1 (edited by mike G Yesterday 13:21:08)

Topic: Routing for Dual S/R - Dual Send/Return T.C electronics M1 XL

This is one of them difficult questions I think, so if no one knows no big deal.
https://service-tcgroup.tcelectronic.co … rev4_2.pdf

But In the T.C electronics M1 XL, there is an option for Dual S/R - Dual Send/Return routing if you wish to use the
M•ONE as two independent effects. Left Input is sent to Engine 1 and right Input is sent to Engine 2. The four FX Outputs are summed to two channels. Not sure where they're getting 4 FXs, but anyway.

Here is the thing, I'm using S/PDIF in/out on the RME UCX-II. I'm guessing you can't do Dual Send/Return routing this way? Because in Logic Pro, when you a set up a bus, the I/O plugin in logic which is used for connecting to external equipment, when you insert it into that bus, this I/O plugin is a stereo plugin. So I'm basically assigning it inputs 9/10.

So, I'm assuming to get this to work, I would have to some how route the output of two independent channels to the physical inputs L & R on the T.C M1 and then bring it back in to the RME with two inputs.

2 (edited by waedi Yesterday 19:03:59)

Re: Routing for Dual S/R - Dual Send/Return T.C electronics M1 XL

In logic select any stereo output to the RME interface.
You have to hard pan the sendeffect signal
In Totalmix route that signal to the SPDIF output
Make the configuration in the TC to accept the optical input for this dual engine work.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue