Topic: RME ADI-2PRO fs r
How can I mute the volume on monitor outputs 1/2,but still keep the sound on headphone output 1/2?
Thank you for response.
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RME User Forum → ADI-2 & 2/4 Pro series, ADI-2 DAC series → RME ADI-2PRO fs r
How can I mute the volume on monitor outputs 1/2,but still keep the sound on headphone output 1/2?
Thank you for response.
Push and hold the volume dial for 1/2 s.
The SETUP menu has a switch option, too.
KaiS Thanks I knew that, I just thought it could be set somehow through the mute button))
KaiS Thanks I knew that, I just thought it could be set somehow through the mute button))
On the IR Remote, yes.
Assign a button in the SETUP / Options / SPDIF/Remap Keys menu.
I don’t have my ADI-2 handy for the exact steps, but the menu is self-explanatory, kind of.
See also manual page 27, 28.
There is no function in the reassign keys menu to mute monitors separately. Sound is mute on monitors 1/2 and headphones 1/2 at the same time
Currently I just can tell you how to set it in the RME ADI-2 Remote app.
The device’s hardware SETUP menu has similar entries.
• Device / Phones / Dual Phones: Enable (not sure this is needed)
• Device / Phones / Toggle Ph./Line: PH 1/2
• Device / Phones / Mute Line vs. Phones: PH 1/2 (not sure this is needed)
• Device / Hardware / Remap Keys: IR Remote
• Device / Hardware / [select a key to assign]: Toggle Ph/Line
It’s a bit tricky to understand the (existing!) logic behind the interacting menu entries in this section, but it’s possible to get what you want.
You must use Toggle Ph/Line -function and set it to 1/2. It´s located in Setup-->Options-->Phones -menu path, and in The Manual on page 29.
Now long press of big volume knob or IR-remote´s VOL -button toggles mute between Main Out 1/2 and Phones 1/2.
Now long press of big volume knob or IR-remote´s VOL -button toggles mute between Main Out 1/2 and Phones 1/2.
So it’s already assigned, nice.
Don’t see this mentioned for the IR Remote in the manual.
Couldn’t check here, don’t have ADI-2 with me.
kann mir jemand einen Rat geben, wie ich das Hedd 07 mk2 aes anschließe?
Kais, MstrC-117 thanks!
… kann mir jemand einen Rat geben, wie ich das Hedd 07 mk2 aes anschließe? …
Vom ADI-2 Breakout Kabel, ADI-2 AES Out an HEDD 07 MK2 AES IN (linker oder rechter Monitor), dann HEDD AES THRU zum anderen HEDD Monitor.
Es können preisgünstige Standard-XLR-Mikrofonkabel oder spezielle 110 Ohm XLR AES-digital-Kabel benutzt werden.
Bis mindestens 20 m Länge (normalerweise weiter) geht beides.
Die Kabelqualität hat keinen Einfluss auf den Klang.
Ich empfehle zu nutzen was da ist, oder Klotz- oder Sommer-Kabel (z.B. Thomann oder vom lokalen Musiker-Laden).
Maximal 30€ / Stück bei 10m (wäre schon teuer).
Kein teurer audiophiler Hifi-Kram!
Setup ADI-2:
• SETUP / Device Mode / Dig. Out Source: Main Out
Setup HEDD:
• VOL. [dB]: -12 (beide Monitore)
• ANALOG/AES: Left (für den linken Monitor), Right (für den rechten Monitor)
Det ville vært flott hvis det var noen forum regler på hvilket språk som var standard her. feks engelsk. Ikke tysk som må sies å være en nisje i resten av den vestlige verden. Slik blir svarene søkbare i forumet og andre kan også lære fra og ta del i diskusjonen på en fruktbar måte.
Denne blandingen av språk er arrogant og utimelig mot nåværende og fremtidige kunder av RME´s sine produkter.
Er det i det hele tatt noen som modererer dette forumet, og som har baller nok til å sette noen standarder for dem som fremsetter svar og spørsmål. For eksempel å bli enige om et språk dette kan bli gjort på. @MC
Ingen oppegående mennesker gidder å krabbe gjennom de hakkete svarene fra google translate for å komme til en løsning.
Det ville vært flott hvis det var noen forum regler på hvilket språk som var standard her. feks engelsk. Ikke tysk som må sies å være en nisje i resten av den vestlige verden. Slik blir svarene søkbare i forumet og andre kan også lære fra og ta del i diskusjonen på en fruktbar måte.
Denne blandingen av språk er arrogant og utimelig mot nåværende og fremtidige kunder av RME´s sine produkter.
