Topic: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.


Is there any possibility trough the XLR breakout or the ebu breakout (or both at the same time) to connect a tubes amp and a subwoofer from the lines out in parallel or in an other way?

Right now, my tubes amp is connected trough the XLR breakout and an XLR/RCA adapter from the line out but I have to connect the subwoofer in parallel from the amp to get the signal. It would be great to get the signal directly from the HDSP and bypass the amp for the subwoofer.

The subwoofer amp is this one : … x-new.html

Thanks for any help.

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

The sub has no digital input, therefore connect analog parallel is the way to go.
Otherwise use the headphone output with an adapter, you have to change the volume manually or create a fader-group in Totalmix.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Thanks for your answer waedi.

You mean "connect analog parallel is the way to go", in parallel with the amp not with line out from the sound card, right ?

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Yes parallel to the amp

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Thank you.

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Sorry to ask one more question but, I saw this kind of cables (as example) : … 42P6/?th=1

Is it possible to connect them at the line out of the RME and split one to the tubes amp and the other to the low level input of the subwoofer?

So I would avoid to connect the sub in parallel to the amp and take the signal directly from the RME.


Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Not the Low level input at the sub.
Is this input labeled LFE ? low frequency effects.
If this is the case than don't. This input is for dedicated LFE outputs from home cinema receivers.
The sub should have line in left/right where you have to connect, those cables should work there.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

8 (edited by faucon50 2024-08-16 17:07:49)

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

The low level input on the sub can be configured by a switch to be : 24dB/oct - 12 dB/Oct or LFE depending on the connection diagram. In "STEREO CONFIGURATION", they say : If you have a pre-amp or a low level output, connect it to the low level input.

In the manual this input is 16kohms. … x-new.html

The RME is a "low level/pre-out" output and thus can be connected to the sub low level input?

P.S. The manual can only be downloaded from the french page (at the end of the page) for more details : … x-new.html

Click on "Téléchargez le manuel de l'utilisateur"

Thanks for your help!

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.


Sorry to ask again but the HDSP 9632 has the digital D9 connector with the optional 2 x cinch (SPDIF), 2 x XLR breakout cables (BO968), which I have. Is it possible to connect the D9 XLR output directly to my sub amp Atohm S250-MK2-X which has:

Low level input : 2x RCA + 1 XLR

To take the signal from the card and not in // with the tubes amp.

Thank you.

10 (edited by vinark 2024-12-05 15:08:05)

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

No that signal is digital audio data, not analog audio. You would need a dac for that.
And @waedi, the headphones out of the HDSP9632 has no separate dac or level control (only in 3 steps low mid high), it is the same audio as the main out.
On the other hand, if the sub has a volume control you could use the phones out for the sub. You need a phones to cinch cable for that.
Of course if the main amp has volume control, you could use that to balance the sub and the main speakers.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

11 (edited by faucon50 2024-12-05 15:53:21)

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Thanks vinark for the explanations about digital vs analog.

The main amp has no volume control, the sub has a volume control (which I use to match de volumes) but I prefer to let the phones free if needed for phones...

I have already tried to split the analog line out from the card (one to the amp and the other to the sub directly) with a RCA splitter like this: … itter.html

But there is a ground loop somewhere! Maybe I will try with a splitter like this: … itter.html

I have the XLR analog breakout cables and had to modify the adapter XLR/RCA because of the pins 1 & 3 ground bridged and made a diy without the pin 1 connected.

Looking forward...

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

The ground loop will be there whatever way you choose to connect as soon as a connection is made.
Maybe you can try to simply not ground the sub from the power outlet. If that helps you know the cause for sure.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Why you mean that a loop will be there anyway? With the sub connected in // to the main amp in the high level input of the sub there is no loop at all and it's noise free.

It's clear that as soon as the power cable of the sub is connected to the power outlet it's causing the loop. The fact of not grounding it's the easiest approach but I'm not a fan of this kind of manipulation. The loop can be anywhere else...

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

After better reading I understand now how you have it connected. The speaker outs of the amp carry no ground (apparently). hence no ground loop. Any other connection carries the ground and will cause a loop. Only if you insert something with galvanic isolation the loop will be broken. Also called ground lift for example on a DI.
Why are you not happy with how it is now?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Exactly, the speakers out from the main amp where the sub is connected in // has only + / - and hence no loop.

It's not that I'm not happy, it's working flawlessly. The only "problem" is if I want to measure to sub independently I have to disconnect the // cables with the main amp and connect the sub directly to the card and measure it, which is a pain.

If I could split the line out from the card I would be able to measure both independently by switching the one or the other off, this is the only reason why the search.

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

You can of course connect the sub to the rme and disconnect the amp from the rme and measure, or not?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: HDSP 9632 connectivity question.

Yes sure, this is how I'm doing right now.

It's just about practical and the measurement to just switch off the amp or the sub and measure without having to connect/disconnect the cables and so on.

But it's working well so...