1 (edited by vzi 2024-10-07 22:01:58)

Topic: Still drop outs

Hey guys, I’m trying since about six months to solve my dropout problem!

I’ve got a rme ufx+, a macbook pro 14”, 10core and a behringer ada 8200.

So far i replaced all usb cables, the adat cables and the ada8200 itself.
I made a fresh OS install on my macbook pro and everything is running the latest version und is up to date (fut) !!!
And i tried different ports from my MacBook

Currently I’m running the latest driver kit driver but i tried the kernel extension as well… no success

The 1st dropout is usually within the first hour! (Duration: 0,5 -1sec)
Usually every 30min - 1h the drop outs happen

Years ago I did built an ableton live looping set and played more than 500 shows with rme interfaces but these problems i have never ever seen before!!!
The liveset runs in 32-64 samples and uses around 8% cou but making the buffer size higher doesn’t solve the problem either…

3 weeks ago i had two drop outs infront of 400 people! Luckily we managed to stay in the song!
I guess it’s a driver thing cause it happens even when i play a nearly empty live set or when i play plain audio (no plugins)

Speaking of dropouts: it’s not just muted it‘s messing up the clock as well (click / project is not in time anymore)
I bounced a few seconds of a dropout during a live show if anyone is interested…

Using rme interface since 2007!

Thanks in advance for any help !!!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

2 (edited by waedi 2024-10-07 22:50:08)

Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:

Speaking of dropouts: it’s not just muted it‘s messing up the clock as well (click / project is not in time anymore)
I bounced a few seconds of a dropout during a live show if anyone is interested…

Yes, I'm interest.
When the song is out of time, that sounds like Ableton lost the connection to the driver Core-audio.
Ableton interrupts the delivery of audio.
The audio-interface can't help out when audio is missing from the source.
You could make a test and play a few hours some songs from another DAW, Reaper and focus on dropouts ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Still drop outs


Re: Still drop outs

hey guys, thanks for the quick reply!!!

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zzpw9u0l … q&dl=0

here i bounced one moment on stage with a drop out. i included the click track for better reference...

in this example it happend that the drop out was pretty much still in the grid (quater notes) but other times it was completely messed up...

hope this helps

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

waedi wrote:
vzi wrote:

Speaking of dropouts: it’s not just muted it‘s messing up the clock as well (click / project is not in time anymore)
I bounced a few seconds of a dropout during a live show if anyone is interested…

Yes, I'm interest.
When the song is out of time, that sounds like Ableton lost the connection to the driver Core-audio.
Ableton interrupts the delivery of audio.
The audio-interface can't help out when audio is missing from the source.
You could make a test and play a few hours some songs from another DAW, Reaper and focus on dropouts ?

you mean i should try to reproduce it with a different daw?
just had a look and i could download reaper and try it for 60 days...

i mean if it helps i could do that! sure!

but not having ableton is impossible.
i can´t make this live set on any other daw like it is now.. i´m on ableton since nearly 20years and i never had problems with rme interfaces till when the new driver came out. i even stayed in the beginning with my kernel extension driver but getting more and more problems i switched to the driver kit which didn´t solve the problem either...

(preferable the kext cause i have lower round trip latency with that one)

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

yes, that's what I mean , reproduce the fail with another DAW.
You can use Reaper for ever for non-commercial use.
After the 60 days nothing will happen.

I mean you don't need to build up exactly the setup as in Ableton, just put a song into reaper and play it in endless Loop until the test is done.
Because how should the audio driver have the ability to disturb your Ableton in that way to bring the project out of timing and make audio dropouts.
An audio dropout yes, this can happen thru the driver or the interface.
But inside a DAW functionality ? I highly doubt the RME driver can do a mess there.

You did a fresh MacOS install on a new computer, therefor Ableton is also a new version.
After 20 years there has changed a lot in the tech background.

