Topic: What's the difference in quality

I have a Digi 9636 and in my studio and am thinking about swapping it for the 96 PAD8 as I only need 1 light pipe in the studio and will need 16 channels for my mobile rig.  Will there be any loss of quality in the ADDA conversion with this swap?


Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.


Re: What's the difference in quality

No, as the quality here depends on the external converters used. Note that the 9636 is a true busmaster card. Recording 8 channels at once will cause some CPU load with the PAD...

Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the difference in quality

Generally I'm recording 2 tracks simultaneously and maybe 1 output track being played back.  It's a core 2 duo 2.4GHz machine primarily running SAW Studio.  Do you think I'm OK?


Creative Audio Production
Connectivity: ISDN-Phone Patch-Skype
High end gear-25 yrs experience.