Topic: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

I have a question:

I have Multiface I and would like to connect it to my new ACER Aspire 8920 laptop running VISTA 32bit SP1.

Do I have to buy the RME HDSPe Express Card or will MultiFace I work through a standard CardBus to ExpressCard adapter like the one below:

In the forum an owner of Multiface reports of having successfully connected Multiface I to his desktop PC using a standard PCMCIA to PCI adapter instead of using the much more expensive RME PCIe card.

If it worked with there, why should't it work here ?

Any opinions / experiences will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Maybe I should put it more clearly:

I want to use Multiface I with my new laptop running Vista and which only has a ExpressCard slot. It does not have the old CardBus (PCMCIA) slot.

What I would like to know is:

do I absolutely have to buy the expensive RME HDSPe Express Card


can I use the Multiface with its original CardBus (PCMCIA) card if I bought for it a standard (inexpensive) CardBus to ExpressCard adapter.

In the forum an owner of Multiface reports of having successfully connected Multiface I to his desktop PC using a standard PCMCIA to PCI adapter instead of using the much more expensive RME PCIe card.

Theoretically if a certain PCMCIA-to-PCI adapter does the trick, a certain CardBus-to-ExpressCard adapter could do it too.

Just wanted to know whether anybody tried this before and if yes with what result.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

I have this exact question.  Does hammerfall --> $50 adaptor --> "express card" slot work?  And is it prone to issues like "make sure the laptop has the xx chipset, and the adaptor is not the one made by yy", or can I buy a new laptop and cardbus adaptor with impunity?

Thanks for any experiences.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Just bumping this up after the weekend.  Anyone at all?  Maybe someone heard that a friend of a friend's cousin's brother-in-law tried this?



Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter


First post, and bump for this topic.     I can add this tho, I've spoken with synthax, and they told me this would work:
...but NOT for firmware updates.

For 50$ (or whatever) it's worth a try tho.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Interesting.  I actually ended up finding a laptop with both an express card slot *and* a cardbus slot, so I didn't have to deal with it after all.  It also has usb2 and firewire, which is nice because of my firewire drives.  It's a Dell m6400, bought refurbished.  Still working on getting everything installed (what a pain due to vista64 and all my old licensed software!).  But on a quick initial test pass, it seems that the RME stuff is working.  Haven't gotten to the point where I can push it and check for latency and all though.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Amazing!   Good for you!

However I've read that Dell doesn't have the TI chipset, so they are not recommended for audio use.

It's working for you tho?

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

The chipset issues have more to do with Firewire audio devices.(FireFace's).
For MultiFace use, if you have it working through whatever card (PCI, CardBus, Express34) the firewire bus on the laptop is just for the data stream to your hard drives.
There shouldn't be a problem with most chipsets straight for data use.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Yeah... I've wondered this, slickslack.  I actually think this is why my current ASUS laptop is working for me.

But what if I want to upgrade to the FF800? (or more likely, if I want to run a PTLE rig on the side) any rate, not having to buy the expressbus card (or rely on an adapter) would be great!

10 (edited by glittle 2009-05-05 20:46:24)

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

(response to two posts back... I now see the post about the firewire data stream, which makes sense)

Yes, well, I had already ordered it before I got wind of the TI vs. Ricoh chipset issues.  Sadly, similar (or exactly the same) issues were swirling around years and years ago when I bought my last laptop.  I was ticked off to say the least that in 7 or 8 years I was still having to deal with the same damn thing.

But it's too hard to find the right combo of features/price/availability otherwise so I went ahead and tried it out.  I'm running the DPC latency checker, and so far at least, things look okay.  I haven't gotten far enough to try streaming large amounts of audio data through the unit though.

And I did have to mess around a little with what I did or did not install in order to get a bunch of latency spikes to quiet down.  I believe it had to do with possibly the matrix manager drivers (used the newer ones from intel, not the ones on the dell site), or possibly that I had to not install some of the dell custom low-level stuff ("checkpoint"??  Something like that... sorry I'm not at that computer right now).  And I did the "optimize for background processes" thing, and have installed very little non-essential software so far.  I hold my breath every time I have to add another license daemon or ilok driver or etc though... it's stressful!

I did install from scratch a number of times just to test and get it right.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

It's stuff like this that push me toward buying from ADK.   Do I have any other options?