Also the question, how is the interface connected to?
By USB ? And wich driver exactly did you install ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Still drop outs

Ok, will do that tonight!
Get back to you asap! Thanks gor the help!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

8 (edited by vzi 2024-10-09 19:49:24)

Re: Still drop outs

Hey, so i downloaded Reaper and I’m doin some testing now…
Btw: firmware:  v55
Driver: v4.12
And i use the ff ufx+ with a usb3 (blue) to usbc cable

Like i said before: when i freshly installed OS on my mbp m1, i tried the kext driver first (because it has better performance) but unfortunately it had dropouts too…
So i tried the driver kit driver which i still use now

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

So, unfortunately i just had another dropout with reason daw!
it was a wav. file 44100, 64samples
the dropout was quite long i would say
definately longer than a second...

so all test so far negative

what can i try next???

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

On the M1 Mac, the Thunderbolt connection works without issues. USB has problems on some of the Apple Silicon systems.

If you can get an Apple TB3 to TB2 adapter, install the Thunderbolt driver and use that instead of USB.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: Still drop outs

Jeff wrote:

On the M1 Mac, the Thunderbolt connection works without issues. USB has problems on some of the Apple Silicon systems.

If you can get an Apple TB3 to TB2 adapter, install the Thunderbolt driver and use that instead of USB.

Ok, gonna try that!
will order it now!
But do i have to use the original apple adapter? Cause with that one i still need a thunderbolt cable and that would be one more connection between the audio interface and my laptop.

Does a cable not originally from Apple would work as well?
with a USB-C plug on one side and a dedicated thunderbolt plug on the other side…

Thanks in advance!!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

12 (edited by Dom 2024-10-10 13:12:37)

Re: Still drop outs

I can report very similar behaviour over here with macOS Sonoma on three different machines with UFXIII and the 4.16 driver.
MacBook Pro M1 Max
MacBook Pro M3 Max
Mac Studio M2 Ultra

The dropouts happen in several applications (Cubase, Final Cut Pro [huge stutters there], Kontakt 7, Kontakt 8)

When the dropouts occur, they manifest themselves as stutters (the audio is skipping back and play the last chunck of information or as a brief interruption).
This is NOT reported as a CPU spike in performance in applications (e.g. Cubase Performance meter or Kontakt performance meter). They all look like nothing has happened.

I can understand how this can be a crucial thing when dj'ing or playing live as the syncing is completely lost.
The same thing happens when you do screen recordings. When the dropouts happen you can kiss goodbye your video vs audio sync in applications like screenflow- let alone the sync with other cameras.

In Final Cut Pro, RME interfaces are not an option at the moment. After working on a project for over 15min continuous stutters start to occur- the only workaround is use a simpler USB audio interface - these never have issues.

It's very clear that this is an issue that affects RME interfaces with the new Apple Silicons (and as you can see from the systems that I can test, you're not going to be immune regardless of the M generation. And it probably has to do with the number of I/O.

I have tried any cable under the sun,  connecting the UFX III directly to a USB3 port (the Mac Studio has that, yes), all the fancy docks from Caldigit with the $150 Apple thunderbolt cables- nothing makes a difference.

I'd love to be corrected but I think this is something that needs to be worked out between RME and Apple - hopefully it is fixable without having to resort to switching to a Thunderbolt interface.
The UFXIII has been the best interface I've used ever and I've been using RME since the 9632 and Multiface II days.

Following this as I am currently experiencing all these issues and they are becoming a showstopper wink


Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:

Ok, gonna try that! will order it now!
But do i have to use the original apple adapter? Cause with that one i still need a thunderbolt cable and that would be one more connection between the audio interface and my laptop.

Does a cable not originally from Apple would work as well?
with a USB-C plug on one side and a dedicated thunderbolt plug on the other side…

Thanks in advance!!

