Topic: Signal Loss on RME gear? BF Pro has inherent loss up to -0.8dB
I have performed extensive testing of my hybrid setup. And I have determined a -0.8dB inherent signal loss on the BF Pro FS with a -20db sinewave signal being run through the line level input and line level output at unity gain.
There is also a -0.6dB signal loss when using the DIGITAL input and line output with the same test.
Is this common for gear to have inherent signal loss?
I tested a physical loopback connection on my AIO Pro and determined there is a -0.3dB inherent loss there. So when I put the BF Pro in the chain to test the specific gear, I subtracted that -0.3dB from the overall loss.
Just to conclude, the combination of inherent loss between the AIO Pro and the BF Pro FS together is between -0.8 and -1.1 depending on whether you're using Digital inputs or line level inputs on the BF Pro FS.
I don't really understand what the tolerances are for professional gear in terms of inherent signal loss. But is -1dB considered acceptable in a signal chain between two pieces of gear?