Topic: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

I am setting up stream deck for the first time and would like to be able to do the following- is it possible.

I am mainly using Cubase - I want a Cubase profile for Stream deck which I am building but I want one Botton in that profile to toggle the mute Botton on Total Mix master output.

Is this possible ?  how?

IF not is it possible to program one stream deck Botton that takes from Cubase to a total mix profile, mutes the main output and then takes the focus back to Cubase?

I am trying to achieve a hardware control for muting and unmuting my main output with out leaving Cubase.


2 (edited by waedi 2024-12-04 06:52:52)

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

Is it possible in Stream deck to program a list of commands with a timing between ?
So when you press a button it will start working thru a list of commands with its timing, to make it possible jumping from Totalmix back to Cubase ?

After all you will find out it is easier to stay in Cubase and mute the master bus of Cubase instead in Totalmix.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

Yes, it is possible. I have it setup to mute my outputs of the 7.1.4 speaker separately, and a mute group for All together.

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

Thanks George

How do you do this?

was it set up through MIDI or Key Commands?

Either way what is the key command and/ or the MIDI cc for toggling the mute on main/ master output?

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

28.5 MIDI Control

The hardware output which is set up as Main Out can be controlled by the standard Control
Change Volume via MIDI channel 1. With this, the main volume of the Fireface is controllable
from nearly any MIDI equipped hardware device.
Even if you don't want to control all faders and pans, some buttons are highly desired to be avail-
able in 'hardware'. These are mainly the Talkback and the Dim button, and the monitoring options
(listen to Phones submixes). Fortunately a Mackie Control compatible controller is not required to
control these buttons, as they are steered by simple Note On/Off commands on MIDI channel 1.
The notes are (hex / decimal / keys):

Dim: 5D / 93 / A 6
Mono: 2A / 42 / #F 2
Talkback: 5E / 94 / #A 6
Recall: 5F / 95 / B 6
Speaker B: 32 / 50 / D3
Cue Main Out: 3E / 62 / D 4
Cue Phones 1: 3F / 63 / #D 4
Cue Phones 2: 40 / 64 / E 4
Cue Phones 3: 41 / 65 / F 4
Cue Phones 4: 42 / 66 / #F 4
Snapshot 1: 36 / 54 / #F 3
Snapshot 2: 37 / 55 / G 3
Snapshot 3: 38 / 56 / #G 3
Snapshot 4: 39 / 57 / A 3
Snapshot 5: 3A / 58 / #A 3
Snapshot 6: 3B / 59 / B 3
Snapshot 7: 3C / 60 / C 4
Snapshot 8: 3D / 61 / #C 4
Trim Gains: 2D / 45 / A 2
Master Mute: 2C / 44 / #G 2
Master Solo: 2B / 43 / G 2

Note: The hex value is standardized, the key is not. If it doesn’t work try all notes one octave

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

You need the totalmix plugin inside the streamdeck Software.
Then it is self explaining. 

7 (edited by georgob 2024-12-05 16:20:53)

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

The Plugin you need is called Totalmix FX Control. It communicates with Totalmix via OSC. Very easy to setup and looks like this:

You have to activate OSC in Totalmix for this.


Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

FWIW: Toggle channel function doesn't seem to work with UFX III.

Re: Total mix - master mute- possible with stream deck?

Thanks for all the info - I understand that the Total Mix stream deck plug in is needed, but it is PC only - if someone knows of a MAC one and can direct me to it that would be appreciated.