I did not read (or missed) which macOS you currently use.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Still drop outs

Hello, currently i’m on Mac OS 14.5 Sonoma

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

15 (edited by vzi 2024-10-13 21:43:41)

Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:
Jeff wrote:

On the M1 Mac, the Thunderbolt connection works without issues. USB has problems on some of the Apple Silicon systems.

If you can get an Apple TB3 to TB2 adapter, install the Thunderbolt driver and use that instead of USB.

Ok, gonna try that!
will order it now!
But do i have to use the original apple adapter? Cause with that one i still need a thunderbolt cable and that would be one more connection between the audio interface and my laptop.

Does a cable not originally from Apple would work as well?
with a USB-C plug on one side and a dedicated thunderbolt plug on the other side…

Thanks in advance!!

Hey guys, i found the tb2 to tb3 adapter but  i absolutely can’t find a thunderbolt 2 to thunderbolt 2 cable!
Even chatgpt couldn’t find a seller!
Am i missing something??
Am i really the only person with a ufx+ and a MacBook Pro M1 ? Is everyone else connecting their interface with usb3?

Please can someone provide me a link to buy this tb2 cable cause next week i gotta play at a wedding!!!
slowly this whole dropout issue gets pretty annoying! I mean so far i did spend around 60hours to solve my dropouts! And i earn my money with music but my ufx+ has to be reliable again!

Would even consider to sell the ufx+ and get a ufx3 instead but its just that i don’t really need the extras channels…

Please can someone help me!!!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

16 (edited by Steffen 2024-10-13 22:45:11)

Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:

[Hey guys, i found the tb2 to tb3 adapter but  i absolutely can’t find a thunderbolt 2 to thunderbolt 2 cable!
Even chatgpt couldn’t find a seller!
Am i missing something??

Not sure where you are, but here in Australia you can get them at Amazon or from Apple. For example:
https://www.amazon.com.au/Thunderbolt-P … B06XPBTJTN
https://www.apple.com/au/shop/product/M … e-2m-white


Re: Still drop outs

Hhmm strange, both of your links say either “not in stock” or “currently unavailable “ ….,
I’m based in Austria/Europe

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

18 (edited by waedi 2024-10-14 07:01:23)

Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:

Am i really the only person with a ufx+ and a MacBook Pro M1 ? Is everyone else connecting their interface with usb3?

Please can someone provide me a link to buy this tb2 cable cause next week i gotta play at a wedding!!!
slowly this whole dropout issue gets pretty annoying! I mean so far i did spend around 60hours to solve my dropouts! And i earn my money with music but my ufx+ has to be reliable again!

Would even consider to sell the ufx+ and get a ufx3 instead but its just that i don’t really need the extras channels…

Please can someone help me!!!

Yes USB connection is the way to go, Thunderbolt is history.
Did you even try to connect the interface thru USB ?

In our Swiss online shop (we don't have amazon, but it should not be a problem to find this cable ) :

https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/mi … l-21460632

No need for any adapters anymore

This cable often is simply called printer cable, look for USB 3.0


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

19 (edited by vzi 2024-10-14 07:11:55)

Re: Still drop outs

Thanks waedi for the link but that’s exactly what I’ve been using since the very beginning! But a few posts above jeff said on some apple silicone machines the usb3 doesn’t work properly that’s why I have to try the thunderbolt connection…

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

20 (edited by waedi 2024-10-14 07:44:54)

Re: Still drop outs

I see.
...if you can get a working adapter, and the cable.

Is this Thunderbolt 2 connector the same as Mini-Display-connector ?
May you find the cable easier when use this words.

https://www.amazon.com/Displayport-Answ … NGMHJ?th=1


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Still drop outs

waedi wrote:

I see.
...if you can get a working adapter, and the cable.

Is this Thunderbolt 2 connector the same as Mini-Display-connector ?
May you find the cable easier when use this words.