Er det i det hele tatt noen som modererer dette forumet, og som har baller nok til å sette noen standarder for dem som fremsetter svar og spørsmål. For eksempel å bli enige om et språk dette kan bli gjort på. @MC
Ingen oppegående mennesker gidder å krabbe gjennom de hakkete svarene fra google translate for å komme til en løsning.
Google translate from Norwegian
It would be great if there were some forum rules on which language was the default here. eg English. Not German, which must be said to be a niche in the rest of the Western world. In this way, the answers are searchable in the forum and others can also learn from and take part in the discussion in a fruitful way.
This mixture of language is arrogant and untimely towards current and future customers of RME's products.
Is there even someone who moderates this forum and has the balls to set some standards for those who submit answers and questions. For example, agreeing on a language in which this can be done. @MC
No sane person bothers to crawl through the choppy answers from google translate to arrive at a solution.
The question was in German, I’m German, so I answered in German.
Not everybody does understand English, which is what you find here by at least 98% anyway.
Funny enough I first typed the answer in English, then realized the question is German, so I had to translate myself
And if that translation was correct: there is absolutely nothing 'arrogant' on asking a question in German in the forum of a German manufacturer.
I must say im impressed by this translation. AI is a fast learner, and certainely since I last used a translator It has come along way. It wasnt that long ago.
Back to topic of this. Maybe those who ask can translate the questions, they certainely understand enough to cut into this thread.
Using language like this is excluding and bad policy, and in the end this translates back to the owners and operators of this excellent fora, and ultimately the products it represents.
Using language like this is excluding and bad policy, and in the end this translates back to the owners and operators of this excellent fora, and ultimately the products it represents.
Again, this site is hosted in Germany, it's TLD is German, it belongs to a German company, run by German people, a significant portion of members here are also German. I see no issue and no offense with German language here, despite not being a German speaker myself. Yes, it probably would be a better practice to stick to the OP language in every thread (be it English or German).
The only issue I see with that post is it hijacks the thread and it would be better for the user to create a separate thread (or even better, not to create any thread, since his question already had taken care of in the user manuals of his gear and in this forum, and using the search first is considered a good manner on any forum).
... I see no issue and no offense with German language here, ...
… his question already had taken care of in the user manuals of his gear and in this forum, and using the search first is considered a good manner on any forum…
ADI-2, even more so the Pro versions, are of high and unusual complexity.
The manual favorably covers all that and more in a comprehension I’ve never seen elsewhere.
But- for a non-technical person or just someone who’s new to it, the amount of information given can be overwhelming.
I think, part of the value of this forum is to give cookbook-like advice to handle certain situations.
I don’t hesitate to do so.
For a forum search one needs a certain awareness what to search for - even that can be out of scope.
I by myself sometimes can’t find my own entries, so have a collection of links for quick answers to repeatedly popping-up questions.
E.g. I never found again an early post of mine where I A/B-ed ADI-2 Pro and ADI-2/4 Pro SE, as if it had disappeared.
I can only agree with that, Kai.
The manual favorably covers all that and more in a comprehension I’ve never seen elsewhere.
But- for a non-technical person or just someone who’s new to it, the amount of information given can be overwhelming.
I think a person who is aware of RME, studio monitors, AES interface and all that stuff is technical enough to be able to look for the relevant trivial and straightforward instructions in the supplied user manuals. Even more so, to use the standard search function on the forum
BTW, I purchased the ADI-2 Pro back in 2021 exactly in order to have a digital connection to my then-new HEDD Type 07 MK2 speakers, otherwise I would probably had settled for the ADI-2 DAC
I will never ask any more questions here again.
I will never ask any more questions here again.
Don’t worry, it’s usually not that way here.
Feel free to ask any questions.
@MstrC-117 might have been a bit over-enthusiastic on his “Lederhosen-“idea - a cliché that can be seen as allegorical at best.
As Germans we really don’t like some of the expressions used, they are outdated and abandoned for almost 80 years now.
There are BTW, in fact no secrets about RME devices, not even hidden functions.
It’s all in the manual, and we are here to help you all to find all necessary information.
I will never ask any more questions here again.
No, please do...
Using language like this is excluding and bad policy, and in the end this translates back to the owners and operators of this excellent fora, and ultimately the products it represents.
We are definitely not going to prevent people from asking questions in German. If you find a german topic or reply that interests you, you now know how well it can be translated. You are also free to ask if someone is willing to help if an automatic translation isn't good enough...
RME User Forum → ADI-2 & 2/4 Pro series, ADI-2 DAC series → RME ADI-2PRO fs r
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