1 (edited by ramses 2024-10-22 11:19:42)

Topic: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format


I have a feature request.

I would like the ability to export the TotalMix FX matrix view in Microsoft Excel CSV format.

This would allow each Snapshot to be imported into its own tab in Excel, making it easier to document the routing for all 8 Snapshots.

Currently, it’s a lot of manual work for me since I have to do everything manually (as shown in the screenshots below):

  • I take screenshots of the matrix view to document the settings. Right now, I’m barely able to fit all the necessary channels into one window. Otherwise, I’d need to take multiple screenshots.

  • I copy and paste the individual level information from the matrix view into 8 separate Excel tabs.

Being able to import the matrix view directly into Excel would make this process much easier.


I found out for myself that it is needed to document some aspects of my snapshots/routings,
because after some time you forget the exact purpose, if you do not use it often.

This would perfectly support the documentation of the routing and save a lot of manual work.

It could be useful for many other people as well.

A) Screenshots


B) Manual entries


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Isn't there a way to convert XML to XLS?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by ramses 2024-10-22 12:09:51)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

True, does not necessarily to be inside TM FX to keep TM FX small and not to raise code complexity.

The best way might be to use a script language like Python, as it can deal with many formats.
But I have no target practice with Python and I fear it would take me too much time.
So I hope RME could implement this, assuming there might be a general interest.

For me, important would be, to finally have the same ‘x/y format’, with numbering of the channels and labelling ‘AN 1/2’ and perhaps also the custom (user defined) name. Excel import from end user perspective is much easier to handle.

You could also decide whether you keep the connection to those up to 8 CSV files so that you can update at any time if the CSV file gets updated or to copy/paste the data to "values" to make them permanent.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by maggie33 2024-10-22 23:01:45)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

i made a node-js script a while ago, which converts some nodes/data from the xml's in '~/Library/Application Support/RME TotalMix FX' dir to json files, which are structured and contain data i personally needed...
So, if i remember right, i did already a basic logic which parses all the xml nodes, and just extracts/formats the data i wanted to have.
Should be not too complicated to modify it that it creates a (or multiple) csv file(s), which you could use as a data source in excel and use pivot tables (and some vba scripting?) to generate the sheets with the nice columns/rows, backgrounds and colors like your screenshot shows - even like the matrix view in TM...
And as workspaces (.tmws) and snapshots (.tmss) use a similar structure - in general it are simpe text files, with some basic xml structure, regardless of the file ending.
As you already said - i think it would make the most sense to create json or csv - just to be independent if you use excel, open office or numbers, etc for the visualisation.
The script language should
Edit - i meant: „… should not be….
be be a problem - it should just win/osx/lnux-overall compatible (like node-js, python or perl...)
I think the logic inside is the "knackpunkt". Ex: one wants the channel-user names, another also the colors in TM, another also the Hide States in TM only, another also for controllers, etc...

So - an interesting idea from you - i can search in my chaos and share the basic script if you want. And maybe help with writing the logic (as good as i can and as my time lets me to do this). Just let me know.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format


I would prefer python, because after shell (sed, awk) and perl this is the number one script language used in many areas.
And this will be the only script language which I intend to install on my home windows system.
At my customer I do besides my normal work sometimes also a lot of scripting, based on sh, sed, awk, ...

Regarding Excel. Visual Basic is not my world. I prefer to keep this as easy as possible so that I can also manage it with least effort. Final data then either per CSV import or by copy/paste.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Just corrected my typo above. Sorry if this lead to confusions. 
I did mean the language is not so impotant (but of course Python is available for all common os’).
For me - ok…

My Intention was like a Little Brainstorming to make sth „universal“ that other people could use, too. 

What comes in my mind atm…

Which TM filetypes should be parsed?
xmls too? If yes which ones?
Which parameters/contents of these files should be extracted?
Which exported format makes most sense? Json or csv?
How should it be structured?
Maybe makes sense to create a scratch of an example csv file?

Maybe you have ideas/suggestions/answers?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

7 (edited by ramses 2024-10-23 08:48:59)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Importing CSV might be easiest, but I have not tried it yet.
The question is whether you can get multiple column headers for the data.

I wanted to ask RME 1st if there is interest adding it to TM FX.
Therefore, I am not ready with a final concept and I just have no time for this now.

