1 (edited by grema 2010-01-24 10:03:17)

Topic: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

if you answer is possible in german, pls.

when i install my driver for the hammerfall multiface the red light is still on..when i start cubase or reason i get this errorcode: FE7-D-0013
there is also a text like: there is a problem with the connection to soundcard, pls restart the program or windows..if i do that, nothin happend.

askin for help..

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

Geht das HDSP-Settingsfenster auf?
(Does the settings window open up)?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

ja alles ganz normal..

(yes, evrything normal)

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

also der genaue text wenn ich cubase oder reason starte ist der: die verbinndung mit der soundkarte wurde unterbrochen. bitte w?hlen sie "ger?te zur?cksetzen" im optionsmen? oder starten sie cubase oder eventuell sogar windows neu.

the installation is going fine...no errors nothing. when i reboot windows, the red light is stil on. when i go to audio settings there seems evrything to be ok! there are analog outs, i have choosen 1+2 for my monitors. evrything seems to be ok..

im thinking about that there is a windows problem maby?!

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

...when i open the settings, i see: I/O Box State: Error

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

ok, it works. the cable was  in the wrong slot on the pc..haha

Re: Errorcode: FE7-D-0013

Gl?ck gehabt... Dabei k?nnte das MF auch besch?digt werden...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs