Topic: RME UC/UCX in 2024?
Hello everyone!
Long story short: my current Focusrite Scarlett is on the verge of failure after 7 years and I'm in the market for a new and reliable interface. I am a big fan of how long RME supports their products. After 2 Focusrites I like to try something different.
And before I buy into a new one (UCXII for example) I wanted to get some advice about how viable it is to buy a used Fireface UC (550€) or a FF UFX (700€).
The UC originally has been released in 2009. Doesn't mean the one I'm looking at was permanently in use since then, but potentially could be 15 years old.
Pics look good, include everything originally + packaging and the (official) seller includes a one year warranty. Description says it wasn't much in use.
The UFX on the other hand was released in 2012 iirc and the private seller only includes the breakout cable and power supply. Potentially 12 years old.
My question: is it a good idea to buy such an old interface? How long might it last...(stupid question I know, yet still my biggest concern)? I have never had an RME interface before but I know about their reputation.
I like solid stuff that just works. Most of the times I compose and record songs, do some editing work or record demos before overdubbing, some foley, produce music videos, a the I/O of a UC/UCX is more than enough for me.
I have 8 additional preamps in my desk and will get a compressor for leveling in the future. So far I am only looking to replace the heart of my homestudio.
Does anyone have some advice or similar experiences?