Topic: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

This issue is specific to Win 11.

I dual boot 10 pro & 11 pro.

I send the AIO SPDIF out to an Audient iD22 as headphone amp because it eliminates noise interference.

SPDIF out to Audient iD22 works perfectly on 10 pro. It does not work on 11 pro even though everything is identical to 10 pro.

On 11 pro TotalMix meters show signal, however no audio is being sent out through SPDIF.

I've uninstalled & reinstalled drivers & totalmix, tried old versions, it's not the SPDIF cable, it's not the iD22.. it's something in Win 11.

It USED TO WORK on Win 11, but it stopped working at some stage and now I can't get it working again.

I've also tried sfc /scannow and it's not that.  I'm lost.

Any ideas?


Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

HDSP Settings dialog ? Optical out not set to SPDIF ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by inadream 2024-11-10 13:14:07)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

HDSP Settings dialog ? Optical out not set to SPDIF ?

I think the settings are correct. They work on win 10.

I would show you a screenshot of the settings but it seems I can only put links to images ffs.


4 (edited by ramses 2024-11-11 08:08:19)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

Something little seems to be missing what you might overlook if you do not know the objectives ...

Do you know that you need to differentiate in Windows between ASIO drivers and WDM (Windows) compatible drivers that you need to enable in RME driver settings first?

Windows itself and the usual applications like Firefox and alike do not support ASIO.
There you need to first enable WDM drivers in RME driver settings and then for Windows System sound you need to open Windows Sound settings and make this Speaker device to the default Windows sound devices.

But for this to work the "physical layer" also needs to be ok. Depending on the recording interface it has either an automatic detection, what protocol to use over a TOSLINK connection or you need to configure it in the settings dialog:
a) Either SPDIF (2channel protocol for all sample rates 44.1-192 kHz) or
b) ASIO (8ch@44.1/48, 4ch@88.2/96 kHz, ...) with the typical loss of channels depending on sample rate because of channel multiplexing to achieve the needed bandwidth for higher sample rates (double, quad speed).

So the 1st questions are, what type of connection you need and that both sides run either SPDIF or ADAT protocol.
The 2nd question is what application are you using, one that can load the ASIO driver (preferrable) otherwise you need to 1st create a WDM driver for an I/O port in driver settings.
If we talk about the default sound in Windows, this needs an additional step to open Windows sound and to make this RME WDM driver ("speaker device") to act as default sound device in Windows.

So .. what do you want to achieve exactly?
Easy case should be when using the ASIO part, as this is all about direct access to the recording interface without using the Windows Sound System.

If you use audio for applications without ASIO support you have to check everything regarding WDM ...
1. are the needed WDM devices created in the RME driver settings?
2. is the speaker device the default sound device in Windows sound?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

5 (edited by inadream 2024-11-11 01:58:24)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

Ramses thanks so much for the time you spent writing that, your attempt to help is really appreciated and I'll do my best to address your questions and points, hopefully bringing more clarity to my situation.

ramses wrote:

Do you know that you need to differentiate in Windows between ASIO drivers and WDM (Windows) compatible drivers that you need to enable in RME driver settings first?

Yes smile

ramses wrote:

There you need to first enable WDM drivers in RME driver settings and then for Windows System sound you need to open Windows Sound settings and make this Speaker device to the default Windows sound devices.

Yes I do that smile

On Windows 11 pro in Hammerfall DSP Settings on AIO PRO tab I tick "Optical" under SPDIF Out; under WDM Devices > Configure > WDM Devices tab I tick "SPDIF"; on GLOBAL tab I leave everything default; in Windows I select "SPDIF (RME HDSPe AIO)" as output = No sound sending out via SPDIF ...but in Windows 10 pro these same settings result in sound sending out via SPDIF.

Back in Hammerfall DSP Settings > WDM Devices > Configure > Speaker tab I tick "SPDIF" and in Windows select "Speakers (RME HDSPe AIO)" = No sound sending out via SPDIF ...but in Windows 10 pro these same settings result in sound sending out via SPDIF.

ramses wrote:

But for this to work the "physical layer" also needs to be ok. Depending on the recording interface it has either an automatic detection, what protocol to use over a TOSLINK connection:
a) Either SPDIF (2channel protocol for all sample rates 44.1-192 kHz) or
b) ASIO (8ch@44.1/48, 4ch@88.2/96 kHz, ...) with the typical loss of channels depending on sample rate because of channel multiplexing to achieve the needed bandwidth for higher sample rates (double, quad speed).