The TotalMix FX file types I summarized in this Excel, attached to this blog article.
The main reason was to have something to see what needs backup (in addition to a workspace file).
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ent … nd-backup/

In particular in this Excel:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/attachme … v001-xlsx/

This is the main file which contains the last state and also channel names: last.<interface><number>.xml
In my case: last.FirefaceUFXIII1.xml

File format is XML.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

8 (edited by maggie33 Yesterday 04:32:49)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

...in general, i have no time, too - But for you, i took the 30 minutes ;-)

tmss files seems to work - but of course, there is potential to optimise.

# Note: 
# install python pandas module first! (f.ex. via "pip install pandas") 
# copy paste this code to the same directory where your snapshot (tmss or xml) file is located
# give it the name f.ex: "tmsnap2xls.py"
# on unix/mac run it in shell/terminal via "python tmsnap2xls.py" (dont know how on win atm)

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd

# Load and parse the file
fname = input('Enter File Name to parse (without Extension): ')
# Extension of the file
fext = input('Enter Extension of your File (xml, tmss): ')
tree = ET.parse(fname + '.' +fext)
root = tree.getroot()
# Function to recursively extract all 'val' attributes from the XML
def parse_element(element, parent_tag=""):
    rows = []
    tag = element.tag if not parent_tag else f"{parent_tag}.{element.tag}"
    for child in element:
        if child.tag == 'val':
            e_value = child.attrib.get('e', '')
            v_value = child.attrib.get('v', '')
            # Add a new row for each 'val' element
            rows.append({f"{tag}.e": e_value, f"{tag}.v": v_value})
    current_tag = tag
    # Recurse through child elements and collect rows
    for child in element:  
        rows.extend(parse_element(child, tag))
        # some Debugging for later
        #if child.tag != current_tag:
            # print("Current Tag: ",element.tag)
        #current_tag = child.tag
    return rows
# Parse the entire XML tree and collect data
data = []
for child in root:
# Convert the list of dicts to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Fill missing values with empty strings to avoid shifting
df.fillna('', inplace=True)
# Output DataFrame to Excel
df.to_excel(fname + '.xlsx', sheet_name=fname, index=False)
print("File Created Successfully!")
“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

9 (edited by ramses Yesterday 13:48:26)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Thank you Maggie for your efforts, very kind from you.

Do I have a problem with my Python setup on Windows?
Or is the resulting file, based on a TM FX snapshot (.tmss file), such a file in Excel .xlsx format?


Source: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zsta1dvl … u&dl=1

Result: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t27dc8b4 … q&dl=1

Well, sorry, but this file contains too much information and in a non-suitable format (>16000 lines and >32000 columns), sadly I can't make use of this.

Let me explain more in detail whats needed and an Excel prototype at the end for download.

What I need is a matrix (it turns out best of only the gain values, see Example Excel later in text) like in TM FX matrix view in the same order. Then I could import snapshots1 - 8 and access this data easily.

From a user / handling perspective, it should create the least needed effort.
A prerequisite is, of course, the one-time effort to customize the Excel according to the recording interface and
to add some additional information like channel names or to document some routings.

After this 1st time setup, you will get an easy workflow with updates being provided quickly:

Step 1
  I would have loved that TM FX exports the gain values of matrix view into CSV format, e.g.:
      C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\TotalMixFX\export-matrix-snapN.csv (N=1..8)
  Alternatively, created by a script as demanded by MC.

Step 2
  In the Excel file: import of the up to 8 CSV files into the Excel file (pure gain values in this matrix format)
  Further imports are easier once the 8 TABs are there, then you only need 1 mouse click to update data from all data sources.

Step 3 update of the prepared TABs with additional information
    This way the surrounding information for documenting the routing can stay
    and is updated automatically by any further data imports
    and without loosing any cell formatting (color, background color, ..)
I prepared a Demo Excel file where I "faked" the data import a little to save time, see the README there
explaining the three TABs and the needed formula.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3ubdgrvv … a&dl=1

Ideal would be, if TotalMix FX (or an external script) would write the data for all 8 snapshots in matrix format as CSV file.

Making a 2nd attempt to understand the format, now with a default file with not so many entries/changes.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Have a problem understanding the last.*.xml file

            <val e="Slider 00 00" v="-33.10,-33.10,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>
            <val e="Slider 00 01" v="-33.10,-33.10,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>

Slider 00 seems to refer to HW output 00 (HW output AN 1/2). But I am wondering why there is no Slider 01 entry.