As far i know it’s the exact same plug but the protocol is different! Thunderbolt has a chip inside the plugs which acts like a pci connection and mini display is an apple protocol purely just for external screens…
so it has to be a dedicated thunderbolt cable
As far i know

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

I would try this :

https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/pu … el-5655801

It is just a cable with two identical connectors.

There is no need to edit a protocol as your adapter has already the right protocol,

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Still drop outs

waedi wrote:

I see.
...if you can get a working adapter, and the cable.

Is this Thunderbolt 2 connector the same as Mini-Display-connector ?
May you find the cable easier when use this words.

https://www.amazon.com/Displayport-Answ … NGMHJ?th=1


This is not a Thunderbolt cable. It's a Type-C to mini-DP monitor cable, to be used with Type-C outputs that support DisplayPort alt mode to connect to a display. It will not work as a TB3 to TB2 adapter.

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A

24 (edited by waedi 2024-10-14 12:10:45)

Re: Still drop outs

unpluggged wrote:

This is not a Thunderbolt cable. It's a Type-C to mini-DP monitor cable, to be used with Type-C outputs that support DisplayPort alt mode to connect to a display. It will not work as a TB3 to TB2 adapter.

Requested is a cable from Thunderbolt adapter to the thunderbolt port of the interface, right ?
Thunderbolt2 to Thunderbolt2 no need for protocol change.


M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Still drop outs

waedi wrote:
unpluggged wrote:

This is not a Thunderbolt cable. It's a Type-C to mini-DP monitor cable, to be used with Type-C outputs that support DisplayPort alt mode to connect to a display. It will not work as a TB3 to TB2 adapter.

Requested is a cable from Thunderbolt adapter to the thunderbolt port of the interface, right ?
Thunderbolt2 to Thunderbolt2 no need for protocol change.


Again, a Thunderbolt cable is active (in the sense they have electronics to make a handshake between the host, the cable, and the connected device; they not necessarily have signal amplifiers) and must support the protocol, that's why they are significantly more expensive compared to regular miniDP or USB-C cables. The cable you linked before is strictly for connecting displays to DisplayPort-enabled Type-C port, which does not require an active cable. The description on Amazon page even specifically mentions this.

The white mDP-mDP cable you link here from the digitec.ch site will also not work as a TB cable due to it being passive.

In short, I would not bother with TB for connecting an audio interface when I can use USB, which is simpler, cheaper, more reliable in practice, and is a much more flexible connection.

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A


Re: Still drop outs

unpluggged wrote:

In short, I would not bother with TB for connecting an audio interface when I can use USB, which is simpler, cheaper, more reliable in practice, and is a much more flexible connection.

Thanks thats my whole point!!! As i have described in my first post i am using USB since the beginning but i just doesn’t work anymore since about 6 months! I have dropouts every 15-30min…
no matter what daw, how much cpu, which driver, or anything else! I have replaced every single cable in my setup and my MacBook Pro got even a fresh OS install…

And yes you’re right, mini display cables doesn’t work for tb2… even its the same connector

As Jeff mentioned a few posts above some apple silicone machines have problems with usb and i should use thunderbolt instead…

And this Saturday i have to play at a big wedding party with a not working interface again

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

I would try to write a shell script which terminates not needed processes on macOS and check whether audio drops vanish.

If you use ChatGPT it can write you such a script. In a good case of luck it is a working script.
Be warned, you can't trust ChatGTPs proposals.
The quality is between good and crap, sadly often crap.

At least it can give you some ideas as a basement.
But I would definitively review every line whether it looks sane, safe, reasonable.
Then refine it step by step.

This under the assumption that many audio drops will most likely come from background processes and network activity.

Then another shell script to reactivate most needed services like WiFi, BlueTooth, TimeMachine, Spotlight.
Or simply reboot to come back to the default state of services.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

28 (edited by vzi 2024-10-14 15:26:46)

Re: Still drop outs

ramses wrote:

I would try to write a shell script which terminates not needed processes on macOS and check whether audio drops vanish.

