Topic: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

I'm getting some sort of sympathetic vibration in a new DAW I'm building. Using Cubase (32bit currently) as I lower the buffer settings for the card, I can hear a buzz that increases in pitch at each step (and seems to get louder). Also, each plugin I load on a project makes the vibration louder, no matter what the buffer setting.

I think the vibration is actually coming from the power supply as I changed it out with another I had and that decreased the intensity.

The sound out (at least through the headphone jack) is not affected. What is affected are my powered KRK Rokit5G2 monitors. Even when not connected to that DAW they pick up the buzz! My KRKs have always been susceptible to computer-related interference, but never like this.

The new DAW is for an associate and we're hoping that his monitors will not be affected this way. I think we'll get another power supply, anyway, as the vibration is quite pronounced.

Anyone got a clue as to what's going on? Any suggestions for a power supply? Could this be some sort of "dirty power" problem?

Re: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

Are the monitors connected with balanced cables?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

RME Support wrote:

Are the monitors connected with balanced cables?

Daniel Fuchs

Not yet...I'm going to try that. My own setup isn't as annoying. Any ideas as to why the his computer itself would be buzzing like that in proportion to the buffer settings and plugin load? It's not just Cubase either. Tried the Reaper demo at 64bits and got the same results.

Re: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

You mean this is an acoustic buzz from the hardware?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by johnnytucats 2010-03-24 15:18:49)

Re: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

RME Support wrote:

You mean this is an acoustic buzz from the hardware?

Daniel Fuchs

Yes...and the changing pitch/intensity reflects what I would hear through my monitors, if I had them turned on.

It seems to be the power supply itself. This one is a Corsair CMPSU-650TX.

Re: PCI 9632 HDSP / Windows 7 64bit / New DAW Build Weirdness

Just wanted to let you know we resolved this problem with a different power supply (SeaSonic X650).