I changed now in the Submix Main Out (AN 1/2):
- HW Input AN1/2 to -33.1
- HW Input MA63/64 to -33.9
- SW Playback AN1/2 to -44.1
- SW Playback MA63/64 to -44.9

These results are expected:
    <val e="Slider 00 00" v="-31.10,-31.10,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>
        <val e="Slider 00 01" v="-31.10,-31.10,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>
        <val e="Slider 00 92" v="-31.90,-31.90,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>
    <val e="Slider 00 93" v="-31.90,-31.90,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,-65.00,"/>
    <val e="Slider 00 94" v="-41.10,-41.10,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>
    <val e="Slider 00 95" v="-41.10,-41.10,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>

But I am missing 2 entries for SW Playback MA63/64 and it is strange
to see an entry 00 188 because the interface has 188 channels counting from 0..187 (for inputs and playbacks)

    <val e="Slider 00 186" v="0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>
    <val e="Slider 00 187" v="0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>
    <val e="Slider 00 188" v="0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>

Why do I see SW Playback MA 63/64 with gain set to -41,9 now under
Slider 02 186, Slider 02 187 instead of
Slider 01 186, Slider 01 187 ???

And again, why Slider 02 188 ?

            <val e="Slider 02 186" v="-41.90,-41.90,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>
            <val e="Slider 02 187" v="-41.90,-41.90,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"/>
            <val e="Slider 02 188" v="-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,"/>
            <val e="Slider 03 188" v="-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,-10.00,"/>

I have problems to understand the logic / to recognize the schema behind it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

11 (edited by ramses Yesterday 15:44:49)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

@Matthias: could you kindly enlighten me (or us) a little about how to get the gain and output level info of "TM FX matrix view"
properly out of the "last.*" file? That would be fantastic, many thanks upfront.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

12 (edited by maggie33 Today 05:10:11)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

Do I have a problem with my Python setup on Windows?
Or is the resulting file, based on a TM FX snapshot (.tmss file), such a file in Excel .xlsx format?

Setup looks ok. And you already have the snap1.xlsx file generated. All fine.

Well, sorry, but this file contains too much information and in a non-suitable format (>16000 lines and >32000 columns), sadly I can't make use of this.

Oh -OK. Absolutely right. - thats what i meant with "script has potential to optimise" ;-)
It just parses "dumb" every row in the tmss and puts the val "e" and "v" tags in the xlsx one row after another - which makes around 16000 lines with your UFXIII-"Weapon"-snap ;-) (hundreds of channels). Results in such a unnecessary huge 4 mb file...

I used a offline UFXII with not so many channels, for testing, etc - makes it easier to check sth inside the files during coding as they are not so huge.

Ill try to fix this... but step by step...


Thanks for your explanation and sheets. Interesting ideas...
I think i understand now, what you exactly want... The csv should just contain pure "fader positions" with a certain placement, according to the matrix layout...

A prerequisite is, of course, the one-time effort to customize the Excel according to the recording interface and
to add some additional information like channel names or to document some routings.

Hmmm... what about just running the python script, and without touching anything in excel, open office, etc. we could get the perfect sheet? I spent some time today, investigating a little what could be possible.

I had never to do sth with xls etc in python before. But i played a bit regarding styling and formatting cells, etc...
In general its quite easy to customise almost everything in excel.

just run the the python code below (maybe you must install the openpyxl module first...)

The cool thing would be, it could be "universal" for all units. And afaik you can create xlsx, ods files, etc via the pandas module in combination with openpyxl. i played a little around regarding the visual style. You will see what i mean, if you just fire the script and look into the excel, it generates.

But yes - it needs "some" (or a lot^^) more "Hirnschmalz^^" regarding the following (what i meant already):

instead of reading the .tmss files, it makes more sense to read the information from the last.UNITxxxxxxxx.xml. Because all the information we need is just in this single xml file (plus you would not have to manually export sth):

- user channel names
- hide states (For Mixer/Matrix, each controller and even their colors in Mixer)
- mute states
- rev return/send positions
- phase
- and the gains
- what else makes sense??
- etc...

