Topic: 2 HDSPe cards used independently via ASIO
I have a need to use 2 RayDAT HDSPe cards in the same Windows PC (for convenience) completely independently. Most of the common use cases are how to use multiple interfaces simultaneously (logically combine) to increase channel-count. My use case is exactly the opposite. I want to have 2 completely separate software applications independently use 1 card each.
However, when I installed the 2nd RayDAT PCIe card, the first application (via the ASIO RME driver) finds only 1 interface with 72 channels, because it seems that the driver is logically combining the 2 cards into a single ASIO device. What I would like to achieve is for 2 applications to each find a separately-enumerated ASIO devices (1 per physical RayDAT card) each with 36 channels.
It seems like this should be simple. Any pointers greatly appreciated!