1 (edited by Aleks 2010-01-29 19:14:23)

Topic: AI4s not reconize with HDSPe ?


i just receive an ai4s. i 've followed the manual instructions. the green light is OK on the ai4s. but there is no additionnal anlaog input on the hdsp mixer.

i've uninstalled and reinstalled the hdspe with the lastest driver and verify all connection.( winxp 32)

i can't test with an other card or with an other pci express bus.

do i have to return the ai4s ?

thanks a lot

Re: AI4s not reconize with HDSPe ?

ok..i have the ai4s and not ai4s-aio DeadHorse:

Re: AI4s not reconize with HDSPe ?

i have an other problem : i don't know where to buy the extension : all sites i visit propose the ai4s-192 and not the aio model and they say that is ok with HDSP aio :
ex (sorry it's in french) :

i use to buy audio product on thomann.de but they don't have the extension

if you can give me the name of serious shop which can send the rigth extension in few days or a way to recognise  the right model

thanks a lot


Re: AI4s not reconize with HDSPe ?

The old AI and AO 4 and 8 channel extension boards, working with internal ADAT ports, are out of production for some time now.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by Aleks 2010-01-31 10:53:54)

Re: AI4s not reconize with HDSPe ?

Hi Mathias,

sorry but i think i have miss something in your response:

- i have the HDSPe AIO. i have received the AI4s-192 serial 22871196 and it is not recognise by the HDSPe AIO.

question 1 : does this extension have to work with HDSPe AIO : in this cas i ask a exchange : the card is HS. or  if it 's not the case i 've to send back the card and buy the rigth model i think ai4s - 192 -aio

question2 if i've to buy ai4s -192-aio : where can i buy it

by readind your site : " Note: AI4S-192 and AO4S-192 (without the suffix AIO) do work only with the HDSP 9632. The current Expansion Boards with the suffix AIO work with both cards. " i think i have a non compatible model

http://www.rme-audio.de/en_products_hds … boards.php

but when i read the HDSPE aio manual only the AI4S-192 appear it's  why i'im confused :

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/hdspeaio_e.pdf page 7

ps : sorry for the bad english id o my best