Additionally, it would be nice that you can automate this python later via a job or sth (on linux, mac, win), so it could create "excel" backups every day (or however often you want)

As you told, you have already knowledge with scripting - lang doesn't matter - code it in python is not the problem for me.
But a good structured logic ("Ablaufdiagramm") or sth (the language doesn't matter) regarding how to read and pre-organise the data before writing and fancy-colouring it out to a sheet is the "knackpoint". any help is welcome...



But I am wondering why there is no Slider 01 entry.

I think it has to do with stereo settings on the outs and that the values depend on (relation) of the pan settings on mono channels. Seems the "Mono Mode" Button in the Matrix view is also affecting it... Maybe, it makes sense to set up a "smaller" offline unit to try to understand, what is really happening.


import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Alignment, Border, Side
from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows

# Create a DataFrame with the specified data
data = {
    ' ': ['AN1', 'AN2', 'AN3', 'AN4', 'AN5', 'AN6', 'AN7', 'AN8'],
    'Out1': [0, 30, 35, 35, 25, 30, 35, 40],
    'Out2': [25, 0, 35, 35, 25, 30, 35, 40],
    'Out3': ['', '', 0, 35, 25, 30, 35, 40],
    'Out4': ['', '', 35, 0, 25, 30, 35, 40],
    'Out5': [25, 30, 35, 35, 0, 30, 35, 40],
    'Out6': [25, 30, 35, 35, 25, 0, 35, 40],
    'Out7': [25, 30, 35, 35, 25, 30, 0, 40],
    'Out8': [25, 30, 35, 35, 25, 30, 35, 0],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Save the DataFrame to an Excel file
excel_file = 'tm_matrix_example.xlsx'
df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)

# Load the Excel file with openpyxl
workbook = Workbook()
sheet = workbook.active

# Add data from the DataFrame
for r in dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True):

# Define background colors
fill_gray = PatternFill(start_color='CCCCCC', end_color='CCCCCC', fill_type='solid')  # Gray
fill_custom = PatternFill(start_color='33899F', end_color='33899F', fill_type='solid')  # Dark blue
fill_green = PatternFill(start_color='02C165', end_color='02C165', fill_type='solid')  # Green

# Define borders
thin_black_border = Border(left=Side(style='thin', color='000000'),
                            right=Side(style='thin', color='000000'),
                            top=Side(style='thin', color='000000'),
                            bottom=Side(style='thin', color='000000'))

thick_light_gray_border = Border(left=Side(style='thick', color='DDDDDD'),
                                  right=Side(style='thick', color='DDDDDD'),
                                  top=Side(style='thick', color='DDDDDD'),
                                  bottom=Side(style='thick', color='DDDDDD'))

# Apply the gray background to header cells (first row)
for cell in sheet[1]:  # The first row contains the headers
    cell.fill = fill_gray
    cell.border = thick_light_gray_border  # Thick light gray border for the first row

# Apply the gray background to the entire column A
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=1, max_col=1):
    for cell in row:
        cell.fill = fill_gray
        cell.border = thick_light_gray_border  # Thick light gray border for column A

# Apply the custom background color to the entire row 2 and row 3 (AN1 and AN2)
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=3):  # Rows 2 and 3
    for cell in row[1:]:  # All cells except the first column
        cell.fill = fill_custom

# Apply the green background color to cells that contain 0
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=2, max_col=sheet.max_column):
    for cell in row:
        if cell.value == 0:
            cell.fill = fill_green

# Center align all cells and apply the thin black border
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=1, max_col=sheet.max_column):
    for cell in row:
        cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center', vertical='center')  # Center alignment

        # Apply the thin black border to all cells except those with the thick border
        if not (cell.row == 1 or cell.column == 1):  # Skip the first row and the first column
            cell.border = thin_black_border
            # Set the thick light gray border for cells in the first row and first column
            cell.border = thick_light_gray_border

# Save the Excel file


Edit: PSPS: Here a link to pandas api reference: https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/index.html

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

13 (edited by ramses Today 11:13:18)

Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

> I used a offline UFXII with not so many channels, for testing, etc - makes it easier to check sth inside
> the files during coding as they are not so huge. Ill try to fix this... but step by step...

Sure, but only if your time permits and if you have a little bit fun with it.
Try to keep it as simple as possible for the reasons explained below.

I also do not want, that everything takes much time, for you, me and finally everybody who wants to work with it.

