Keep in mind that a mic placed 2" from the speaker will NOT sound the same as your amp does in the room at ear height. If you want more of a room sound, then consider either using room mics or combining the tight mic with a further room mic for the "room tone" you might be looking for (relative placement of close/far mics is also crucial here).
Mic and preamp selection along with your actual amp tone and MIC PLACEMENT goes a very long way, but you should be able to ge a workable sound with a SM57 and a FF800. You might try to tweak your amp's sound as you monitor the mic in the headphones since that is what you will be recording (or record a short pass, and listen back - make small mic placement changes and repeat until you get close to the sound you want).
Most people seem to be shocked how their amps sound when tight-mic'd for the first time - generally due to a somewhat harsh sound at the amp to begin with. Good tone (or more correctly: APPROPRIATE tone for the song) at the amp makes everything else fall into place that much easier...

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