Topic: Window stay on top on Mac

Hi there

Would be great if there was an option that the digicheck window stays on top of all other windows on the Mac.


Nuendo 12.0.40, RME Madiface XT, MacMini 2018, 3.2ghz 6 core i7, 32gb ram, Monterey 12.5.

Re: Window stay on top on Mac

Yes Yes Yes... this was asked for some time ago, however, there was a technical reason at the time making it not possible. Hopefully things have changed since and we can stimulate the possibility!

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

Re: Window stay on top on Mac

ME TOO !!! cool


Hackintosh, Dual Xeon X5460, RME RayDAT, Logic 9