I need something for a specified function, I do not have the intention to initiate a programming project,
which at the end only you will understand, and which requires support for people using it.

> Thanks for your explanation and sheets. Interesting ideas...
> I think i understand now, what you exactly want...
> The csv should just contain pure "fader positions" with a certain placement, according to the matrix layout...

Yes, all values of matrix view, as this contains all of your snapshot/routing settings
- gain levels for HW inputs and SW playbacks
- FX send and return levels
- output levels

Regarding mute state, this can stay as a manual task as it fits into the concept of having to do certain things manually.

>> A prerequisite is, of course, the one-time effort to customize the Excel according to the recording interface
>> and to add some additional information like channel names or to document some routings.
> Hmmm... what about just running the python script, and without touching anything in excel, open office, etc.
> we could get the perfect sheet? I spent some time today, investigating a little what could be possible.

You need to see it under the background that I am working on an Excel Sheet, including a structured approach to document your studio setup. Each Excel Tab covers a certain thematic, so it needs to fit into this concept.

Excel is a good tool for that to keep everything in one file and split into different tabs.
Especially useful for the documentation of Snapshots/Routing because you can freely comment on your routing as you like, be it as text in a cell or by using the comment function for each cell.

I know from experience that entering all these values is a lot of work therefore importing the gain values for this matrix view would be of big help.

> I had never to do sth with xls etc in python before. But i played a bit regarding styling and formatting cells, etc...
> In general its quite easy to customise almost everything in excel.

Please try to keep it simple. I am not out for a programming project.

The script I only need because RME does not seem to want to integrate this into TotalMix FX. But still, that would be my preference to be able to skip the script part entirely and people would not have to install python or python libraries.

I want to have it as easy as possible for me and others so that you can manage most (if not all) parts
with pure Excel skill and as less programming as possible.

> just run the the python code below (maybe you must install the openpyxl module first...)

Thanks, maybe later today.

> The cool thing would be, it could be "universal" for all units.

Sorry, this doesn't really fit into my concept. I only need the import of matrix data into an existing Excel / concept.
Everybody should be able to modify the stuff for his demands with pure Excel Skill.

Therefore I still prefer if RME could provide such an export in TotalMix FX so that it only has to be an Excel job.
So that nobody has to install any python and additional libraries to use it.

> And afaik you can create xlsx, ods files, etc via the pandas module in combination with openpyxl.
> i played a little around regarding the visual style. You will see what i mean, if you just fire the script
> and look into the excel, it generates.

Nice ideas, but as I mentioned, the things are going too far for me. I am not looking for a programming project or at the end being dependent on other tools or other people to manage the code. Please as easy as possible to the point.

> But yes - it needs "some" (or a lot^^) more "Hirnschmalz^^" regarding the following (what i meant already):

Thanks for your engagement, but really, please keep it small and simple ;-)

> instead of reading the .tmss files, it makes more sense to read the information from the last.UNITxxxxxxxx.xml.
> Because all the information we need is just in this single xml file (plus you would not have to manually export sth):
> [...]

Yes, I see it the same way, it contains everything required.

>- user channel names
>- hide states (For Mixer/Matrix, each controller and even their colors in Mixer)
>- mute states
>- rev return/send positions
>- phase
>- and the gains
>- what else makes sense??
>- etc...

A few things are already too much, some things I have already on another location, like e.g. phase.
I would suggest concentrating on the above-mentioned gain and level values like it is shown in matrix view.

> Additionally, it would be nice that you can automate this python later via a job or sth (on linux, mac, win),
> so it could create "excel" backups every day (or however often you want)

Sorry, but this is not the goal and going too far.
More worked out solutions might need more documentation and support, this is definitively the goal.

> As you told, you have already knowledge with scripting - lang doesn't matter - code it in python is not the problem for me.
>But a good structured logic ("Ablaufdiagramm") or sth (the language doesn't matter) regarding how to read
> and pre-organise the data before writing and fancy-colouring it out to a sheet is the "knackpoint". any help is welcome...

I am not sure if I understood you correctly. (Maybe again) I only require matrix data, which you see on screen in TM FX, the pure data as shown in the Excel Example file. The fancy stuff, colorizing, grouping, documentation, a little "cosmetic" is a manual "dirty Excel job". I want to keep it simple.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Export of matrix view in Excel CSV format

I decided to publish the current state, please have a look here:

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 87#p226487

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13