Topic: My FF400 ramdomly disconnect itself from my PC !
Hi, Firstly I'm from Turkiye,
sorry about my bad Eng.
so, my ff400 lights its red Host led ramdomly when I was working on PC, no error Pop, no click sound, just the red host led turns on and sound went off.
This has not an order, and completely random.
I feed electricity to FF400 from FW cable on my Pc. But first times I used to work with its original power supplier but the random host error were appearing. I learned that its not about power I think.
plus, I notice that when I plug smthg to electrical outlet box that feeds also all my PC system, the Host goes again. This prob. according to electricity shall be fixed by a power regulator I think, but previous one is about what? I cant consider that, and it drives my crazy.
Can anyone tell me the possible solutions or informations?