Topic: Only one MIDI port with 2 HDSPe cards & 2 Multifaces...?

Anyone got thoughts on this?

I have 2 HDSPe cards, a Multiface 1 and a Multiface 2.

I've tried various configurations, but only seem to get 1 Windows MIDI port. It's always "2- Multiface Midi", but no "1- Multiface Midi".

I get 2 DirectMusic MIDI ports, but because they have the same name, Windows seems to get them confused.

Is this just a limitation of the system when multiple cards are used?

I'm running Cubase 5.1.1 on Windows 7 64 bit.


Re: Only one MIDI port with 2 HDSPe cards & 2 Multifaces...?

Do you have others MIDI controllers installed ?
Sounds like Windows XP's '10 entry limit'  issue is back under Seven (even it was fixed under Vista).
Check this to see if that helps

Re: Only one MIDI port with 2 HDSPe cards & 2 Multifaces...?

I have a couple, but I don't think that's the problem.

The name of the 2 ports which appear for Directmusic are identical. Not easy to see exactly what Cubase is doing, but it does seem to get confused if I try to use those 2 ports. Select either one and the MIDI always gets run out the same port regardless.