Topic: Missing link in HDSPe series for ProTools HD / RME ADI 8 + Logic users
Since AVID digidesign's DAE will not support Logic Pro 9 with Snow Leopard there is a missing link for users of Logic with protools HD2 PCIe accell. The HDSPe RayDAT is to big cause it uses more than one Slot so it only make sense if you have a Protools HD1 accell PCIe and the HDSPe A/O is to small cause it has only one ADAT I/O.
Users like me don't need the MIDI I/O: Modern synths have USB Midi and for other MIDI connections most times a UNITOR, Command 8, KORE2 or something else is available. So the interface Card should only have (minimum) 2 (two!) ADAT I/O for connection with digidesigns 96 I/O or 192 I/O or RME ADI 8 Pro / QS / DS and wordclock I/O! Nothing else! So it should be possible to put it all on one PCIe card. If there should be more room it would make sense to put one ore two more USBs and one more firewire 800 on this card. This would be good for the DAW (ProTools, Logic, Motu etc. to use more external drives or DAW controllers without a HUB. I think there are a lot of users that have ProTools HD2 and cause AVId has prolonged the HD upgrate for a moderate price now this ha a real sense to produce such a HDSPe card now very fast.
This solution makes it possible to use 2 ADI-8 for 16 i/o channels or combinations of ADI-8 with other interfaces or to use digidesigns 96 I/O or 192 I/O, Apogees ensemble etc. with Logic Pro or other non ProTools DAWs. It also allows the simultan use of Pro Tools AND Logic on the same computer.
For audio recording ProTools can be used. And up to 16 Channels of audio can be routed from Logic Pro into ProTools with AUX ins or into normal audio inputs for recording and sound modification. The TDM plugIns are very usefull if you have them cause they do not load the CPU and replace lots of outboard gear. I mean eventide anthology and some more.