Topic: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

I just received my M-1620 Pro, and unfortunately there are bugs with ADAT I/O at 96kHz. Using loopback to test, it seems that ADAT port 1 works at SMUX/2, but the other 3 ports *inputs* do not work at 96kHz.

When sending ADAT to input ADAT 3 at 96kHz, the audio shows up on the ADAT 2 channels, despite ADAT 2 having no connection.

It seems ADAT was not thoroughly QA/tested before shipping the M-1620.

I was hoping to use 16 channels of my Pulse 16 over ADAT, but I may have to resort to buying a MADI license for the Pulse 16, and SFPs.


Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

AFAIK there is already a firmware update fixing this. I'll check.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by ddvstudios 2025-01-10 16:37:28)

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

Thanks for the reply. I will wait for the new firmware (hopefully next week)!


Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

We reproduced the issue. The 'fixed' firmware refers to the D(ante) version and is on all shipped units. The AVB version that you have was supposed to be ok, but indeed has the bug that you found. Firmware update coming.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by Marc S 2025-01-13 08:08:14)

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz


a new firmware can be downloaded here:

It's a release candidate, the final release will be uploaded to the website and update servers next week (though I don't expect any changes until then. Compared to the previous version, only the ADAT inputs at double/quad speed have been fixed)

Best regards

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

Thank you so much, Marc! Version 3.0.4-rc1 fixed my ADAT input issues!

Appreciate the fast resolution.

All the best,

David @ DDV Studios

7 (edited by ddvstudios 2025-01-12 19:27:00)

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

It's not quite working 100% — the ADAT (In) Sync status page shows ADAT 1/2/3 at 96kHz (correct) but ADAT 4 still shows as 48kHz. All 4 ADAT I/O are connected to the Ferrofish Pulse 16.

ADAT Sync Settings

I believe this is just a cosmetic bug since everything appears to be working fine. I have tried both Word Clock and ADAT as sync sources on the Ferrofish, and the results are the same (image above).

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

Hi David,

thanks for your feedback! I'll check the ADAT 4 sync status issue, but I agree that it looks like a cosmetic thing. Will be fixed in the official release.

Best regards

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

Marc S wrote:

Will be fixed in the official release.

Do you have any idea when this will be officially released? Thank you!

Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

Hi David,

sorry about that, it's in the making, but we need a little more time. There's a lot lined up at the moment. I'll try to push it so we can release it Thursday or Friday next week.


Re: M-1620 Pro ADAT issues @ 96kHz

No rush — I was just curious about the timing of the release. Take your time, I know you have a lot going on!

All the best,