So the 1st questions are, what type of connection you need and that both sides run either SPDIF or ADAT protocol.
The 2nd question is what application are you using, one that can load the ASIO driver (preferrable) otherwise you need to 1st create a WDM driver for an I/O port in driver settings.
If we talk about the default sound in Windows, this needs an additional step to open Windows sound and to make this RME WDM driver ("speaker device") to act as default sound device in Windows.

On Win 10 in Hammerfall DSP Settings I use SPDIF Out with WDM Devices as Stereo set to 48k, I match the Audient iD22 to 48k. I get SPDIF as a selection in Windows Sound Output without activating SPDIF under WDM Configuration as a "Speaker".

On Win 11 RME's SPDIF appears as an output device in Windows Sound but when I select it I get no SPDIF signal being sent out. If I then go into Hammerfall DSP Settings > WDM Devices > Configure > Speaker tab and tick "SPDIF" all RME output devices disappear from Windows Sound Output  hmm  So something is wrong specifically in Win 11 with RME and changing options in Hammerfall DSP Settings doesn't make it work.

ramses wrote:

So .. what do you want to achieve exactly?
Easy case should be when using the ASIO part, as this is all about direct access to the recording interface without using the Windows Sound System.

If you use audio for applications without ASIO support you have to check everything regarding WDM ...
1. are the needed WDM devices created in the RME driver settings?
2. is the speaker device the default sound device in Windows sound?

I want to successfully get a SPDIF out signal in Win 11 as I used to have so that I can continue to use the Audient iD22 as a headphone amp while composing, mixing and mastering smile

This Win 11 no SPDIF out signal issue is happening on all audio in Windows including in DAW audio (Cubase 8.5, 11, 12, 13, 14 / Nuendo 11, 12, 13) but only on win 11 - it works on Win 10. Using the RME breakout cable to send audio direct to my monitors works on both Win 10 & 11, and on Win 10 I can get SPDIF sending out successfully to the iD22 via toslink cabled SPDIF, but in Win 11 specifically I cannot get SPDIF Output signal via the AIO's onboard SPDIF OUT port.

I'm thinking next step / test will be to completely delete all RME installations, drivers and entries from Win 11 registry so I can be sure it's not something in the RME installs, drivers, registry entries causing it...

It's really annoying that I can't just upload pictures and video here it would be much quicker than typing all details haha.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and any suggestions.


Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

Upload photos to any online service like this one :
Provide link or image-address in img-tags.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

Upload photos to any online service like this one :
Provide link or image-address in img-tags.

Thanks I'll do that to show settings wink


8 (edited by inadream 2024-11-11 02:29:29)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

Settings which work in win 10, but not in win 11:

As it shows, there is audio routing through RME TotalMix as SPDIF and SPDIF is selected as Windows default Sound output, and I am listening to the audio through the Audient iD22 on headphones. It is working on Win 10. But this does not work on Win 11...


Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

Did you try make the WDM something other than SPDIF ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

10 (edited by inadream 2024-11-11 02:31:07)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

Did you try make the WDM something other than SPDIF ?

Yes, in win 10 the SPDIF signal is sending out whether I choose WDM Device as Analog 1+2, Phones or SPDIF - but in win 11 there is just no SPDIF signal sent out regardless of what I choose.


Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

In your first post you say dual boot.
If you boot Win11 only, how is it working then ?
Just a guess, by dual boot the Win10 boots first and occupy the SPDIF ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

12 (edited by inadream 2024-11-11 02:50:21)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

In your first post you say dual boot.
If you boot Win11 only, how is it working then ?
Just a guess, by dual boot the Win10 boots first and occupy the SPDIF ?

Even if I change the default boot entry to 11 Pro in Windows Config the RME does not send SPDIF signal in win 11, despite TotalMix and Windows Sound showing SPDIF is selected and audio is playing there is just no signal sent out from the AIO SPDIF output port sad but it works in win 10 hmm !



Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

inadream wrote:

but in win 11 there is just no SPDIF signal sent out regardless of what I choose.

TM FX shows a signal in your screenshot, then I bet there is a signal sent. To verify plug the optical cable back into the AIO and check the sync state and the input signal in TM FX. You can even listen to it.