If you use ChatGPT it can write you such a script. In a good case of luck it is a working script.
Be warned, you can't trust ChatGTPs proposals.
The quality is between good and crap, sadly often crap.

At least it can give you some ideas as a basement.
But I would definitively review every line whether it looks sane, safe, reasonable.
Then refine it step by step.

This under the assumption that many audio drops will most likely come from background processes and network activity.

Then another shell script to reactivate most needed services like WiFi, BlueTooth, TimeMachine, Spotlight.
Or simply reboot to come back to the default state of services.

Thank you very much for this suggestion!
Yes, I do use ChatGPT 4O and it already made some code for my purposes and I will try this tonight!
But honestly, I did put so many nerves and hours into that problem that I’m really close to selling my UFX+ and may be getting an UFX 3! And hoping this solves the problem even though it’s uses the same USB port than I have on my UFX +….

As a full-time musician, I would like to make and rehearse music and not deal with these problems!
Again, I play liveshows since about 15 years with my RME interfaces and I never had really a problem, but The last half a year was absolutely horrible ! That’s why I spend that money on a high class audio interface assuming it’s plug and play
Sorry for the moaning! I still love rme but …

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

If your system doesn't perform well with the UFX+, the UFX III won't change that, as much as we'd appreciate you buying more RME gear...

Have you tried all available USB ports? Is this a direct connection? Sorry if I overlooked something in the long thread.

Daniel Fuchs

30 (edited by vzi 2024-10-14 16:15:17)

Re: Still drop outs

RME Support wrote:

If your system doesn't perform well with the UFX+, the UFX III won't change that, as much as we'd appreciate you buying more RME gear...

Have you tried all available USB ports? Is this a direct connection? Sorry if I overlooked something in the long thread.

Hello Daniel, thank you so much for the reply!

Yes, i tried every single port and it is a direct connection with a brand new cable!  usb c to "printer plug" (the usb port of the ufx+)
on my other usb c port from my macbook pro 14" m1 i have a decent usb hub connected (for all my midi devices)

and it´s pretty hard to verify where the dropouts come from cause they always happen within 20-40min... sometimes longer

i did a fresh install of macOS, i tried it with different daw´s, tried without external plugins without midi remote scripts, tried every single driver including older ones (kext and dkd), replaced the adat converter plus cables(!!!), replaced every single cable within my setup...

the only thing i can think of, that i havent tried, is connecting it via thunderbolt. (what jeff suggested)
but i recon it should work with usb 3... i am pretty confused, especially as a long time rme user
thanks for any help in advance!!!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

vzi wrote:

As Jeff mentioned a few posts above some apple silicone machines have problems with usb and i should use thunderbolt instead…

There were a bunch of posts on this forum about a very similar issue with stutters and dropouts on M1 and M2 Macs a couple of years ago, and AFAIR the problem correlated with higher levels of "memory pressure" (or something like that; I'm not a Mac user myself). And there were reports that it was largely addressed in the next macOS release. So you might look up these discussions here, perhaps there are some useful tips.

As to the Thunderbolt workaround, I don't believe this is a good solution. It may or may not work, and in any case there are many doubts regarding its future, at least for audio.

BTW, the RME interface itself has little to do with the issue. It just manifests more prominently due to the high channel count, but there were also quite a few reports from people who had it with dual-channel USB interfaces and DACs.

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A

Re: Still drop outs

This is getting a bit off the rails. THE UFX+ has TB and the Mac has TB, so it will work fine. RME is not making new TB interfaces but this one still has driver support.

You do need a Thunderbolt (1) cable. DisplayPort uses the same plug, but a DisplayPort cable will not work for a Thunderbolt connection.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

33 (edited by vzi 2024-10-14 17:10:58)

Re: Still drop outs

Jeff wrote:

This is getting a bit off the rails. THE UFX+ has TB and the Mac has TB, so it will work fine. RME is not making new TB interfaces but this one still has driver support.

