Topic: 2 HDSPe cards used independently via ASIO

I have a need to use 2 RayDAT HDSPe cards in the same Windows PC (for convenience) completely independently.  Most of the common use cases are how to use multiple interfaces simultaneously (logically combine) to increase channel-count.  My use case is exactly the opposite.  I want to have 2 completely separate software applications independently use 1 card each.

However, when I installed the 2nd RayDAT PCIe card, the first application (via the ASIO RME driver) finds only 1 interface with 72 channels, because it seems that the driver is logically combining the 2 cards into a single ASIO device.  What I would like to achieve is for 2 applications to each find a separately-enumerated ASIO devices (1 per physical RayDAT card) each with 36 channels.

It seems like this should be simple.  Any pointers greatly appreciated!

Re: 2 HDSPe cards used independently via ASIO

Sorry, not possible like this. Multiclient use is possible, but the channel order can't be separate for each application.
You may be able to selectively disable ASIO channels in the audio configuration menus of each software.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: 2 HDSPe cards used independently via ASIO

The RME ASIO driver will always find all HW which is supported by the driver, in your case the two RayDAT cards.
The driver support multi-client operation.
All that you can do is to load the driver in both applications and then to use the only the 1st or 2nd half of ADAT ports.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14