Topic: New Drivers and a feature request.

Hey guys the new HDSPe Madi drivers work excellently.  I really, REALLY appreciate the sample rate dropdown in the settings app.  That you, Thank you, Thank you.

Here's the feature request.  For the longest time I have been looking for a way to put a sample rate selection box in the menu bar.  It would be great if you could add an option to the settings application to place a button in the menubar which displays the current sample rate and allows you to select the sample rate directly from the menu bar.  (Basically, put the sample rate selection box that you added to the new drivers in the menubar.) 

Alternately, you could add this feature to the newly created HDSP Agent.  This way the settings app doesn't have to be running for the menubar item to be shown.

This would be so great, and it would look sweet on a dedicated audio workstation cool  It would be so useful as I sync externally, but the interface won't switch sample rate RANGES automatically, so I'm always opening audio midi setup (now I can do it from settings app) to change the sample rate.  Let me know if you need any more info or ideas on this because I have been thinking about it (and trying to find a way to do it) for quite some time.  I have a feeling that it would be a piece of cake for you guys.


Re: New Drivers and a feature request.

What do you think MC? Is this possible?


Re: New Drivers and a feature request.

Nothing is impossible. But as this is a system setting anyone could write such a tool, and it would work with any soundcard. Anyone excludes us at this time because we have no time left, sorry. BTW, the menu bar is only visible for the currently selected program, so the advantage of this feature is limited.

Matthias Carstens

Re: New Drivers and a feature request.

No, I mean on the right end of the menubar, by the clock.  I have other applications with menubar items that run either while the program is running or on their own as a sort of agent.  Things like cpu monitors, or the menubar items for things like time machine and airport.  Menubar items are normally used to monitor the behavior of, and provide some access to, applications and their parameters.  The whole point is that it's ALWAYS visible, just like the clock.

Check out this picture:

The only apple supplied menubar items are the clock and spotlight.  The rest are 3rd party: Menumeters, which display cpu, mem, disk, and net activity and Dropbox, an online tool for that I am using to link the image above. 

It is apparently fairly easy for a dev with an application that already includes the desired functionality of the menubar item to incorporate the item into their application.  This is why I decided to ask you about it.  The settings application now has exactly the functionality which I desire in the menubar item, so it should be a relatively simple task to incorporate it.

Like I said, I have been looking into this for some time now and really wish I had the knowhow to do it myself.

Because of the way the driver works, where the card will not switch sample rate ranges unless told to do so by software, this feature is necessary.  If the card would simply ALWAYS sync to incoming word clock like every other piece of gear that I own, there would be absolutely no need for such an application.  Unfortunately, I put my clock into 88.2 and the card refuses to switch from 44.1 until I switch it manually in the software.  We have been over why it functions this way, so no use explaining it to me again.  However, because RME has chosen to make the card function as it does, I believe that the menubar item (that is the Apple branded name in case you want to look into coding it) would be a HUGE service to your client base.  If you are going to force people to switch rate ranges manually, at least make it convenient.


Re: New Drivers and a feature request.

Please at least let me know that you understand what I am asking for.  I understand if you don't have time to implement it, but please at least try and grasp the concept.  I think it would be a very useful addition to the RME drivers at some point in the future.



Re: New Drivers and a feature request.

I understood all this, it's just a matter of time.

Matthias Carstens