You do need a Thunderbolt (1) cable. DisplayPort uses the same plug, but a DisplayPort cable will not work for a Thunderbolt connection.

Just ordered the original apple tb2 - tb3 adapter and i ordered a used original tb cable! Cause i can not find a new one!! Wherever I looked it was sold out…
As soon it arrives and i made some test i‘ll get back to you… thanks for the help

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400

Re: Still drop outs

Jeff wrote:

This is getting a bit off the rails. THE UFX+ has TB and the Mac has TB, so it will work fine.

I meant that the dropouts might not disappear, considering it's mainly a Mac issue.

Fireface UCX II + ARC USB > ADI-2 Pro FS R BE > Neumann KH 750 DSP + MA 1 > KH 120 A

Re: Still drop outs

unpluggged wrote:

I meant that the dropouts might not disappear, considering it's mainly a Mac issue.

The issue I am referring to affects USB playback only. PCIe and Thunderbolt are not having the same problems on the affected Macs.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

36 (edited by tammo 2024-10-14 21:14:13)

Re: Still drop outs

I'm just giving my feedback that you are not alone. I have had the dropouts with MacBook Pro M1 Max (64GB ram) with multiple UFX+ and UFX III interfaces since upgrading to Sonoma last year. Despite many driver updates there have not been a dropout-free day since. Dropout frequency seems to depend on buffer size. Bigger buffer sizes seems to work longer between the stutter happens again. I have tried all possible cable and hub combinations (USB3 only) in all the ports to no avail. I have not really tried USB2 mode yet because I need MADI ports that are disabled in USB2 mode.
When the dropout occur then the orange mic icon in the mac menubar also flashes indicating that the driver loses connection with the system. Affects both recording and playback. UFX front panel USB recording function has the files intact so this may come to save your recording session. It also means that the interfece itself does not reset its clock or anything, just the connection with computer.
I have also tried full disk format and put a virgin Sequoia (at the moment the latest, 15.0.1) with absolutely no improvement.
Interestingly, I have had no problems with Digiface Dante, also an usb interface using the same driver.


Re: Still drop outs

We had cases where the flashing mic symbol indicated connection issues to the wirelessly connected iPhone, leading to dropouts...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Still drop outs

MC wrote:

We had cases where the flashing mic symbol indicated connection issues to the wirelessly connected iPhone, leading to dropouts...

Thanks for your answer.
If you are referring to Continuity Camera function between Mac and iPhone then I have turned this off and still the dropouts happen in similar interval. If you have any other suggestions then I would eagerly try whatever possible. Are there maybe some system log files that could help?

Re: Still drop outs

Hi there,
I´m having these dropouts as well with the following setup:
Mac M1
Sonoma 14.6.1
Digiface Dante (firmware v57, driver v4.16)

With dropouts the yellow/orange microphone symbol disapears.
Sometimes dropouts are just one/30min, but sometimes one/minute.

I try to use my Digiface on all my jobs first, but when dropouts start I always change to my UCX on USB, which just works fine.
hmm. Ideas?


Re: Still drop outs

....some more input from my side:
when I initially bought the Digiface Dante, I was using it with USB2 cables. This just worked fine. But one day I ruined the Digiface USB3 connector and since the repair I´m using it solely with USB3 cable. This was the time, when dropouts became an issue.
Issues are the same, regardless which driver I´m using: I was running on kernel kit driver for the most time, and switched to driver kit driver right now. Dropout interval seems to be longer with driver kit driver.


Re: Still drop outs

so, i got the thunderbolt cable puls adapter last friday and i´ve tested the setup two entire evenings!
And it looks like the problem is finally solved!!!
not a single drop out in nearly 8 hours!
it feels like i have a new interface! thanks everyone for helping me out!

Fireface UFX+, ARC USB, Fireface UCX2, Fireface400