The input signal can be analyzed with the old DIGICheck version, Channel Status window. That one will show in detail what's happening. One explanation would be that the SPDIF channel status is set to 'Non-Audio' (aka surround), then the Audient will most probably mute its input (the AIO doesn't).

Then is the question - why. Might be that you use Dolby plugin or room/sound/signal 'improvement' settings in Win 11 that are different to Win 10 (see Sound panel again, Properties tab) and trigger that Non-Audio status.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

What I would do, cable loopback test.
Connect a toslink cable from out to in, and watch Totalmix input if send signal arrives back.
Try with SPDIF and with Adat configuration.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

MC wrote:
inadream wrote:

but in win 11 there is just no SPDIF signal sent out regardless of what I choose.

TM FX shows a signal in your screenshot, then I bet there is a signal sent. To verify plug the optical cable back into the AIO and check the sync state and the input signal in TM FX. You can even listen to it.

The input signal can be analyzed with the old DIGICheck version, Channel Status window. That one will show in detail what's happening. One explanation would be that the SPDIF channel status is set to 'Non-Audio' (aka surround), then the Audient will most probably mute its input (the AIO doesn't).

Then is the question - why. Might be that you use Dolby plugin or room/sound/signal 'improvement' settings in Win 11 that are different to Win 10 (see Sound panel again, Properties tab) and trigger that Non-Audio status.

Looping RME's SPDIF Out back to In shows in TM as signal  going out and coming in via SPDIF. Digicheck is showing the sample rate but doesn't show any other info on SPDIF input. I took this shot while audio was playing and RME's SPDIF selected as Windows sound default:

Here is the settings for Windows Sound output:

In both 10 & 11 I do have surround options under Windows Sound for "Windows Sonic for Headphones" and "Dolby Atmos for Headphones" but both are always turned OFF. I also use Sonarworks SoundID Reference for headphone profile correction on both systems but it is also turned OFF and not loaded at startup on 11. SoundID does load at startup on 10 but SPDIF still works  hmm


16 (edited by inadream 2024-11-11 03:35:56)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

What I would do, cable loopback test.
Connect a toslink cable from out to in, and watch Totalmix input if send signal arrives back.
Try with SPDIF and with Adat configuration.

I did looped back the SPDIF using the AIO ports and TotalMix does show signal going out and coming back in via SPDIF:

I also tested by connecting RME's SPDIF out straight into my Yamaha RX-Z1 amplifier and signal was successfully received by the amp!


Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

MC wrote:
inadream wrote:

but in win 11 there is just no SPDIF signal sent out regardless of what I choose.

TM FX shows a signal in your screenshot, then I bet there is a signal sent. To verify plug the optical cable back into the AIO and check the sync state and the input signal in TM FX. You can even listen to it.

The input signal can be analyzed with the old DIGICheck version, Channel Status window. That one will show in detail what's happening. One explanation would be that the SPDIF channel status is set to 'Non-Audio' (aka surround), then the Audient will most probably mute its input (the AIO doesn't).

Then is the question - why. Might be that you use Dolby plugin or room/sound/signal 'improvement' settings in Win 11 that are different to Win 10 (see Sound panel again, Properties tab) and trigger that Non-Audio status.

Thanks for your assistance on this. I have fixed it - I swapped out toslink cables and suddenly the SPDIF signal came through to the Audient.
The toslink cable I was using works with win 10, but not win 11  yikes  Crazy... but at least it's now working. Thanks again for your input here.


18 (edited by waedi 2024-11-11 04:08:17)

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

That is indeed crazy, this toslink cable must be from Apple. You may send it to RME headquarter for checking ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

waedi wrote:

That is indeed crazy, this toslink cable must be from Apple. You may send it to RME headquarter for checking ?

It is crazy indeed ! At least it is functioning for now.. thanks for you input smile



Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

> Digicheck is showing the sample rate but doesn't show any other info on SPDIF input.

That requires TMS to be set active in the Settings dialog.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe AIO - no audio on SPDIF in Win 11 pro

MC wrote:

> Digicheck is showing the sample rate but doesn't show any other info on SPDIF input.

That requires TMS to be set active in the Settings dialog.

Thank you, I am not familiar with Digicheck so again thank you for your guidance.