Topic: RME ARC text fade issue

Hi Over a period of time the text printed on the body identifying the various buttons "SNAP 1" "SNAP 2" etc all have faded out.

what is the best solution to fix this text.

One option i can think of laser etching the text which will be a long term solution..

can i source the auto cad .dwg file for the top portion of the Unit as this can be used as a template guide



2 (edited by waedi 2024-12-09 13:46:09)

Re: RME ARC text fade issue

Isn't the housing coated with paint ?
So laser into the paint will not work.
You could take this image from the RME product page
and use it to print a label foil.
Or open the image in Adobe Illustrator and export as dwg.

I would send in for repair and pay for the new part. Then it's new and original.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME ARC text fade issue


W11, UCX II, Cubase 14 Pro, Dorico 5, WaveLab 12