB the divices in the AVB Netwok and not the Computers? If not is there a possibility in the RME AVB Controller to store and recall different setups?
Thanks in advance, Martin

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Hi Martin,

(Hive) cannot dedect the soudcards but only the Computers (apps) show

I don't quite understand what you mean by the difference between "soundcards" and "computers". Do you have the MacOS native AVB enabled?

Can you please post a screenshot of a Hive instance in the network? I think that will make thinks clearer.

Best regards


Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

blacknap wrote:

as far I understand the RME AVB app has to run to use the interface


blacknap wrote:

is there a possibility in the RME AVB Controller to store and recall different setups?


Matthias Carstens

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Windows and Mac OS implemenations of the avb app are slitely different. In Windows you can disable / enable the digiface AVB device from the menu. The digiface device is implementet as a service. You can close the controller app and the digiface device (service) keeps running in the background.
In mac OS you can also close the controller an keep the device running (with the latest version only), but the app must stay open. You stop the controller within the menu of the app.
You can use the digiface either with Hive or the RME Controller (if the RME Controller is running).

5 (edited by blacknap 2024-09-23 22:13:51)

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Thank you for all the answers,
@Marc S: my problem is that in the AVB Network the Digiface is noticed as the same interface wheter the Digiface A or the Digiface B is connected. Totalmix does notice the difference. The inputstreams of the m32 and 1610 notice that this are different interfaces but the Digiface uses the same input streams. Here are the screenshots: … 5.png?dl=0
this is the Digiface A in the 1610 environment and this: … 3.png?dl=0
is the Digiface B in the m32 environment. The Digiface inputstrems stay the same thou it are different Cards and the streams were connected to the m32 ad. Thats what I meant with "computers" and "soundcards".

@MC: I thought with the storage of setups I could work arround this problem.

@uwekirst: thank you for the info

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Please try to rename the Digifaces to something unique, like "Digiface A" and "Digiface B". Either using the RME AVB Controller ("Entity -> Name...") or Hive (View -> Discovered Entities, doubleclick on the name in the list).

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

I allready tried. Keeps The Name Digiface A thou I am connected to the Digiface B. Thats why i renamed it to "Digiface". When an other computer is connected it shows RME Digiface when you don't rename it. Thou it's named otherwise in my computer the Digifaces keep the name an other computer gives them. This works when you have one Digiface in your setup, but not when you have more.

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

When it works with your system (macOS+multible avb digifaces) it is maybe the driver i have installed?? or the firmware?
can you tell me which driver or firmwareversion i should use?

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Wait, now that I reread your initial post and have a second look at the screen shots: You do have 2 Mac systems right?
It's not that you have both Digifaces connected to one Mac, correct? Because that won't work. Each computer only supports one connected Digiface at a time.

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

On the screenshot i used the same computer to make it simpler. Not connected to both digifaces the same time. But on the first screenshot: in room a connected to digiface a. And the 2nd screenshot: same computer in room b connected to digiface b

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Everybody in the studio should be able to use his/her own laptop. With the setup stored to the digiface depending in what room they are ( what digiface they are connected to). Thats what I thought would be possible. Normally there work two systems the same time, sometimes with different samplesrates. So the systems shouldn‘t be connected. Sometimes you set the system up that you get 1 avb stream from the other studio. (Thou this is not the usual working case it should work undependent and the computer should react to the interface connected)

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Ok, I think I understand your requirements now. The connections to and from each Digiface, as well as other settings, should be unique to the actual hardware device and not the computer connected.
So the problem is not that multiple Digifaces connected at the same time to the same network don't behave as expected, but swapping Digifaces and Macs doesn't yield the expected results.

It is important to know that the actual Digiface hardware doesn't have non-volatile storage. All the settings, including the entity name for example, are stored on the computer it is connected to. They are only identifyable by their serial number/hardware id.

So what you request is that the RME application on the computer stores one setup per hardware id, correct? So that when you connect Digiface A to Computer 1, and then swap it with Digiface B to Computer 1, they show up as different devices with different settings and thus make different connections within the network?

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

Hi Marc S,
Yes, regarding your last paragraph it is correct. The solution would be that the computer would identify the digiface by the hardware id. That would also be the case if somebody uses a digiface in the studio and anotherone at home.
Will it be possible to change that? Or at least  a workarround with the storage of different inputstream setups (on the computer, when there is no non-voltatile storage on the hardware)

Re: multiple Digiface AVB in same network

any news on this:
Will it be possible to change that? Or at least  a workarround with the storage of different inputstream setups?

Best Regards