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Well, it's all about deciding where to trade off between money and service provided I guess.  But no matter what machine you get, once it's in your hands you'll have the stress of not screwing it up smile  If you were referring to me installing different matrix drivers (or similar kinds of things)... yeah... I guess there's no denying at least the possibility of having to do a lot of googling to get the machine to a usable state.  In the end, it wasn't much that I did (so far, and fingers crossed) but it took a fair bit of research to get there.


13 (edited by slickslack 2009-05-05 20:57:31)

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

If you read this forum wrt FireFaces and chipsets you'll see the issues some people had and the lengths one has to go to eliminate them. Manufacturers change their spec with out notice and it's hard to track down what is inside a particular laptop.
If you have a dual card laptop that sounds like an Ideal situation. If you want to get a FireFace you are also able to get a firewire card that can fit there and have that be your FireFace bus and let the laptop's FW handle data. Not much different from your Multiface setup really.

Expecting one laptop, off the shelf to be suitable for pro audio without some extension is maybe hoping for too much in this ever-changing-standards world.

What does ADK have that you are thinking about? Just curious.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

slickslack:  Actually, I've read a couple reports saying that a cardbus FW adapter STILL has the problems. (as the cardbus chipset is the same as the FW chipset)
I think the reason this given cardbus chipset works is that cardbus has much more bandwidth.

See here: … mp;start=0

I'm looking at the ADK 8500MV: … cordid=111

Basically, ADK uses the TI chipsets only... (they also use quiet fans, etc... things that help for audio work)
...((my current laptop is SCREAMING loud))

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Aha, that ADK! I was thinking about the Microphone manufacturer.

You'll have to do more research I guess. My experience with firewire and laptops is mostly data related(video editing).
I am MultiFace & RPM via PCI and Express34 all the way for audio. Reading extensively here though makes one aware of the myriad issues with FW and Ottaman's original post was about a Multiface with adapters. I can say with some honesty that I am very glad I am not dealing with FW and laptop audio.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Derail was my fault.

...slightly back on topic, I guess if the cardbus works fine with most laptops (if chipset is not an issue), then I might as well save 500$ and put that toward the expressbus card instead of the adapter.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

slickslack wrote:

The chipset issues have more to do with Firewire audio devices.(FireFace's).
For MultiFace use, if you have it working through whatever card (PCI, CardBus, Express34) the firewire bus on the laptop is just for the data stream to your hard drives.
There shouldn't be a problem with most chipsets straight for data use.

actually this is not correct.
the Express slot does not have a direct connect (and its really nothing more than a reworked PCMCIA)

the onboard firewire, Card reader, (sometimes onboard sound) esata, express slot are all controlled by the same chipset.
(saves money and board space for the manufacturer)

this is why adding a TI based Express card most times does not solve the bad chipset issue.
on the other had we had 1 shell we tried where the RME Express cards worked flawlessly and no Ti based firewire express card would work...

and these type of oddities have increased exponentially with the newer Montevina platform.

i can no longer point to 1 or 2 things with certainty and say "no that wont work"...

conversely we have had TI firewire express card work when the chipset present is one of the bad ones. (extremely rare)
but not have the RME Express card work.....
or have everything work odder still.

add to that there is NO native Ti firewire based Montevina laptop to be found. and that comes direct from TI themselves.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Thanks for the correction and clearing that up, Scott.
I can't say I envy anyone trying to sort this stuff out.
I know this is OT and a more general question but do IEEE really have such a loose standard that FW can be so differently applied across so many manufacturers? ugh!

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

drivers, drivers, drivers.
there is more to it than just the drivers, there is the firmware (which in a sense is a driver as well).
then there is the bios of the laptop. which a great deal to do with it.

here is an anology.

think of the laptop has a generator thats capable of 600W.
connected to it is 8 100W lightbulbs.
you can not run al llightbulbs @ 100W.

so the manufacturer limits the output of certain lightbulbs to 40w and others to 60w while leaving a few @ 100W
they have also allowed for a 150W reserve so you dont use too much gas (battery life) and also allowing them to shrink the size
leaving you with only 450w real output.
while you have 8 100w lightbulbs you cant use most of them @ full power.

make sense?

some of the lightbulbs not at full power sometimes.
Firewire, Express slot, 3-4 usb lightbulbs sharing 100w including the oft times esata off USB. (rather than from the intel chipset)

ODMs do not expect anyone to use a laptop as a workstation other than a few higher end ones. and now even HP/Compaq biz class no longer have TI.

remember laptops used for audio/video make up at best 2% of laptop buyers and i doubt its that high...


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Oh I know why the manufacturers do what they do and I know how (in a non electronic engineer kind of way).
I just want to know how any governing body that presumes to manage standardizations (IEEE) can let so much variation leak into a standard.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter


I just bought one of those cheapie Express Card to PCMCIA adapters from eBay. Cost me $40US including shipping.
The brand I purchased is A&S

The reason I tried it was because they stated it needs no drivers. It is a hardware convertor, no drivers needed.

1st Attempt with Windows Vista produced horrible noises. So I updated the Hammerfall card's firmware (YES the adapter DID let me update the firmware) and now the card works perfectly.

There's a couple of other brands on eBay. Go for the ones that say '32 bit cards only'.  They appear to be the hardware ones.

TuT   big_smile

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

I had forgotten I had posted to this a while back, implying that my cardbus slot worked.  In fact, it only appeared to work but would reliably hang in predictable (and unavoidable) situations.

However, I too was able to make my cardbus interface work by plugging it into a cardbus -> Express card adaptor.

In my case it was a "Serial Technologies PCMCIA Cardbus Host into ExpressCard/34 slot Converter Adapter".  I'm not seeing a model number anywhere though.

Just another data point.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

So if I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.4ghz Intel Duo Core and I'd like to use my Multiface II and PCMCIA card bus with the ExpressCard slot on the laptop, something like this will work? … 2066wt_962

I'll even be able to update firmware and won't have any latency issues?  That would be fantastic news as I was about to sell my Multiface since I'm really relying on this new mobile rig.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

All I can say is the specific model of adapter I have (not the one you linked to, but it looks similar) does in fact work in my specific model of laptop (M6400) by my specific manufacturer (Dell), with my specific OS (windows 7).  But yes, I was able to update the firmware through it, and the latency doesn't seem to be an issue as far as I can tell.


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

So did anybody manage to get his interface working with the cardbus through the express card adapter? I am now in the situation to start buying adapters and eliminate the not working ones on a list. Are there any experiences you can share to avoid me testing the same stuff again (maybe with a link or a model name)? My system is a Dell studio 1747 with Windows 7. So who got a working adapter under Windows 7 and which one is it?



Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

As I mentioned a few posts back, mine was "Serial Technologies PCMCIA Cardbus Host into ExpressCard/34 slot Converter Adapter".  That was all the information I had.  And Tut reported a working one too, but no model.  Since the models have likely changed by now anyway, you may need to just try a couple.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

glittle wrote:

As I mentioned a few posts back, mine was "Serial Technologies PCMCIA Cardbus Host into ExpressCard/34 slot Converter Adapter".  That was all the information I had.  And Tut reported a working one too, but no model.  Since the models have likely changed by now anyway, you may need to just try a couple.

thx man,

and where did you buy yours? How much was it? Are you running Windows 7?


Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

I got mine at Fry's.  I think it was around $60.  But you can find them all over the net, Newegg, Amazon, etc.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

glittle wrote:

I got mine at Fry's.  I think it was around $60.  But you can find them all over the net, Newegg, Amazon, etc.

And there is not even a little picture that will help us to identify the unit in a german online shop? Anything special maybe in the form of the case of this device?

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

It looks a lot like this: … ardbus.gif

Knowing the exact unit would probably not be useful because a) who knows if the same thing is available in Germany as in the US, and b) it was a year ago anyway, so the units are probably different now.

Nothing special about the case.  It looks like the picture above.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

What a good thread! I?ve also the "problem" with my PCMCIA-Card (Cardbus adapter to express card), so it was difficult to find a new notebook for my Multiface + PCMCIA. "DerDax" meant, that Lenovo notebooks doesn?t work with the adapter. Anybody knows, which notebook(s) works 100% with this adapter (Win 7)?

@ biergary:(german/deutsch) Hast du eine funktionierende Adapterl?sung gefunden? W?rde mich sehr interessieren. Z.Zt. finde ich auf ebay nur den Adapter von "Lindy". Falls ja, welches Notebook hast du am Start? Danke!

Thanks & greetz ... Dan

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

Ich habe mein Multiface I auch mit einem handels?blichen PCMCIA > PCI Adapter an meinem Desktop PC. Alles wunderbar und ordentlich g?nstiger als die passende PCI Karte.

Re: Multiface and CardBus to ExpressCard adapter

I have a flat RME cardbus with a $15 Startech expresscard adaptor running Windows 10 = totally works.

Startech adaptor works.